Location and general information

National/regional context
The lack of sports facilities in schools in Bassam, Diabo and Adiaké prevents children, especially girls, from regularly practising sport.
Project goals
The Educafoot project uses sport, and football in particular, to help children flourish and become well-rounded members of society. It relies on a toolkit to achieve various objectives. It seeks to address issues such as gender equality and access to sport. It also aims to teach children about the environment and instil in them sporting values such as perseverance, pushing oneself, the importance of community, and respect for the rules and for their opponents. The idea is to enhance the children’s mental and physical well-being. The main thrust of the project is to equip 15 schools a year for four years and enable thousands of children to join Educafoot.
Project content / details
The programme is centred around a year-long inter-school tournament, featuring challenges in three subjects: maths, French (dictation) and physical education (PE), with a focus on football. Up to three points are available in each event, and the team that gets the most points overall is the winner. All of the teams are mixed and refereeing is done by both girls and boys. The tournament concludes with a grand final.
The tournament is an opportunity to teach children about:
- diversity;
- teamwork;
- refereeing, which involves leadership and decision-making;
- the environment, through a film screening and discussion, an activity involving making a net out of plastic waste, and cleaning the school before each game;
- the captain’s role.