Location and general information

In addition to the difficult political situation, people in Belarus are severely affected by economic hardships and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. According to official data and research by UNICEF Belarus, about 30,000 children live in out-of-home care, 30% of whom in state-run boarding houses, mainly for reasons of disability (46 %). State-run institutions lack the funds to make their premises accessible, invest in the surroundings or provide occupational training. Two-thirds of families with three or more children live below the poverty line, most in rural areas. More than one million people live in areas still affected by the Chernobyl catastrophe.
Project content
The aim is to improve the psychosocial well-being of vulnerable children in Belarus by means of inclusive activities (contribution to SDG 3: improved well-being; UNCRC: right to play and exercise; UNCRPD: right to inclusion).
Partly, activities will take place in the Caritas Centre St Lucas in Borovlyany (near Minsk), a centre for children suffering from cancer and their caregivers, children’s holiday recreational activities, activities for children with disabilities and others living in the surrounding area. Other activities will be held in state-run schools, boarding houses, foster families and in parishes in the Minsk and Mogilev regions.
Objective 1: 420 youngsters: (children suffering from cancer, children of all abilities and children of vulnerable families staying in the Caritas Centre St Lucas) can use a new, inclusive playground
Objective 2: 8,200 vulnerable children are encouraged to get more exercise during Caritas action days (Action and Fun Bus) and enjoy a more inclusive environment in state institutions
Objective 3: 40 teachers and caregivers learn how to add exercise to the everyday lives of children of all abilities
Project activities
Activity Cluster 1: Build the inclusive playground; organise special activities for children living in the surrounding area during weekends and holidays
Activity Cluster 2.1: Purchase the bus and inclusive equipment; organise ‘activity days’ in parishes and state-run boarding houses; train volunteers
Activity Cluster 2.2: Launch a call for tender for inclusive micro-projects for schools
Activity Cluster 3: Organise two train-the-trainer sessions about the programme, to develop and distribute a manual
Expected results
Result 1: An inclusive playground in the Caritas-Centre St Lucas near Minsk will be used by 420 children living with cancer and other vulnerable children
Result 2.1: 3,200 vulnerable children will be encouraged to play and to get exercise during activity days
Result 2.2: State-run institutions will provide a more inclusive environment through a micro-project tender
Result 3: 40 teachers or school staff are taught how to run the programme in their everyday work and share their knowledge with parents and colleagues