Mighty Members

Location and general information

Location Cambodia, Battambang
Start date 01/01/2024
End date 01/01/2025
Cost of the project €61,400
Foundation funding €15,000
Project identifier 20220444
Partners SALT Academy
Categories Access to Sport - Conflict victims - Employability - Environmental protection - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Personal development - Strengthening partnerships


Generation after generation of young people in Cambodia experience neglect, trafficking and abuse as a result of poverty.

Mighty Members sets out to break this cycle through education, football and mentoring, with 40 carefully selected young adults cascading the programme in their communities and creating a positive cycle that impacts thousands of people a week.

Project goals

Empower young people to be change makers through sport

  • Build self-efficacy
  • Promote good health, nutrition and physical activity
  • Educate and create future job opportunities
  • Instil character strengths and moral values

Project content

Mighty Members is a full-time programme designed to empower young men and women who have experienced poverty, domestic violence, abandonment, child labour and trafficking. We have 40 members – 20 male and 20 female – between the ages 13 and 20. The programme uses education, mentoring and football training to give the 40 Mighty Members real-world, marketable skills that will serve them for the rest of their lives.

What makes the programme special is that, as the Mighty Members rise up, they themselves take what they have learned out into their communities, coaching, mentoring and teaching life skills to others.


Advancing Climate Actions and Protection through Inclusive Sports

Location and general information

Location Egypt, Greater Cairo
Start date 01/01/2024
End date 12/31/2024
Cost of the project €105,847
Foundation funding €105,847
Project identifier 20230440
Partners Terre des hommes Foundation
Categories Access to Sport - Environmental protection - Gender Equality


The proposed project capitalizes on the lessons learned from the ongoing project funded by UEFA entitled “Football for Climate Change”. It builds on a bottom-up approach that better addresses the needs of the target groups and enhances the effectiveness of project outcomes. In doing so, Tdh conducted a Focus Group Discussion to identify children’s and youth recommendations and enhance their participation in the proposed project. Children indicated that their engagement in sports activities enhanced their understanding of climate change concepts in addition to helping them acquire life skills such as communication. Children recommended including other types of sports, and they also highlighted the need for more intensive climate change activities. Accordingly, the project seeks to invest in the good practices that proved to be effective during the current phase to reach a greater impact of the intervention.

Project goals

Overall objective:

  • To enhance children's well-being, protection, and leadership skills and to empower them to design and lead positive actions on climate change, with the support of their families, sports coaches, and local government through inclusive sports activities.

Specific objective:

  • Vulnerable children between 13 to 18 years old, from forcibly displaced groups and local communities, are provided with a safe environment for sports activities that promote social cohesion between groups.
  • Children, caregivers, families, and local government representatives design and lead positive actions to address climate change in the local community through the targeted youth centers.

Project content

Sport for protection refresher training for 15 coaches at 5 youth centres

Terre des Hommes’ Football for Protection methodology is used to improve collaboration, communication, emotional management and creative thinking skills, and enhance participants’ sense of responsibility and knowledge of climate issues. The five youth centres will apply this methodology (rebranded ‘sport for protection’) to football and a second sport, selected according to the results of a survey of participants’ interests. Four-day refresher courses for the coaches will include facilitation skills, technical sports skills and soft skills for integrative work with children and adolescents, child protection principles and gender equality in sports participation.

Result: 15 coaches trained to promote a safe and inclusive environment in 5 youth centres

 20 sports coaching sessions organised for 400 children

The 15 coaches will deliver 20 coaching sessions (two different sports) using the sport for protection methodology. Building on the sport for development concept, which uses sport to promote children's social and personal development, the sessions will foster the inclusion of marginalised adolescents of all genders, including refugees, promote access to physically safe and appropriately equipped sports facilities and develop participants’ life skills.

Result: 400 young people participate safely in sports activities that enhance their well-being and develop their life skills

 Climate change training for 25 Terre des Hommes staff and sports coaches

In cooperation with the Egyptian ministry for the environment, an awareness programme will be developed with interactive and practical climate change activities designed to involve sports coaches and youngsters. Two days of training will be organised for Terre des Homme staff and sports coaches to build their knowledge of climate change and equip them to implement the programme effectively. The ministry of youth and sports will also be involved to ensure the replicability of the project.

Result: 25 Terre des Hommes staff and sports coaches trained to deliver climate change awareness programme

Climate change awareness sessions for 400 young people

Climate change awareness sessions will be delivered at all five youth centres in cooperation with the ministry for the environment. They will be associated with sports coaching sessions to foster the link between climate change and sport and enhance young people’s global understanding of climate change issues, with specific reference to the Egyptian context. Participants will gain a robust grounding in climate concepts, causes of change, and adaptation and mitigation practices enabling them to design and implement initiatives of their own.

10 environmental initiatives across 5 youth centres

After completing the awareness sessions and with the support of the project team, their sports coaches and their families, the 400 participants will design and lead 10 environmental initiatives (two per centre) that address environmental problems in their communities.

Result: 400 young people design and lead 10 environmental initiatives coordinated by trained sports coaches

Initiatives promoted among families and communities through sports competitions

Two-day sports competitions (involving two different sports) will then be organised by each of the five youth centres, with opportunities to promote the participants’ environmental initiatives and share their experiences with families, communities and peers – promoting positive climate action and youth advocacy, physical health and healthy competition, and encouraging the replication of initiatives within the community.

Result: 3,000 family members and caregivers introduced to the risks of climate change and recommended action at sports competitions


Promoting togetherness through girls in football

Location and general information

Location Kosovo, Priština
Start date 01/01/2024
End date 01/31/2025
Cost of the project €90,550
Foundation funding €78,550
Project identifier 20231077
Partners KFV Prishtina – Prishtina Girls Football Team
Categories Access to Sport - Children with disabilities - Conflict victims - Environmental protection - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Personal development - Strengthening partnerships


Despite strides towards peace in post-conflict Kosovo, social divisions persist in some communities, which makes cooperation harder, especially among the younger generation.

This project seeks to use football as a tool for social change with the power to transcend geographical, cultural and gender boundaries. Interest in women's sports is growing in Kosovo, but the participation of young women and girls remains low due to gender stereotypes and other barriers.

Project goals

  • Boost the involvement of young women and girls in football, including those with disabilities
  • Create a safe environment for girls to play football, free from bullying and discrimination
  • Foster trust and unite girls from diverse communities
  • Break down barriers and create a cohesive environment
  • Improve the well-being and develop the life skills of girls through football
  • Ensure representation from every community by creating girls football teams in all primary schools
  • Raise awareness about gender equality, diversity and discrimination prevention, and about the positive impact of sports on mental health, well-being and confidence
  • Achieve community engagement and involve local and national partners

Project content

  • Girls football teams in all primary schools so that all girls have access to free training twice a week
  • Tournaments where girls from different ethnic backgrounds can play together
  • City football teams for girls with disabilities, set up in close collaboration with Down Syndrome Kosova
  • Volunteer outreach, whereby older girls from KFV Prishtina volunteer in activities with younger and disabled girls
  • Targeted training programmes designed to improve communication, teamwork and leadership skills among girls from various ethnic communities
  • Mentoring sessions with role models to educate girls about the sustainable development goals, including gender equality and environmental conservation
  • Training for sports teachers and staff on the UEFA Child Safeguarding Policy, in order to create a safe and inclusive sporting environment
  • Meetings with an ombudsperson to raise awareness of discrimination
  • Partnership agreements with local government bodies, the media and academia and collaborating with national organisations working to prevent discrimination
  • Gender inclusivity workshops, community football events and advocacy campaigns designed to engage the community
  • A joint tournament to mark the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace
  • A World Children’s Day tournament in Brezovica using football to bring together different ethnic communities


Advancing climate action through inclusive sport

Location and general information

Location Egypt, Cairo
Start date 01/01/2024
End date 12/31/2024
Cost of the project €105,847
Foundation funding €105,847
Project identifier 20230440
Partners Terre des Hommes Egypt
Categories Access to Sport - Environmental protection - Gender Equality


Learning from and building on the Football for Climate Change project, Terre des Hommes Egypt initiated focus group discussions to gather young people’s recommendations for this follow-up project, to enhance the involvement and better address the needs of the target groups and optimise the project outcomes. The participants confirmed that sports activities could be used to enhance their understanding of climate change as well as helping them acquire life skills such as how to communicate effectively. They recommended including a wider range of sports and more intensive climate change activities.

Project goals

Overall objective

To use inclusive sports activities at five youth centres in the greater Cairo area to enhance young people's well-being, protection and leadership skills, and empower them to design and implement environmental initiatives with the support of their families, sports coaches and local government.

 Specific goals

  • To provide vulnerable 13 to 18-year-olds from forcibly displaced groups and local communities with a safe environment for sports activities that promote social cohesion.
  • To help youngsters, caregivers, families and local government design and lead positive climate action in the community.

Project content

Sport for protection refresher training for 15 coaches at 5 youth centres

Terre des Hommes’ Football for Protection methodology is used to improve collaboration, communication, emotional management and creative thinking skills, and enhance participants’ sense of responsibility and knowledge of climate issues. The five youth centres will apply this methodology (rebranded ‘sport for protection’) to football and a second sport, selected according to the results of a survey of participants’ interests. Four-day refresher courses for the coaches will include facilitation skills, technical sports skills and soft skills for integrative work with children and adolescents, child protection principles and gender equality in sports participation.

Result: 15 coaches trained to promote a safe and inclusive environment in 5 youth centres

 20 sports coaching sessions organised for 400 children

The 15 coaches will deliver 20 coaching sessions (two different sports) using the sport for protection methodology. Building on the sport for development concept, which uses sport to promote children's social and personal development, the sessions will foster the inclusion of marginalised adolescents of all genders, including refugees, promote access to physically safe and appropriately equipped sports facilities and develop participants’ life skills.

Result: 400 young people participate safely in sports activities that enhance their well-being and develop their life skills

Climate change training for 25 Terre des Hommes staff and sports coaches

In cooperation with the Egyptian ministry for the environment, an awareness programme will be developed with interactive and practical climate change activities designed to involve sports coaches and youngsters. Two days of training will be organised for Terre des Homme staff and sports coaches to build their knowledge of climate change and equip them to implement the programme effectively. The ministry of youth and sports will also be involved to ensure the replicability of the project.

Result: 25 Terre des Hommes staff and sports coaches trained to deliver climate change awareness programme

Climate change awareness sessions for 400 young people

Climate change awareness sessions will be delivered at all five youth centres in cooperation with the ministry for the environment. They will be associated with sports coaching sessions to foster the link between climate change and sport and enhance young people’s global understanding of climate change issues, with specific reference to the Egyptian context. Participants will gain a robust grounding in climate concepts, causes of change, and adaptation and mitigation practices enabling them to design and implement initiatives of their own.

10 environmental initiatives across 5 youth centres

After completing the awareness sessions and with the support of the project team, their sports coaches and their families, the 400 participants will design and lead 10 environmental initiatives (two per centre) that address environmental problems in their communities.

Result: 400 young people design and lead 10 environmental initiatives coordinated by trained sports coaches

Initiatives promoted among families and communities through sports competitions

Two-day sports competitions (involving two different sports) will then be organised by each of the five youth centres, with opportunities to promote the participants’ environmental initiatives and share their experiences with families, communities and peers – promoting positive climate action and youth advocacy, physical health and healthy competition, and encouraging the replication of initiatives within the community.

Result: 3,000 family members and caregivers introduced to the risks of climate change and recommended action at sports competitions


VillaGol: Football for Life

Location and general information

Location Peru
Start date 01/01/2023
End date 06/30/2024
Cost of the project €97,915
Foundation funding €47,128
Project identifier 20220801
Partners Fundación Athletic Club
Categories Access to Sport - Children with disabilities - Environmental protection - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Infrastructure and equipment - Personal development


The project is based on one of the world’s greatest success stories in building a local caring community: Villa El Salvador in Lima, Peru. Following the Shining Path Communist party’s violent insurgency, the military government worked directly with the community to develop an alternative to eviction for 4,000 homeless families in Lima. The government surveyed and divided up a large piece of vacant land south of the city, offering lots to any family in Lima that needed housing. These lots were organised into residential units: groups of several blocks each featuring a central plaza as a natural space for community organisation. The resulting town, Villa El Salvador, was awarded various distinctions, including the title of Messenger City of Peace by UNESCO and the Príncipe de Asturias Prize by Spain the same year, both in 1987. It is probably the most famous shanty town in Peru.

Unity and strength have always been part and parcel of Villa El Salvador. Inspired by and modelled on this, the VillaGol: Football for Life project is essentially a preventive project that aims to ensure that children spend their free time on appropriate sports and recreational activities, thus reducing the risk of them engaging in dangerous risky behaviour.

Project goals

The project's objectives are to reinforce cohabitation values among this very diverse population through football, using the sport as a tool to bring communities together and tackle social problems; to prevent violence among young people by promoting peace and coexistence, and to promote women's sports. The aim is to promote the integration of children and adolescents through recreational activities to prevent them from engaging in risky behaviour.

Project content

  1. Planning the VillaGol programme in sports schools
  2. Coordinating and implementing security measures
  3. Training coaches holding a C license awarded by the Peruvian Football Federation
  4. Providing educational and sports equipment for annual competitions
  5. Repairing and refurbishing the clubhouse (painting and lighting fixtures)
  6. Paying administrative staff


Festival 23

Location and general information

Location Sydney, Australia
Start date 01/15/2023
End date 12/31/2023
Cost of the project €600,000
Foundation funding €80,000
Project identifier 20220520
Partners University of New South Wales, Football United programme
Categories Access to Sport - Employability - Environmental protection - Gender Equality - Personal development - Strengthening partnerships


Football United is a member of the Common Goal movement that unites 200 grassroots organisations that use football to promote social change, in areas such as gender equity, climate action, social inclusion and poverty reduction. An essential part of these organisations’ sustainability efforts is training and empowering youth to become leaders in the football for good (F4G) space, providing organisational sustainability, enabling the global movement to further develop and improving the impact of the F4G sector. F4G festivals enable such training opportunities.

Project goals

Festival 23 will build youth leader capacity to create positive social change in 25 communities throughout Australia with immediate practical engagement during the festival. Training from global experts will focus on the UN’s Global Goals to enhance the capacity of F4G organisations to achieve the objectives in health; education; access to sport; personal development; integration of minorities; and the protection of children’s rights.

Project content

Festival 23 will provide the social legacy for the upcoming 2023 Women’s World Cup. F4G festivals have been a way to build youth leadership capacity at every FIFA World Cup since 2006. Evaluations indicate participants increased their capacity to take on leadership roles in their respective communities after the event.

Festival 23 will bring up to 120 youth leaders from around the world together for ten days of capacity-building through F4G themed training alongside community engagement mechanisms and activities. Festival 23 is therefore a catalyst for progressive leadership development in F4G organisations, leveraging the immense power of mass football events.

1. Four days of capacity-building workshops by global experts in F4G, Global Goals themes relating to climate action, gender empowerment, health, education, employability, advocacy

2. Application of training as youth leaders will engage with 25 diverse, low socio-economic communities in football gala days

3. Fair-play tournament between teams comprising the youth leaders and Common Goal footballers

4. Increased engagement and application of acquired competencies in the participants’ home countries following Festival 23


Sports for Resilience and Empowerment Project, phase 2

Location and general information

Location Acholi neighbourhood, Kinuuma Masindi district, Kampala city, Uganda
Start date 12/01/2022
End date 12/01/2024
Cost of the project €350000
Foundation funding €200000
Project identifier 20220122
Partners The Aliguma Foundation
Categories Access to Sport - Children with disabilities - Conflict victims - Employability - Environmental protection - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Infrastructure and equipment - Personal development - Strengthening partnerships


The Aliguma Foundation is a charitable organisation that helps marginalised communities access the basic requirements of life. The organisation aims to improve the living standards of mothers and children. The foundation currently operates in Acholi, a slum neighbourhood on the outskirts of Kampala, mostly inhabited by refugees from northern Uganda.

Project goals

1. Identify and develop the career goals of individuals through sport

2. Enhance education and literacy among children to promote holistic development

3. Provide decent housing and a safe environment in which women from deprived backgrounds can raise their children

4. Create income-generating alternatives for mothers who are suffering severe hardships

5. Consolidate the progress made by the project by using sport and businesses as catalysts to allow 1,500 women and 5,000 children and young people to move out of social and economic exclusion

6. Extend the Sports for Resilience and Empowerment Project to refugee communities in the West Nile region and parts of western Uganda by organising football tournaments for refugee and host communities

7. Establish a football tournament for primary schools as a means to campaign for the protection of children, and girls in particular

8. Use football matches as a vehicle to offer more educational scholarships

9. Continue the construction of the Sports and Empowerment Centre, including two football pitches, volleyball and basketball courts and dormitories at the Women and Child Empowerment Centre in Masindi

10. Establish a practical skills unit at the Sports and Empowerment Centre in Masindi


Project content

- Girl child campaign in schools and communities

- Slum Soccer tournament

- UEFA Foundation ball project in schools

- Education

- Infrastructure development

- Income-generating activities at the empowerment centre



Location and general information

Location Maasai Mara ecosystem, Narok County, Kenya
Start date 01/01/2023
End date 06/30/2023
Cost of the project €51,568
Foundation funding €3,000
Project identifier 20220309
Partners Water4Wildlife Maasai Mara Foundation
Categories Access to Sport - Children with disabilities - Environmental protection - Gender Equality - Infrastructure and equipment - Personal development


The Maasai Mara national reserve is a wildlife conservation area in Kenya that is also home to human settlements.

Project goals

1. Increase children's access to football training sessions and matches to promote the social integration and cohesion of communities in Maasai Mara

2. Encourage girls' involvement through training and coaching

3. Educate children on wildlife conservation and life and social skills while countering adverse behaviour such as drug abuse and negative peer pressure

Project content

The Football4Wildlife programme promotes conservation awareness and encourages positive relationships in the community. The beneficiaries are children from extremely disadvantaged backgrounds in state primary schools in Maasai Mara. They are given access to sports and football in particular, while encouraging their commitment to wildlife conservation through fun activities. Information sessions and guidance on conservation will be provided alongside the sports activities. Girls are encouraged to take part in football training, to enhance gender equality. Schools will be supplied with football equipment, such as playing kits and footballs, as well as educational materials, i.e. books and marker pens, for wildlife conservation training.


Football for Climate Change

Location and general information

Location Cairo, Egypt
Start date 02/01/2023
End date 05/31/2024
Cost of the project €100,000
Foundation funding €100,000
Project identifier 20220602
Partners Terre des Hommes Egypt
Categories Access to Sport - Conflict victims - Environmental protection - Gender Equality - Personal development


Egypt currently hosts nearly 290,000 registered refugees and asylum seekers. Children and young people from these communities report high levels of discrimination, exploitation and insecurity, among other protection issues.

Programmes based around sports, playing and art are important for the physical health and social, psychological and developmental needs of young people who have experienced the stress and anxiety of forced displacement.            

Project goals

Football for Climate Change promotes sport as a way to improve social cohesion among vulnerable young Egyptians and refugees living in Egypt and offers them the opportunity to take action on climate change. It does this by:

  1. Implementing and maintaining a sustainable, safe environment for youth participation through football in 20 schools in the El-Obour district;
  2. Organising a Climate Change Football tournament in El-Obour to promote behaviour to address climate change among local students, caregivers and families.

Project content

The project leverages the potential of Terre des Hommes’s Football for Protection (F4P) methodology to develop young people’s skills and well-being. This interactive approach consists of four interrelated programmes:

1. F4P Training of Trainers for staff and teachers in 20 schools in El-Obour district

Five-day training programmes are provided for 20 sports teachers and ten community facilitators on F4P methodology and using football to enhance knowledge of climate change issues. The programme includes technical sport skills and soft skills for children and young people, focusing on child protection, intercultural education, leadership, conflict management, community engagement, experiential learning, etc.

2. Technical and financial support to enable schools to implement an F4P programme for 400 students (at least 25% of whom are girls and 5% are disabled students)

Trained facilitators and teachers carry out weekly F4P coaching sessions to enhance the well-being and inclusion of the participating students. The project team sets up the groups, some of which are girls-only groups to encourage participation, and provides the necessary sports equipment. Safeguarding procedures monitored by the project team ensure protective, gender-sensitive environments and climate change awareness is integrated into the coaching sessions.

3. Supporting social sports initiatives

The 400 participating children, supported by the project team, facilitators and teachers, work in groups to coordinate three social sports initiatives per school. These initiatives use sport to raise awareness of climate change, reaching at least 2,000 fellow students.

4. A football tournament for the 20 participating schools in the El-Obour district

The project team organises a district football tournament between the participating schools. The students of each school design their own kit, which should promote climate change messages.

Terre des Hommes Egypt posts short videos, testimonies and success stories on social media to promote the project.


Teaching life skills and personal development through football

Location and general information

Location Indonesia
Start date 12/20/2022
End date 12/19/2023
Cost of the project €30,000
Foundation funding €20,000
Project identifier 20220009
Partners ASA Foundation (Yayasan ASA Asia)
Categories Access to Sport - Environmental protection - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Infrastructure and equipment - Personal development - Strengthening partnerships


Garut has high levels of poverty, with poor levels of education, health and development, and discrimination against women and girls.

Furthermore, Indonesia is now one of the world’s largest plastic waste producers, creating over 3.2 million tonnes of plastic waste per year. A lack of public awareness of waste management, together with a lack of investment, means that there is no easy solution to Indonesia’s waste problems. There is an urgent need for locally-owned and community-driven solutions, such as an accessible and cost-effective waste management infrastructure.

Project goals

To train, educate, empower and build the capacity of 30 local male and female school teachers and over 5,000 vulnerable male and female students, with 50% female participation, on the topics of the circular economy, health, life skills and gender equality in order to improve the level of education, create positive social change and guarantee cleaner, greener Garut communities.

Project content

I. Programme planning, design and socialisation

Through its DINAS, DISPORA and PSSI stakeholder group partnerships, the ASA Foundation conducts project socialisation, planning and design workshops comprising baseline studies and needs assessments. During this phase, our stakeholders recommend potential target schools together with adult teachers to implement the virtual programme. The teachers’ CVs are submitted to the ASA Foundation.

II. Design and development of the training platform

A collaborative empowerment approach involves all our stakeholders, which are invited to include their own education modules in our curriculum design process. The curriculum, in both local Bahasa Indonesian and English languages, is scheduled to be rolled out during the Training of Trainer (ToT) workshop. The training modules are to be updated throughout the program through continuous feedback from all stakeholders.

III. Implementation of the ToT programme, UEFA Foundation for Children ‘Field in a Box’ football pitch, Garut City, West Java, Indonesia

The ToT workshop will be run by local ASA Foundation master trainers to build the capacity of 30 male and female school teachers so that they can deliver the football-based education training modules. The teachers are trained and empowered through the coaching development methodology that covers the following topics:

  1. The circular economy and waste management development, including recycling plastic materials to produce sports training equipment
  2. Life skills development including creative thinking, character building, and gender equality
  3. Health and well-being education including virus prevention measures by focusing on hygiene and sanitation information during the current pandemic

The ToT workshop is to be held at the UEFA Foundation for Children Field in a Box pitch in Garut City.

IIII. Running the youth development training activities in schools

On completion of the ToT workshop, the 30 adult teachers are expected to lead weekly grass-roots youth development coaching activities for their respective male and female student groups, either in school as extra-curricular activities or in their communities. The activities are geared towards long-term sustainability.


SHARE: my story

Location and general information

Location Senegal, Palestine and Burkina Faso
Start date 01/10/2023
End date 12/31/2023
Cost of the project €88,770,00
Foundation funding €72,140,00
Project identifier 20220581
Partners Exodos Ljubljana
Categories Access to Sport - Children with disabilities - Conflict victims - Employability - Environmental protection - Healthy lifestyle - Personal development - Strengthening partnerships


We strongly believe that sport and culture should be more connected and the Share: My Story programme promotes this. Children who hope to be the best footballers in the world should learn about culture for their personal growth and to broaden their horizons. We advocate for equality for girls and boys who, although from different backgrounds, all share the same passion.

Project goals

Our project encourages social, sporting and artistic bonds, promoting the talent of young people and strengthening their physical, cultural and intellectual capital.

Specific objectives

  • Provide young people from different countries with new training and cultural skills, enabling them to express their voices through art.
  • Connect sport with cultural activities, the physical with the imagination, for the surrounding communities: families, neighbours, schoolmates.
  • Empower small clubs and NGOs in their efforts to inspire creative teamwork.

Project content

Creative camps in three countries: Senegal, Burkina Faso, Palestine

  • My story – a workshop in documentary filmmaking
  • Urban dance and movement – a workshop in urban dance

Location 1: Dakar, Senegal, 10–21 January 2023

Location 2: Jenin, Ramallah, Palestine, 1–14 July 2023

Location 3: Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso, 1–11 December 2023

Creating and updating project website and social media accounts, producing PR content

1 December 2022 – 31 December 2024

Completion of the professional documentary film My Story

30 March 2024

Setting up and developing local football clubs

20 January 2023 – 31 December 2023


Youth Sports Games 2023

Location and general information

Location Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, and Serbia
Start date 01/01/2023
End date 12/31/2023
Cost of the project €6,328,380,00
Foundation funding €100,000,00
Project identifier 20220707
Partners Association for Sport, Recreation and Education – Youth Games
Categories Access to Sport - Environmental protection - Gender Equality


The Youth Sports Games were launched in Split, Croatia, in 1996. The primary motive was to enable children to take part in organised sporting events and other free activities. The Youth Sports Games have since become the largest amateur sports event for children and young people in Europe. More than 2.5 million children have competed in the 26 years since they began.

The games are held in three countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia. Children of primary and secondary school ages compete in ten sports free of charge, and the most successful individuals and teams get to travel to Split to take part in the international finals.

In addition to the games, the association organises regular sports and recreational activities for children to encourage health, tolerance and ethical values. The association promotes a lifestyle based on understanding, friendship, solidarity and fair play as an alternative to addiction and delinquency.

Project goals

The association aims to:

- Bring children and young people together for sport and recreation

- Cultivate a positive atmosphere among children and young people;

- Encourage sport and friendship as an alternative to addiction and delinquency, thereby rationalising health and social programmes

- Promote educational activities and deliver a modern, up-to-date message to, and by, young people

In 2023, 220,000 participants are expected from the three countries. Football will have 110,000 players.

The goals for 2023 include the expansion of activities to over 300 municipalities with 15,000 female footballers. National finals in the three countries will be attended by 6,000 participants each, while 1,500 young people will compete in the international finals for which all expenses are covered – accommodation, travel and competition costs.

Project content

Sport is used as a medium to connect the participants, aged 7–18, through tournaments held in over 300 municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia. The Youth Sports Games advocate a healthy lifestyle and promote all ten sports (football, street basketball, handball, volleyball, beach volleyball, tennis, table tennis, chess, dodgeball and athletics), as well as educating the children about sustainability. Emphasis is placed on organising football tournaments for girls with a participation target of 15,000 young female footballers in the three countries.



Location and general information

En cours
Location Bassam, Diabo and Adiaké, Ivory Coast
Start date 12/16/2022
End date 12/31/2023
Cost of the project €60,000
Foundation funding €30,000
Project identifier 20220061
Partners Association Kenskoazell Afrika (AKA)
Categories Access to Sport - Environmental protection - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Infrastructure and equipment - Personal development

National/regional context

The lack of sports facilities in schools in Bassam, Diabo and Adiaké prevents children, especially girls, from regularly practising sport.

Project goals

The Educafoot project uses sport, and football in particular, to help children flourish and become well-rounded members of society. It relies on a toolkit to achieve various objectives. It seeks to address issues such as gender equality and access to sport. It also aims to teach children about the environment and instil in them sporting values such as perseverance, pushing oneself, the importance of community, and respect for the rules and for their opponents. The idea is to enhance the children’s mental and physical well-being. The main thrust of the project is to equip 15 schools a year for four years and enable thousands of children to join Educafoot.


Project content / details

The programme is centred around a year-long inter-school tournament, featuring challenges in three subjects: maths, French (dictation) and physical education (PE), with a focus on football. Up to three points are available in each event, and the team that gets the most points overall is the winner. All of the teams are mixed and refereeing is done by both girls and boys. The tournament concludes with a grand final.

The tournament is an opportunity to teach children about:

  • diversity;
  • teamwork;
  • refereeing, which involves leadership and decision-making;
  • the environment, through a film screening and discussion, an activity involving making a net out of plastic waste, and cleaning the school before each game;
  • the captain’s role.


Community Champions

Location and general information

Location Hungary, Greece, The Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Ukraine and United-Kingdom
Start date 01/01/2022
End date 06/30/2024
Cost of the project €389,380
Foundation funding €200,000
Project identifier 20211049
Partners EFDN
Categories Access to Sport - Children with disabilities - Conflict victims - Environmental protection - Gender Equality - Personal development


Creating opportunities for youth to participate in safe and structured activities is a vital part of their development and the need is growing. With the aim of promoting social integration through sport, Community Champions provides the opportunity for people from different cultures to come together to build relationships and friendships while breaking down barriers through the prevention of violence, racism and intolerance in grassroots sports and their communities.

Project content

Community Champions (CC) is a social street football competition for young people aged 7 to 15 years old, organized locally across Europe. The project includes two seasons, with 12 teams in each community playing 10 games per season. Emphasis is placed on the attitudes and behaviours of the participants, more than on their footballing ability. Teams can win two-thirds of their points through Fair-Play, by completing social action projects in their communities or attending workshops.


  • Tackle racism, discrimination and violence in sport
  • Social inclusion in and through sport
  • Promote social cohesion through sport
  • Promote active citizenship
  • Promote voluntary activity in sport
  • Promote positive involvement of parents and neighbours
  • Social inclusion and acceptance of refugees and migrants
  • Enhance social and bridging capital of participants
  • Reduction small street crime
  • Teaching valuable life skills
  • Promote healthy lifestyle

Project activities

  • 12 teams in each community per year, consisting of boys and girls, with and without a disability and from different backgrounds.
  • Teams play 10 games per season.
  • Teams will attend at least 3 workshops on racism and discrimination, fair play, and healthy lifestyles.
  • 2 Kick-off events at the beginning of each season per project partner
  • 2 Final events at the end of each season per project partner
  • Training sessions before each season
  • Teams complete regular community volunteering work.
  • The winner at the end of the season is the team that has the most points (Fair-Play, Fair Support and Volunteering in community activities points and football games points combined

Expected results

  • 8 delivering clubs.
  • 2400 participants.
  • 8 cities in 7 European countries.
  • 400 social action projects delivered in the community.
  • 216 educational workshops delivered.
  • 1440 street football matches.
  • 16 Local CC Kick-Off events.
  • 16 Local CC Finals.
  • 2 International project meetings and staff learning events.
  • 1 EFDN Conference presentation to over 200 CSR Experts.
  • 1 Project Plan
  • 1 Best Practice Handbook
  • 1 Practitioner's Guide
  • 1 Community Champions toolkit, training resources and dissemination pack
  • 1 Performance and Management Plan
  • 1 Communication and Dissemination Plan
  • 2 Interim Reports
  • 1 Final Report


Positive climate action for the entire ‘sport for development’ sector

Location and general information

Location Nairobi, Kenya
Start date 02/01/2022
End date 04/30/2023
Cost of the project €104,735
Foundation funding €66,060
Project identifier 20210472
Partners Coaches Across Continents (CAC)
Categories Access to Sport - Environmental protection - Personal development


Climate Change is an existential threat and the number one social issue threatening every continent and culture. The UN’s IPCC report states that humanity is ‘unequivocally’ responsible for climate change. The positive news is that we can take action to reduce our carbon footprint and our impact on the climate.

Project content

This initiative will be the first global effort to create a widespread, effective sport for development curriculum to educate individuals and organisations across the world about steps they can take to reduce their personal carbon footprint.

It will be developed by Coaches Across Continents (CAC) – a global leader in sport for development curriculum creation – and then piloted and implemented throughout Nairobi by sport for development climate action leader Green Kenya. Finally, the curriculum will be translated into seven major languages and shared freely and openly to allow individuals and organisations to educate their children, young leaders, coaches and communities.

This free resource will be available electronically and easily accessed through a smart phone anywhere in the world via a link or QR code. As another global first, through CAC’s partnership with Sport Session Planner, the curriculum will be animated and utilise video examples for each activity. This is a game changer in how football and technology can be used to address climate action education.


  • Create and distribute a ten-game curriculum for the sport for development community to teach individuals worldwide how to reduce their own personal carbon footprint;
  • Translate, animate and create video clips for the curriculum;
  • Pilot the curriculum in Kenya;
  • Provide the curriculum free of charge via the Sport Session Planner platform to allow coaches, teachers and practitioners around the world to implement it;
  • Campaign the Kenyan ministry of education to implement the curriculum beyond the pilot as part of its national competency-based curriculum;
  • Actively publicise the availability of the curriculum through various networks.

Project activities

Step 1 (March–June 2022): Develop and animate a climate action curriculum based on UN ACT Now – ten steps that individuals can take to reduce their carbon footprint.

Step 2 (July–December 2022): Deliver the curriculum in four Nairobi schools and at weekend youth league training sessions in partnership with Green Kenya, which will report on the curriculum’s impact and create video recordings of the activities to upload to the platform.

Step 3 (January 2023): Translate the curriculum into a minimum of seven global languages: English, Swahili, Arabic, Chinese, French, Portuguese and Spanish.

Step 4 (February–March 2023): Campaign the Kenyan government to include the curriculum in its national curriculum. Share the curriculum freely across East Africa and globally via the CAC network and other networks such as streetfootballworld, Think Beyond and sportanddev.org.

Expected results

It is expected that the curriculum will:

  • impact 1,000 Kenyan boys and girls, improving their climate action awareness and effecting behavioural change;
  • be adopted by local, regional and national ministries of education as part of their curriculums;
  • be publicised through the coachesacrosscontinents.org website and CAC’s internal platform, reaching organisations in 132 countries;
  • be widely downloaded, adopted and utilised by global sport for development organisations;
  • reach at least 2 million children in over 130 countries.
