Location and general information

Location Egypt, Greater Cairo
Start date 01/01/2024
End date 12/31/2024
Cost of the project €105,847
Foundation funding €105,847
Project identifier 20230440
Partners Terre des hommes Foundation
Categories Access to Sport - Environmental protection - Gender Equality


The proposed project capitalizes on the lessons learned from the ongoing project funded by UEFA entitled “Football for Climate Change”. It builds on a bottom-up approach that better addresses the needs of the target groups and enhances the effectiveness of project outcomes. In doing so, Tdh conducted a Focus Group Discussion to identify children’s and youth recommendations and enhance their participation in the proposed project. Children indicated that their engagement in sports activities enhanced their understanding of climate change concepts in addition to helping them acquire life skills such as communication. Children recommended including other types of sports, and they also highlighted the need for more intensive climate change activities. Accordingly, the project seeks to invest in the good practices that proved to be effective during the current phase to reach a greater impact of the intervention.

Project goals

Overall objective:

  • To enhance children's well-being, protection, and leadership skills and to empower them to design and lead positive actions on climate change, with the support of their families, sports coaches, and local government through inclusive sports activities.

Specific objective:

  • Vulnerable children between 13 to 18 years old, from forcibly displaced groups and local communities, are provided with a safe environment for sports activities that promote social cohesion between groups.
  • Children, caregivers, families, and local government representatives design and lead positive actions to address climate change in the local community through the targeted youth centers.

Project content

Sport for protection refresher training for 15 coaches at 5 youth centres

Terre des Hommes’ Football for Protection methodology is used to improve collaboration, communication, emotional management and creative thinking skills, and enhance participants’ sense of responsibility and knowledge of climate issues. The five youth centres will apply this methodology (rebranded ‘sport for protection’) to football and a second sport, selected according to the results of a survey of participants’ interests. Four-day refresher courses for the coaches will include facilitation skills, technical sports skills and soft skills for integrative work with children and adolescents, child protection principles and gender equality in sports participation.

Result: 15 coaches trained to promote a safe and inclusive environment in 5 youth centres

 20 sports coaching sessions organised for 400 children

The 15 coaches will deliver 20 coaching sessions (two different sports) using the sport for protection methodology. Building on the sport for development concept, which uses sport to promote children's social and personal development, the sessions will foster the inclusion of marginalised adolescents of all genders, including refugees, promote access to physically safe and appropriately equipped sports facilities and develop participants’ life skills.

Result: 400 young people participate safely in sports activities that enhance their well-being and develop their life skills

 Climate change training for 25 Terre des Hommes staff and sports coaches

In cooperation with the Egyptian ministry for the environment, an awareness programme will be developed with interactive and practical climate change activities designed to involve sports coaches and youngsters. Two days of training will be organised for Terre des Homme staff and sports coaches to build their knowledge of climate change and equip them to implement the programme effectively. The ministry of youth and sports will also be involved to ensure the replicability of the project.

Result: 25 Terre des Hommes staff and sports coaches trained to deliver climate change awareness programme

Climate change awareness sessions for 400 young people

Climate change awareness sessions will be delivered at all five youth centres in cooperation with the ministry for the environment. They will be associated with sports coaching sessions to foster the link between climate change and sport and enhance young people’s global understanding of climate change issues, with specific reference to the Egyptian context. Participants will gain a robust grounding in climate concepts, causes of change, and adaptation and mitigation practices enabling them to design and implement initiatives of their own.

10 environmental initiatives across 5 youth centres

After completing the awareness sessions and with the support of the project team, their sports coaches and their families, the 400 participants will design and lead 10 environmental initiatives (two per centre) that address environmental problems in their communities.

Result: 400 young people design and lead 10 environmental initiatives coordinated by trained sports coaches

Initiatives promoted among families and communities through sports competitions

Two-day sports competitions (involving two different sports) will then be organised by each of the five youth centres, with opportunities to promote the participants’ environmental initiatives and share their experiences with families, communities and peers – promoting positive climate action and youth advocacy, physical health and healthy competition, and encouraging the replication of initiatives within the community.

Result: 3,000 family members and caregivers introduced to the risks of climate change and recommended action at sports competitions


Other projects in Africa

Diepsloot Safe-Hub Empower Play programme
Fun Football in Nigeria
Sport in the Village
Diangsport (Education through sport in Wolof)