Aktive Jen Yo (Activating young people)

Location and general information

Location Haiti, Villages of Destra, Carrefour Croix and Bossan, near Léogâne
Start date 01/01/2025
End date 12/31/2025
Cost of the project €389,655
Foundation funding €55,200
Project identifier 2024000247
Partners GOALS Haiti (Global Outreach and Love of Soccer)
Categories Access to Sport - Employability - Environmental protection - Gender Equality - Personal development


Haiti faces extreme crises: unprecedented insecurity, gang violence, absence of government, severe fuel shortages, 40% inflation and a cholera epidemic, all amid ongoing natural disasters. Women and children are subjected to gang violence and assault, with obvious and very harmful effects on their physical and mental health, not to mention the collective anxiety and trauma of the country as a whole.

GOALS serves communities in rural Haiti where no other non-profits or government services exist, people suffer from isolation and extreme poverty, and children’s access to healthcare and education is extremely limited.

GOALS was created to use the power of sport to engage young people in underserved areas with education and leadership opportunities that support their physical, mental and social development. Aktive Jen Yo includes daily football, ‘purposeful play’, literacy and health education and community service. We focus on teaching social and life skills in a safe and empowering space, with equal access for girls and boys.

Project goals

Overall goal

Empower the young people of Haiti through structured football programmes combined with educational and health initiatives, leveraging the universal appeal of football to engage children and adolescents from underserved communities in support of their physical, mental and social development

Specific objectives

  • Physical health: Improve young people’s fitness and health awareness through regular football training and wellness activities
  • Education: Provide educational workshops and literacy classes to plug formal schooling gaps
  • Life skills: Cultivate leadership, teamwork and problem-solving through sport and targeted life skills training
  • Mental health: Offer mental health workshops and counselling sessions to support emotional well-being
  • Community engagement: Initiate community service projects to foster a sense of civic responsibility and investments in community

Project content

  • Football – daily training, friendly matches and tournaments plus ‘purposeful play’ (conflict resolution, gender equality)
  • Health education – disease prevention, sex education, gender-based violence, hygiene
  • Climate action – tree planting, recycling, community gardens, climate and gender education
  • Leadership training – projects addressing community issues led by youngsters
  • Schooling – literacy programme, tutoring
  • Community service – volunteering projects
  • Gender equity – activities to promote inclusion and equal opportunities for girls, plus education on children’s and women’s rights


StationSoccer – HE Holmes

Location and general information

to be started
Location USA; Atlanta
Start date 04/15/2025
End date 12/15/2025
Cost of the project €95,496
Foundation funding €27,232
Project identifier 2024000858
Partners Soccer in the streets
Categories Access to Sport - Healthy lifestyle - Infrastructure and equipment - Personal development


Atlanta has the highest income inequality of any city in the United States. This, combined with the ‘pay-to-play’ model that dominates football activities in the US, means children in underserved communities are locked out of participation. These children need affordable programmes in safe, accessible locations. Soccer in the Streets provides just that with StationSoccer.

StationSoccer – HE Holmes is located at the subway station of that name in the Collier Heights neighbourhood of Atlanta. With a per capita income of $33,759 (€33,068) and a poverty rate of 25%, it is one of the most underinvested communities in the Atlanta Metropolitan Area. The project will provide Soccer in the Streets’ unique combination of football training and social and emotional capacity building to 150 six to twelve-year-olds. It is estimated that 80% of participants will be African American, 40% of the participants are girls and the vast majority will be playing football for the first time.

Project goals

  • Provide access
    • Eliminate transport obstacles and cost barriers
  • Improve well-being
    • Integrate social and emotional learning into the football curriculum
    • Train coaches to follow the curriculum and recognise adverse childhood experiences

Project content

Football and social and emotional learning sessions

  • Two 2-hour training sessions a week, with matches on Saturdays
  • Total of 26 weeks of training over the year (spring season from 15 February to 15 May, and autumn season from 15 August to 15 November)
  • Incorporation of social and emotional learning in training sessions, with a focus on resilience, self-management, social awareness, decision-making and relationships

Coach training

  • Coach training session in July to help coaches follow the curriculum and recognise adverse childhood experiences


Game with Mum & Dad

Location and general information

Location Europe, Latin America and Caribbean
Start date 01/01/2025
End date 12/31/2025
Cost of the project €599,000
Foundation funding €100,000
Project identifier 2024001152
Partners Children of Prisoners Europe (COPE)
Categories Gender Equality - Personal development - Strengthening partnerships


More than 20 million children worldwide (2.1 million in Europe; 3.5 million in Latin America and Caribbean) are separated from an imprisoned parent, an experience that often causes children overwhelming sadness, grief and anxiety, in addition to the pains of stigmatisation and shame. There are few programmes structurally embedded within prisons that support children with imprisoned parents. Their rights and best interests deserve much greater attention from governments and society at large.

Project goals

GWMD uses football as an instrument for awareness-raising and societal progress with three main objectives:

  • To defend the rights and best interests of a particularly vulnerable population representing more than 1% of the world child population.
  • To support children's wellbeing by strengthening the child-parent bond imperilled by a parent’s detention.
  • To foster inclusion and empower children, despite the existence of prison walls and by working with prison authorities.


Project content

GWMD supports the all-important child-parent bond by bringing families together for a day of play, hugs and laughs. It builds on a model first developed in Italy and recently broadened in 2023 and 2024 to 10 other European nations as well as India. In 2025 we plan to expand to Argentina, Chile, Guatemala and the Dominican Republic, for a total of 21 countries. We apply the same methodology everywhere to ensure that child rights, child participation and child safeguarding remain paramount.


Campo do Sancho

Location and general information

Location Brazil, Recife, Pernambuco
Start date 04/01/2024
End date 08/31/2025
Cost of the project €114,575
Foundation funding €80,000
Project identifier 20230618
Partners love.fútbol
Categories Access to Sport - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Infrastructure and equipment - Personal development - Strengthening partnerships


In Brazil, according to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE, 2020), 47% of the public schools have no sports infrastructure and 78% (2019) of the children and 84% of teenagers do less exercise than what is recommended by WHO.

Project goals

The project will take place in Sancho, a community that represents the reality of the lack of play spaces and quality education in northeastern Brazil.

  • Use love.fútbol's award-winning methodology and 16 years of experience developing community-driven sports spaces to create a football facility in an underserved community
  • Engage the local community and enable it to build and take ownership of this space as a platform dedicated to sports, and education
  • Deliver bi-weekly ‘sports for education’ sessions to 60 children
  • Partner with the city hall and the local organisation Cores do Amanhã to keep the space safe and provide a daily schedule

Project content

love.fútbol will promote a cross-sector partnership between Recife city hall, local grassroots non-profit organisation Cores do Amanhã, and a broader range of community leaders, groups, businesses, and organisations to plan, refurbish and reactivate a historic football pitch that will serve as a sustainable platform for sports and educational sessions, a point of integration between various sectors of the community, and a reference for municipal, state and regional public policy. The ‘Campo do Sancho’ will be more than a place to play, but a local hub for education, social coexistence and peace.


Inclusive Goal

Location and general information

Location Argentina, Buenos Aires
Start date 02/01/2024
End date 02/01/2025
Cost of the project €126,000
Foundation funding €60,000
Project identifier 20231168
Partners Asociacion Civil Andar
Categories Access to Sport - Children with disabilities - Environmental protection - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Personal development


People with disabilities are excluded from our society and need to have access to normalised spaces. Social barriers segregate them and deprive them of the opportunity to develop in the various spheres of social life. This impacts their development and imposes limits on their opportunities to carry out a life plan freely and independently.

Project goals

  • Eliminate cultural barriers to access sports development
  • Build role models that promote gender equality and equal access regardless of gender
  • Promote empowerment by practising decision-making and its consequences through play

Project content

We at Andar FC Academy believe that one of the best ways to positively impact the lives of children is through play, thereby developing the values and life skills that enable them to cope with the challenges of their environment Our approach through sport contributes to children’s inclusion, promotes the respect of their rights and gender equality, prevents situations of violence and encourages development of life skills, which will have a positive impact on their sports and socioemotional development. No child or adolescent should be left behind, regardless of ability, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, language, culture or religion, so all of our activities are tailored to meet their specific learning and skill needs.


Art and sport therapy to enhance psychosocial reintegration programmes for former child soldiers in Colombia

Location and general information

En cours
Location Colombia, Cali and Medellin
Start date 07/01/2023
End date 06/30/2024
Cost of the project €79,496
Foundation funding €20,087
Project identifier 20230122
Partners WAPA International
Categories Access to Sport - Conflict victims - Gender Equality - Personal development


During the five decades of armed conflict in Colombia, virtually all the armed groups recruited children as soldiers, both in villages and towns. It is estimated that nearly 18,000 children were recruited. Children joined these armed groups for a variety of reasons: challenging economic circumstances, domestic violence, lack of opportunities, desire for revenge, threats and forced recruitment.

Project goals

The Kuakumun and Arteuma programmes are designed to improve the life trajectories of former child soldiers and help them to realise their personal and social potential through art and sport. The goal is for them to develop the skills they need to reintegrate into civil society, gain employment and regain their civil rights and responsibilities.

Project content

The Arteuma programme, at a reintegration centre in Cali, and the Kuakumun programme, at a reintegration centre in Medellin, are aimed at male and female teenagers who have left armed guerrilla groups and feature two main strands:

Art therapy

This approach uses music, dance, plastic arts, theatre and embroidery sessions to help participants:

  • improve their self-awareness and self-confidence
  • discover talents other than fighting and new possibilities for the future
  • learn to control their aggression
  • develop tolerance, patience and concentration
  • heal their wounds and move forward
  • learning to build instead of destroy
  • work as part of a team, respecting differences and relating to others without rivalry
  • overcome shyness and make friends

The teenagers will be taken to museums and will attend events where they will present their artwork to other young people and meet professional artists. These exchanges will help to restore their pride and enable them to be seen as something other than ex-child soldiers.

Sport therapy

An interdisciplinary team of psychosocial workers and professional sports coaches will run weekly introductory sessions and training in football, swimming and martial arts. All the necessary equipment will be provided. The teenagers will go on educational outings, meet elite athletes and participate in a tournament.

Through sports, the teenagers will:

  • strengthen their interpersonal skills and learn how to work together
  • learn how to rebuild relationships
  • enhance their self-esteem and social skills
  • improve their mental and physical health
  • learn to recognise their limitations
  • learn to accept their bodies


Futbol KY

Location and general information

Location Guatemala, Guatemala City
Start date 01/04/2024
End date 12/15/2024
Cost of the project €36,150
Foundation funding €25,000
Project identifier 20230556
Partners Asociación de Maestros de Educación Temprana Plantando Semillas
Categories Access to Sport - Healthy lifestyle - Personal development


In Zone 3 of Guatemala City, over 10,000 internally displaced families are living next to the garbage dump. The level of poverty and the lack of education and parental support creates a fertile ground for community violence and substance abuse. The prevalence of violence endangers children and teenagers, putting their future at risk.


Project goals

  • Provide at-risk children and teenagers with a way to escape violence by engaging them in healthy recreation through sport and supporting their education
  • Provide a football training programme to improve players' football skills, teamwork, and sportsmanship through structured training, while fostering friendship and discipline
  • Boost academic success, reinforce the importance of education, and support youngsters with spaces and opportunities to nurture the skills they need to succeed
  • Ensure that Futbol KY participants have access to additional services, including psychosocial care and parental support for their caregivers, through the Fathers’ Group and Motivated Women Programme

Project content

Futbol KY combines football training, academic support and parental groups to create a well-rounded development experience.

Football training programmes emphasise not only physical improvement but also discipline, friendship, and character development.

Alongside football training, the project prioritises academic success. We offer tutoring sessions, creating a comprehensive approach to physical and intellectual development.

To establish a supportive environment, the project includes two parental support groups: the Motivated Women Programme and the Fathers’ Group.

Recognising the need for psychosocial support, we provide a space to improve participants’ psychological well-being and mental health.


Canchas Libres, Fields of Freedom

Location and general information

Location Costa Rica
Start date 05/01/2024
End date 03/31/2026
Cost of the project €250 204
Foundation funding €97 846
Project identifier 20230483
Partners Fundación GOLEES
Categories Access to Sport - Gender Equality - Personal development


After four years of creating spaces where we have reduced the rates of violence against girls and women through football, it is time to go a step further and use football to promote new forms of leadership, where the players, who were initially recipients of the methodology, now become promoters of it. They will start self-managing and replicating the sports and psychosocial spaces while promoting equal educational opportunities in a community where girls barely ever have access to university studies.


Project goals

  • Empower leadership through the acquisition of sports and psychosocial skills and knowledge as promoters of sports for peace.
  • Increase educational and job opportunities for the players by advocating for the right to university education and promoting future economic autonomy to break the cycle of social exclusion.
  • Initiate organisational self-management processes, so that the players begin to plan, organise, and implement sports and psychosocial spaces.


Project content

We aim to take action that encourages recognition of the youngsters’ interests, knowledge, and desires. This process will enhance greater leadership in sports and psychosocial matters, turning them into promoters of sport for peace and agents of personal, family and community change in terms of gender equality through football, using this sport as a bridge to university studies and a dignified future job, creating a better future for themselves and their communities.


Young Coach Education Ecuador

Location and general information

Location Ecuador, Ibarra
Start date 11/01/2023
End date 03/24/2024
Cost of the project €198,341
Foundation funding €52,610
Project identifier 20230885
Partners Scort Foundation
Categories Access to Sport - Children with disabilities - Conflict victims - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Personal development - Strengthening partnerships


Once a safe haven in South America, the situation in Ecuador has visibly worsened over the past few years, with widespread insecurity and a vast increase in violence across the country, which nonetheless continues to host numerous refugees and migrants from Colombia and Venezuela. Almost 1 million people are exposed to violence, poverty and displacement. Children’s mental and physical well-being are particularly affected, with a heightened risk of discrimination, exploitation and abuse. Inclusive and safe spaces where children can play, learn, de-stress and simply be children are essential. Football in particular has proven to be an important means of restoring social connections, promoting learning and supporting psychosocial well-being.

For this reason, the Scort Foundation and its partner the Football Club Social Alliance (FCSA) have teamed up with the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and local organisation Fundación de las Americas para el Desarrollo (Foundation of the Americas for Development, FUDELA) to train 45 committed young adults to become grassroots football coaches and community leaders. The Young Coaches not only learn how to provide safe and structured sports activities for children in their communities, but also how to use football to promote resilience and foster inclusion.

Project goals

  • Educate 45 young adults to become role models and coaches for children in vulnerable and/or conflict-prone communities
  • Promote access to quality, fun, educational activities for over 5,000 girls and boys from refugee and host communities
  • Promote social cohesion through sport
  • Promote access to sport for girls and disabled children
  • Strengthen the network of Young Coaches (and other organisations) within Ecuador using sport for protection

Project content

The Young Coach Education project empowers committed young coaches in their roles as proactive community leaders, on and off the pitch.

During their training, the Young Coaches learn how to use football to create a safe environment for children, promoting health, inclusion, social cohesion and protection. The project combines football and educational games to improve children’s life skills as well as their physical and mental well-being. It aims to be as inclusive as possible, including disability-specific educational content. This can help break down barriers and promote the inclusion of disabled children in the regular activities run by the Young Coaches.

The training consists of three modules: two five-day face-to-face modules in Ecuador, and one online. Interactive and illustrative learning is at the heart of the programme. During the on-site modules, a strong focus is placed on practical learning, in order to make optimal use of the FCSA instructors’ expertise and provide the Young Coaches with their first tools. While the instructors initially show solutions, they increasingly demand creative problem-solving from the Young Coaches, who come up with strategies in groups. The lessons are immediately put into practice at two festivals held during each on-site module for children from the local community. Additional workshops are delivered by experts on topics such as child protection and safeguarding, first aid, and the role of sport in strengthening resilience and mental well-being.

Between the two on-site modules, the Young Coaches are expected to apply what they have learned in their communities and independently complete the additional online module. Regular live webinars provide a space for mutual support and a deeper understanding of the content.


Football, Rock and Water

Location and general information

Location Peru
Start date 02/01/2024
End date 12/31/2024
Cost of the project €86,648
Foundation funding €62,559
Project identifier 20231029
Partners NGO Mama Alice
Categories Access to Sport - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Infrastructure and equipment - Personal development


Since 2005, the NGO Mama Alice has been working in Ayacucho, Peru, to improve the lives of children affected by underdevelopment, isolation and poverty. During Peru's internal conflict in the 1980s and 90s, Ayacucho’s rural population suffered extreme violence. Many fled their homes, settling in the city’s outskirts, where they lack basic facilities such as water, sanitation and electricity, which contributes to an increase in infectious diseases.

Unemployment has led to poverty, malnutrition, family break-up, domestic violence and child abandonment. The population remains deeply scarred by the violent conflict, and lives in a culture of fear and distrust. The indigenous population are particularly affected by poor access to healthcare, high infant mortality rates and a low life expectancy.

Facts about Ayacucho:

  • 39.4% of the population live in poverty, 7.8% in extreme poverty
  • 17.3% of children suffer from malnutrition, and 45% of children under three are anaemic
  • 13.4 % of the population is illiterate and only 24.1% have completed primary school
  • 64% of women have been victims of sexual violence, and in 33% of cases the attacker was a family member


Project goals

Mama Alice’s mission is to forever change Peruvian communities from the inside out, with a focus on educational and psychological support. The Football, Rock and Water project aims to motivate children to be more active and to improve their football skills, while connecting with others and improving their self-esteem, social skills, assertiveness and leadership skills.

The goal is for at least 80% of the 1,120 participating children to get fitter, gain a more positive self-image, improve their resilience and adaptability, learn to collaborate and lead, and feel valued and nurtured, and at least 70% to attend regularly and learn the rules of football. The aim is for 90% of the participating teachers to observe positive physical and psychosocial development in their pupils.

Project content

Mama Alice has been offering Rock and Water activities alongside football training, including intensive camps, to primary and secondary school children in Ayacucho since 2021.

The Rock and Water programme teaches children to face life’s challenges with a ‘rock’ (strong and resilient) and ‘water’ (flexible and adaptable) attitude.

In addition to constructing a football pitch, Mama Alice will provide two-month-long football and psychosocial training to 32 groups (35 children per group) of children aged 7 to 12. The project will conclude with the groups coming together for final activities and football matches between schools. All children receive participation certificates and a Rock and Water bracelet, and help to evaluate the activities.


UniDeportes: Sport for Youth Empowerment

Location and general information

Location Honduras, Trinidad
Start date 01/01/2024
End date 12/31/2024
Cost of the project €15,640
Foundation funding €10,640
Project identifier 20230575
Partners educate
Categories Access to Sport - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Personal development


Honduras has the highest rate of economic inequality in Latin America and over 60% of the population lives in poverty. The NGO educate. is based in the rural department of Santa Bárbara, where barely half of children go to the end of primary school. Even for those who do encounter very few opportunities for personal development, creating a sense of belonging and engaging meaningfully in the community. Sport has both an educational and a social role and can help young people acquire the values, skills and confidence they need on and off the sports field.

Project goals

  • Help young people develop a sense of unity and belonging to a community through sport
  • Help young people develop core values and soft skills such as leadership, teamwork and communication through sport and monthly workshops
  • Train young people to lead projects, helping them to gain leadership skills, confidence and practical experience
  • Promote meaningful participation in the community by engaging young people in organising and leading community sport events
  • Create spaces for children and young people in rural communities to participate in engaging community sports events that promote active involvement in sport in the longer term
  • Actively promote gender equality by ensuring at least 50% of participants are girls
  • Reach 500+ children and teenagers

Project content

Based at a youth centre in the rural town of Trinidad, Santa Bárbara, educate. runs a variety of educational programmes to support low-income and vulnerable youngsters.

The NGO has access to a community football pitch and, after training three youth leaders, will host activities every Saturday morning. The activities will focus on football but also explore other sports, encouraging participants to build active, healthy lifestyles, while also fostering positive values, soft skills and gender equality.

Project participants, led by youth leaders, will then organise and lead their own sports events such as sports days in the community, in local villages and at nearby children’s homes.

The project also comprises monthly workshops on different personal development topics, including leadership, emotional intelligence, self-esteem, assertive communication and young people’s rights, ensuring holistic support for all participants in their personal development journeys.


Cruyff Courts Curacao & Aruba

Location and general information

Location Curacao and Aruba
Start date 01/01/2024
End date 12/31/2025
Cost of the project €950,000
Foundation funding €100,000
Project identifier 20230843
Partners Johan Cruyff Foundation
Categories Access to Sport - Healthy lifestyle - Infrastructure and equipment - Personal development


On the Caribbean islands of Curacao and Aruba, a high average of children and families live below the absolute poverty line and rarely have free access to sports and play because of their financial/social status and the lack of facilities.

Project goals

  • Renovated/replaced fencing at the Cruyff Court in Curacao
  • Complete renovation of Cruyff Court Gregory van der Wiel in Curacao
  • New Cruyff Court in Pos Chiquito neighbourhood in Aruba

Project content

Children need a safe place that encourages them to play outside. That’s what Cruyff Courts are, a safe place where children learn the importance of togetherness, making friends, discovering their own talents, and winning and losing. These are valuable experiences that they carry with them as they develop physically and mentally, and as they move into society. Sport and play will help them develop as they discover new talents.

Together with local partners, we ensure that sports and play activities are run on the Cruyff Courts to help children be active and create a safe environment for the neighbourhood.


VillaGol: Football for Life

Location and general information

Location Peru
Start date 01/01/2023
End date 06/30/2024
Cost of the project €97,915
Foundation funding €47,128
Project identifier 20220801
Partners Fundación Athletic Club
Categories Access to Sport - Children with disabilities - Environmental protection - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Infrastructure and equipment - Personal development


The project is based on one of the world’s greatest success stories in building a local caring community: Villa El Salvador in Lima, Peru. Following the Shining Path Communist party’s violent insurgency, the military government worked directly with the community to develop an alternative to eviction for 4,000 homeless families in Lima. The government surveyed and divided up a large piece of vacant land south of the city, offering lots to any family in Lima that needed housing. These lots were organised into residential units: groups of several blocks each featuring a central plaza as a natural space for community organisation. The resulting town, Villa El Salvador, was awarded various distinctions, including the title of Messenger City of Peace by UNESCO and the Príncipe de Asturias Prize by Spain the same year, both in 1987. It is probably the most famous shanty town in Peru.

Unity and strength have always been part and parcel of Villa El Salvador. Inspired by and modelled on this, the VillaGol: Football for Life project is essentially a preventive project that aims to ensure that children spend their free time on appropriate sports and recreational activities, thus reducing the risk of them engaging in dangerous risky behaviour.

Project goals

The project's objectives are to reinforce cohabitation values among this very diverse population through football, using the sport as a tool to bring communities together and tackle social problems; to prevent violence among young people by promoting peace and coexistence, and to promote women's sports. The aim is to promote the integration of children and adolescents through recreational activities to prevent them from engaging in risky behaviour.

Project content

  1. Planning the VillaGol programme in sports schools
  2. Coordinating and implementing security measures
  3. Training coaches holding a C license awarded by the Peruvian Football Federation
  4. Providing educational and sports equipment for annual competitions
  5. Repairing and refurbishing the clubhouse (painting and lighting fixtures)
  6. Paying administrative staff


Play to prevent

Location and general information

Location Oruro, Bolivia
Start date 01/15/2023
End date 01/15/2024
Cost of the project €97,192,00
Foundation funding €80,000
Project identifier 20221105
Partners ChildFund Bolivia
Categories Access to Sport - Gender Equality - Infrastructure and equipment - Personal development


Oruro in Bolivia has a population of over half a million, mainly in its eponymous capital city. Bolivia is one of South America's poorest countries and, as the urban population of Oruro has grown due to internal migration, there has not been universal access to basic services such as health, education and decent housing. The city also suffers from distressing levels of domestic violence.

The children who take part in the project are highly vulnerable and come from deprived backgrounds. Many are from single-parent families and are often subject to physical, psychological and sexual abuse. In general, there are few opportunities for young people to do sport and engage in personal development.

Project goals

  1. Improve life skills and enhance violence prevention for 1,000 girls and 500 boys
  2. Train female and male teachers and coaches to promote violence prevention and gender equality through sport
  3. Introduce the Jugar para Prevenir methodology that offers a clear gender focus
  4. Support the city of Oruro’s football schools for both girls and boys through inclusion and equity methodologies

Project content

The project promotes ChildFund’s Jugar para Prevenir (Play to Prevent) method to improve the violence prevention skills of girls and boys and their coaches and teachers through sports. The project is introducing the methodology to ten schools including the Quirquincho Feliz football school for boys. The project also partners with the first football school for girls in Bolivia, Las Super Poderosas, implementing the Jugar para Prevenir methodology through specific activities for girls and female sports teachers.

The project will reach 1,000 girls, 500 boys and 20 football coaches in 10 schools.


Facing crisis through football in Colombia & Venezuela

Location and general information

Location Colombia (Cauca, Valle del Cauca, Vichada) and Venezuela (Caracas)
Start date 01/31/2023
End date 12/31/2023
Cost of the project €212,864
Foundation funding €99,864
Project identifier 20220558
Partners Inter Campus
Categories Access to Sport - Employability - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Personal development - Strengthening partnerships


Colombia and Venezuela are experiencing unprecedented economic crises, affecting in particular the most vulnerable: children, women and minorities. Thousands of young people and their families are facing food shortages, resulting in limited physical development and possibly also irreversible mental damage. This economic and social crisis is linked to acute political disorder, giving rise to insecurity, violence and corruption.

Project goals

The objective is to support children’s physical, mental and social health, providing them with cultural elements and a psychological structure to face threats prevalent in their communities.

Two main priorities have been identified:

1. Bridging a nutritional gap affecting children’s development

2. Countering a wave of violence caused by the socio-economic crisis, mainly as a result of drug production, distribution and consumption

Project content

There are three approaches:

1. Teach local coaches how to teach children team values: respect for the coaches, rules and referees; seeing opponents not as enemies but as partners; cooperating with other children; learning to make the most of their time in training and school activities; growing their skills and gaining self-confidence; getting stronger against adversities by learning how to deal with winning and losing; and how to fulfil their dreams by working hard; training even in bad weather; and learning how to overcome stress or aggressive instincts in a positive way.

2. Promote integration among people with different languages, cultures, and religions; reducing violence; gender equality and confidence-building.

3. The mere presence of the Inter brand will attract attention from volunteers, sponsors, local authorities, other social offices or NGOs and inspire them to help.

The project will last 24 months, based on weekly training sessions and periodical weekend matches, and involve 530 vulnerable children from 6 to 13 years old living in 11 different rural and urban contexts in Colombia and Venezuela.

The training will be run by local educators applying an innovative socio-sports methodology according to local needs. Weekly nutritional support will be given, by providing healthy, good-quality food normally not available to these children.

Local partners, the Fundación Crecer Jugando in Colombia and the Fundación Magallanes in Venezuela, will select and run the activities.

Twelve coaches will take part in a working group and learn to use the scientific tools used to asses children’s personality, as well as basic sports-related skills on social, emotional, cognitive issues.


Pelota de trapo – Rag ball

Location and general information

Location Uruguay
Start date 01/01/2023
End date 12/31/2023
Cost of the project €20,000
Foundation funding €10,000
Project identifier 20220820
Partners Gurises Unidos
Categories Access to Sport - Gender Equality - Strengthening partnerships


Uruguay has an overall population of 3,485,152. Children are the most affected by situations of poverty and violence: in 2020, 20% of children (a total of 176,375) were living below the poverty line. Moreover, reports showed an increase of 42% in violence against children in 2021. Most violent situations are chronic and 9 out of 10 of the aggressors are close family members of the victims.

Project goals

- Provide a cohort of children with the tools to strengthen their inter- and intrapersonal skills, their emotional intelligence and their family’s ability to care for them

- Create safe and inclusive sports activities

- Promote the meaningful participation of children in their communities, their positive and sustained integration into formal educational and their right to health through self-care

Project content

This project provides sports areas where social skills are developed in favour of gender equity, teamwork and peaceful conflict resolution, as well as themed workshops and individual interviews with a view to making life plans. In addition, the project monitors families and promotes access to resources and social policies that respect children’s rights. It also organises open community awareness activities where children become key members of the community.
