Strengthening partnerships


Strengthening partnerships projects

Mbo Mpenza Challenge
Values on the Field: Football for social development and equity
Football for All
Score! Kick away drugs and smoking among youth using the power of football
Football for Life
football3 at school
Sport in the Service of Peace
Idée Sport, IdèeSport, Jugend Projekt, Open Sunday, Migration, Kinder, Turnhalle, Sport, Bewegung, Jugendliche, Turnübung, Geschicklichkeit, Koordination, Staff, Betreuer, Betreuerin, Stiftung, Coach, NGO, Behinderte, Behinderung, Rollstuhl, Inklusion, Schulhaus , 10. Februar 2019, © Photo Christian Jaeggi
Football versus Discrimination
The Fair Play Accelerator – bridging the social gap through Fair Play
Game with Mum & Dad

More on What We Do

Conflict victims
Personal development
Children with disabilities
Gender Equality

What are you waiting for?

Your generous donation will help to support the various programmes run by the foundation and its partners, which are working to improve the lives of millions of disadvantaged children around the world. It also represents an important source of encouragement for everyone working on the ground. All private donations made to the foundation go straight to its operations and those of its partners on the ground.