Aktive Jen Yo (Activating young people)

Location and general information

Location Haiti, Villages of Destra, Carrefour Croix and Bossan, near Léogâne
Start date 01/01/2025
End date 12/31/2025
Cost of the project €389,655
Foundation funding €55,200
Project identifier 2024000247
Partners GOALS Haiti (Global Outreach and Love of Soccer)
Categories Access to Sport - Employability - Environmental protection - Gender Equality - Personal development


Haiti faces extreme crises: unprecedented insecurity, gang violence, absence of government, severe fuel shortages, 40% inflation and a cholera epidemic, all amid ongoing natural disasters. Women and children are subjected to gang violence and assault, with obvious and very harmful effects on their physical and mental health, not to mention the collective anxiety and trauma of the country as a whole.

GOALS serves communities in rural Haiti where no other non-profits or government services exist, people suffer from isolation and extreme poverty, and children’s access to healthcare and education is extremely limited.

GOALS was created to use the power of sport to engage young people in underserved areas with education and leadership opportunities that support their physical, mental and social development. Aktive Jen Yo includes daily football, ‘purposeful play’, literacy and health education and community service. We focus on teaching social and life skills in a safe and empowering space, with equal access for girls and boys.

Project goals

Overall goal

Empower the young people of Haiti through structured football programmes combined with educational and health initiatives, leveraging the universal appeal of football to engage children and adolescents from underserved communities in support of their physical, mental and social development

Specific objectives

  • Physical health: Improve young people’s fitness and health awareness through regular football training and wellness activities
  • Education: Provide educational workshops and literacy classes to plug formal schooling gaps
  • Life skills: Cultivate leadership, teamwork and problem-solving through sport and targeted life skills training
  • Mental health: Offer mental health workshops and counselling sessions to support emotional well-being
  • Community engagement: Initiate community service projects to foster a sense of civic responsibility and investments in community

Project content

  • Football – daily training, friendly matches and tournaments plus ‘purposeful play’ (conflict resolution, gender equality)
  • Health education – disease prevention, sex education, gender-based violence, hygiene
  • Climate action – tree planting, recycling, community gardens, climate and gender education
  • Leadership training – projects addressing community issues led by youngsters
  • Schooling – literacy programme, tutoring
  • Community service – volunteering projects
  • Gender equity – activities to promote inclusion and equal opportunities for girls, plus education on children’s and women’s rights


Score! Kick away drugs and smoking among youth using the power of football

Location and general information

Location Indonesia, Jakarta
Start date 01/01/2025
End date 12/31/2025
Cost of the project €60,000
Foundation funding €50,000
Project identifier 2024000137
Partners ASA Foundation
Categories Access to Sport - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Personal development - Strengthening partnerships


Drug use and smoking are becoming increasingly widespread among young people in Jakarta, Indonesia. The UEFA Foundation for Children supports the ASA Foundation's Score! programme, which leverages football to promote healthy lifestyles, healthy habits and values in a collaborative environment.

Project goals

  • Educate young people on the dangers of drugs and smoking
  • Promote healthy lifestyles through football
  • Train 60 teachers to deliver health and sports education
  • Engage over 6,000 students in weekly health-oriented football activities
  • Foster gender equality by ensuring equal participation
  • Enhance teamwork skills, leadership and self-esteem among participants
  • Strengthen the community’s involvement in promoting healthy behaviour

Project content

  • Teacher training workshops enabling 60 middle school teachers to deliver health and sports education effectively
  • Weekly training sessions consisting of football drills paired with health education for over 6,000 male and female students
  • Life skills development, with a focus on gender equality, teamwork, and leadership
  • Workshops and campaigns involving parents to amplify the programme's message


Fields of Future

Location and general information

Location Iraq, Mosul, Sinjar, Sinuni, Bartilla (Nineveh governorate) and Ramadi (Al Anbar governorate)
Start date 01/01/2025
End date 12/31/2025
Cost of the project €141,865
Foundation funding €54,059
Project identifier 2024000456
Partners Al-Mesalla organisation for human resources development
Categories Access to Sport - Conflict victims - Personal development


Although children living in the Nineveh and Al Anbar governorates have returned to school since their liberation from Daesh in 2017, their physical education has been neglected. Sports equipment is seriously lacking and engagement, especially among girls, is low. This is particularly apparent in Nineveh, known for its multicultural population, where social cohesion remains strained, while schools in Al Anbar have limited resources and inadequate facilities, with few opportunities for physical activity.

Project goals

Overall goal

Integrate sport into education programmes in Nineveh and Al Anbar

Specific objectives

  • Support children’s self-development and well-being
  • Enhance the quality of education
  • Promote children’s rights
  • Build a more cohesive and inclusive society by integrating minority communities
  • Foster unity and respect among students from different backgrounds
  • Create a sports-based model for lasting social change

Project content

  • Eight co-educational middle schools will be selected in collaboration with local authorities in Nineveh and Al Anbar to participate in the project
  • Teachers will receive training on the benefits of physical activity and how to facilitate and encourage student participation in sport
  • Each participating school will be provided with essential sportsequipment
  • Traditional gym classes will be replacedwith dedicated weekly sports sessions aimed at building core skills and fostering teamwork through fun activities and team games
  • Friendly matches and activities will be organised within each school, as well as competitions between the eight participating schools
  • The project will culminate in a final tournament involving all the participating schools, followed by a closing ceremony attended by community leaders, families and senior school staff


StationSoccer – HE Holmes

Location and general information

to be started
Location USA; Atlanta
Start date 04/15/2025
End date 12/15/2025
Cost of the project €95,496
Foundation funding €27,232
Project identifier 2024000858
Partners Soccer in the streets
Categories Access to Sport - Healthy lifestyle - Infrastructure and equipment - Personal development


Atlanta has the highest income inequality of any city in the United States. This, combined with the ‘pay-to-play’ model that dominates football activities in the US, means children in underserved communities are locked out of participation. These children need affordable programmes in safe, accessible locations. Soccer in the Streets provides just that with StationSoccer.

StationSoccer – HE Holmes is located at the subway station of that name in the Collier Heights neighbourhood of Atlanta. With a per capita income of $33,759 (€33,068) and a poverty rate of 25%, it is one of the most underinvested communities in the Atlanta Metropolitan Area. The project will provide Soccer in the Streets’ unique combination of football training and social and emotional capacity building to 150 six to twelve-year-olds. It is estimated that 80% of participants will be African American, 40% of the participants are girls and the vast majority will be playing football for the first time.

Project goals

  • Provide access
    • Eliminate transport obstacles and cost barriers
  • Improve well-being
    • Integrate social and emotional learning into the football curriculum
    • Train coaches to follow the curriculum and recognise adverse childhood experiences

Project content

Football and social and emotional learning sessions

  • Two 2-hour training sessions a week, with matches on Saturdays
  • Total of 26 weeks of training over the year (spring season from 15 February to 15 May, and autumn season from 15 August to 15 November)
  • Incorporation of social and emotional learning in training sessions, with a focus on resilience, self-management, social awareness, decision-making and relationships

Coach training

  • Coach training session in July to help coaches follow the curriculum and recognise adverse childhood experiences


Breaking Barriers : Well-being, Sport, and Social Integration for Children in Conflict with the Law in Madagascar and Cameroon

Location and general information

Location Madagascar and Cameroon
Start date 12/01/2024
End date 05/31/2025
Cost of the project €300,000
Foundation funding €120,000
Project identifier 2024001074
Partners Grandir Dignement
Categories Access to Sport - Employability - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Infrastructure and equipment - Personal development


Improve the living conditions, physical and mental well-being, and social and professional integration of children in conflict with the law in Madagascar and Cameroon, by supporting local actors and promoting children's rights

Project goals

  • Improve conditions for children in detention and ensure they meet the fundamental needs of children in conflict with the law
  • Promote personal development and foster social and professional integration for children in conflict with the law
  • Empower children to advocate for their rights and increase societal awareness of their rights and needs

Project content


To ensure children in detention experience improved living conditions and enhanced physical and mental well-being:

  • Daily nutritional support
  • Medical support and essential supplies (first-aid kits, medicines and hygiene products)
  • Ensuring access to urgent medical care, including hospitalisation, psychological support, nutritional care and detoxification services
  • Facilitating access to sport, recreation and cultural activities during detention and legal proceedings, including football, dance, circus, basketball and theatre
  • Football tournaments involving young people from other associations and/or schools
  • Rehabilitation of detention infrastructure, including sports, sanitation and kitchen facilities

To ensure children are supported in developing their skills and life plans to achieve social and professional integration:

  • Co-development of life plans with children, guided by educators
  • Financial support for school fees, vocational training and income-generating activities tailored to each child's own plans
  • Regular visits and meetings with families to support, educate and empower them in their parenting roles

To ensure children in conflict with the law become active advocates for their rights in society:

  • Awareness-raising workshops for minors in detention facilities
  • Workshops led by peer mentors, i.e. young people previously supported by Grandir Dignement
  • Artistic productions to encourage personal expression and creativity


Mutola Cup Football League for Girls ́ Rights

Location and general information

Location All provinces of Mozambique, except Cabo Delgado
Start date 01/20/2025
End date 12/31/2025
Cost of the project €217,879
Foundation funding €75,798
Project identifier 2024000927
Partners Futebol dá força foundation
Categories Access to Sport - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Personal development


Mozambique remains one of the world's poorest countries, where traditional norms, attitudes and social structures restrict girls' rights and opportunities and prevent them from having their most basic needs met, from going to school to growing up in a safe and healthy environment. Sexual abuse and domestic violence are widespread, as is the rate of HIV among young women. Access to sex education is sorely lacking.

Project goals

With coaches acting as role models, offering weekly training sessions accompanied by health and sex education, the aim is not only to share information but to encourage interactive discussion of topics such as life skills and sexual and reproductive health and rights, to create a sense of agency among girls and promote healthy sexual practices. Girls and other members of the community will gain knowledge and learn how to put this knowledge into practice.

Project content

The football league, Mutola Cup, is part of the national school curriculum. With regular football training sessions, team talks and matches alongside workshops led by Futebol dá força's certified voluntary football coaches, it serves as an educational platform and support structure to advance girls’ education, empowerment and rights, in particular their sexual and reproductive health and rights.

The Mutola Cup helps prevent child marriage, teenage pregnancy, violence, abuse and discrimination by providing girls with a support structure within the education system that keeps them in school and raises awareness of their rights and opportunities. Anti-hate and anti-discrimination approaches are fully integrated into the evidence-based methodology and tools used.



Play for Equality

Location and general information

En cours
Location Ukraine (countrywide except for the temporarily occupied territories)
Start date 02/03/2025
End date 12/31/2025
Cost of the project €141,300
Foundation funding €92,500
Project identifier 2024000853
Partners Klitschko Foundation
Categories Access to Sport - Conflict victims - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Personal development


The war in Ukraine has traumatised many children, with 75% experiencing symptoms such as emotional instability and trouble sleeping. As a result of the shift to online learning, over three quarters of schoolchildren now lead a sedentary lifestyle and only 5% are in good health by the time they leave school. Gender inequality is another problem facing Ukraine, which ranked 66th out of 146 countries in the 2023 Global Gender Gap Index. School is often the first place where children encounter inequality.

Project goals

  • Promote mental health through sport and encourage schoolchildren to get active
  • Champion equal opportunities in sport
  • Educate and empower PE teachers
  • Provide schools with sports equipment and help them to create sports programmes
  • Raise awareness of these topics

Project content

  • A five-day in-person training session for 80 PE teachers from across Ukraine
  • Local sports programmes for children aged 6 to 18 years old led by PE teachers, with a minimum of 75 participants per school
  • Sports equipment for participating schools
  • A week-long innovative sports and educational camp for 120 children aged 11 or 12 and 24 teachers
  • New lessons introduced into the school curriculum


Football for Life

Location and general information

to be started
Location Switzerland, Bern
Start date 08/01/2025
End date 07/31/2026
Cost of the project €292,037
Foundation funding €50,000
Project identifier 2024000886
Partners Swiss Academy for Development
Categories Access to Sport - Healthy lifestyle - Personal development - Strengthening partnerships


Exercise, sport and play are key components of a child’s development that promote curiosity, empathy, social interaction, learning, joy and much more. At the same time, language skills are essential for education, work and social life. In Switzerland, there are great inequalities across both language development and physical activity, with children and young people from underprivileged backgrounds at a disadvantage. These inequalities often impact school performance, physical and mental well-being and personal development. Experiences at an early age set the tone for life. Getting involved in sport and developing language skills while young can support ongoing skills development and future educational success.

Project goals

Overall goal

Provide equal access to opportunities for education and development and foster the social integration of children, especially girls, from a migrant background through sport.

Specific objectives

  • Provide children with regular access to exercise and sport
  • Enhance children's language and learning skills through a movement-based learning approach, using football as a motivational tool
  • Encourage the development of personal and social skills through sports and play-based learning activities

Project content

The project Football for Life uses football to support 8 to 13-year-olds from disadvantaged backgrounds. The project consists of weekly football training sessions that foster language development and regular cultural events, such as a children's press conference with professional football players.

The training sessions and cultural events are organised and delivered by multidisciplinary teams comprising students from Bern University of Teacher Education, coaches from local grassroots sports clubs and teachers from participating primary schools.

The weekly training sessions, which take place at the primary schools, address topics relating to football in a playful and interactive way and offer dynamic opportunities for language use. Activities designed to enhance the children’s language skills include discussing player roles and team dynamics and working collaboratively to develop game strategies. At the same time, the sessions develop motor skills and football-specific techniques and promote values such as fairness, teamwork and self-confidence.

All project activities are based on the Swiss Academy for Development’s well-established, award-winning approach, which fosters life skills through sport and play.


football3 at school

Location and general information

to be started
Location Poland
Start date 07/01/2025
End date 10/31/2026
Cost of the project €160,320
Foundation funding €48,700
Project identifier 2024001156
Partners Trenuj Bycie Dobrym
Categories Access to Sport - Conflict victims - Gender Equality - Personal development - Strengthening partnerships


A significant challenge facing football in Poland is gender inequality, notably in terms of access and representation. In 2022, only 6.7% of the country’s 443,525 football players were women and only two of the 12 top-division women's football teams had a female manager. Children learn from an early age that football is only for boys, a stereotype which can be tackled at school.

Project goals

Breaking down stereotypes takes hard work and time. Our experience has shown that schools are a great place to tackle this problem, and teachers, children and parents can all play a part. Over the last three years, we have seen football3 change people’s outlooks. The project encourages girls to get involved in football and boys to support them, while at the same time showing teachers the potential benefits of incorporating football3 into their daily work.

  • Promote equal access to football for girls and boys
  • Raise awareness of football3 and its use in promoting inclusivity in sports for 7 to 9-year-olds
  • Strengthen cooperation with the Polish Football Association to encourage more girls and women to get involved in football3

Project content

  • Run 16 in-person certified football3 training sessions in all 16 regions of Poland
  • Deliver at least 500 football3 lessons to over 4,500 children over the 2025/26 school year
  • Organise 16 football3 changemakers tournaments across the country and a final gala to promote equal access to football for everyone
  • Research and assess the project’s impact


Sport in the Service of Peace

Location and general information

Location Israel
Start date 12/01/2024
End date 11/30/2025
Cost of the project €218,686
Foundation funding €65,385
Project identifier 2024000740
Partners Peres Center for Peace and Innovation
Categories Access to Sport - Conflict victims - Personal development - Strengthening partnerships


Even before the tragic events in Israel on 7 October 2023 and the subsequent war in Gaza, relations between Israelis and Palestinians and between Arab and Jewish citizens in Israel were marred by a longstanding conflict that has led to multi-generational fear, distrust and discrimination. Children and youth are particularly vulnerable to radicalising ‘us and them’ rhetoric, which has only got worse with the current war. It is therefore crucial to provide opportunities for positive dialogue that will enable Jewish and Arab children and young people to challenge their fears and break through the psychological, emotional and linguistic barriers that impede the building of foundations for mutual trust, respect and peace.

Project goals

  • Facilitate intercultural dialogue and peacebuilding among Jewish and Arab children, young people and adults in Israel and, if possible, in the Palestinian territories
  • Promote positive perceptions, challenge negative stereotypes and foster cooperation, trust and understanding among participants
  • Increase access to high-quality sport and peace education, especially on the geographic and socioeconomic peripheries

Project content

The Sport in the Service of Peace programme employs a ‘train the trainers’ model, working with community leaders and educators to provide anti-discrimination and leadership training for young people. Jewish and Arab educational partners work together to implement football-based peace education activities for children aged 8 to 12 in both mono- and bi-cultural contexts. Such activities include regular football training, Hebrew/Arabic language learning, cultural exchanges and peace education sessions, as well as football matches played in mixed Jewish-Arab teams using the FairPlay and Green Card methodologies.


Second Chances

Location and general information

Location Hungary, Budapest
Start date 01/01/2025
End date 12/31/2025
Cost of the project €69,440
Foundation funding €50,000
Project identifier 2024000843
Partners Second Chance Sport Association
Categories Access to Sport - Conflict victims - Employability - Gender Equality - Personal development


Many skilled teachers have recently left the profession, which is impacting young people’s access to quality education. Without role models to guide them, children can lose the ability to think critically and struggle to make important life decisions. A lack of critical thinking can foster hostility and prejudice. At the same time, those stuck in a fixed mindset will find their opportunities limited.

Project goals

  • Create sustainable spaces where everyone, regardless of background, has access to community sport programmes that contribute to their physical and mental well-being
  • Tackle discrimination by building young people’s self-esteem without relying on in-group and out-group dynamics
  • Provide a place for learning about our differences and understanding others, encouraging critical thinking and promoting the added value of diversity

Project content

The programme follows two decades of work spent empowering at-risk groups and fostering their social inclusion. Activities on and off the pitch have proved effective in creating strong communities and offering a sense of belonging to groups left behind by society and their peers. Football connects the programme participants, who can learn through shared experiences and develop transferable skills that are essential to gain back governance over their lives. Sports activities include regular football training, a fair play football roadshow, summer camps and participation in international sports events, where the diverse team put together by Second Chance represents Hungary. Activities off the pitch focus on skills development (e.g. digital skills training), empowerment (e.g. an early pregnancy prevention workshop) and programme sustainability (e.g. training for coaches).



Location and general information

Location Benin, Parakou and Cotonou
Start date 01/01/2025
End date 12/31/2027
Cost of the project €46,986
Foundation funding €30,000
Project identifier 2024000683
Partners Association Kenskoazell Afrika
Categories Access to Sport - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Infrastructure and equipment - Personal development - Strengthening partnerships


Since 2019, the Educafoot programme, in particular the educational element, has been refined following regular dialogue with the UEFA Foundation for Children to arrive at the programme currently being run in Senegal (ten schools), Ivory Coast (50 schools) and Benin (now being expanded following a trial in five schools).

Project goals

  • Help children grow into the citizens of tomorrow by nurturing skills and values such as gender equality, environmental awareness, a work ethic, self-improvement, leadership, decision-making, social coexistence, following rules, respecting opponents and the importance of mental and physical well-being
  • Ensure access to sport by equipping 15 schools each year for three years and enabling thousands of children to take part in the Educafoot programme

Project content

The Educafoot programme's approach includes organising participants into mixed teams for the various events, having girls and boys referee, appointing co-captains, screening and discussing an educational film about the environment, making a net from plastic waste, encouraging the children to help clean the school before each match, and giving them French and mathematics tests.



Blind Solidarity

Location and general information

Location Mali, Bamako
Start date 01/01/2025
End date 12/31/2025
Cost of the project €59,000
Foundation funding €40,000
Project identifier 2024000675
Partners Association Libre Vue
Categories Access to Sport - Children with disabilities - Employability - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Infrastructure and equipment - Personal development


The political situation in Mali is highly unstable, and relations with France are particularly tense following the European country’s military withdrawal. This instability and widespread conflict contribute to high levels of internal displacement and poverty in one of the poorest countries in the world. In 2012, Libre Vue launched the Blind Solidarity project at the Institut des Jeunes Aveugles in Bamako (a school for 250 visually impaired children living in highly precarious conditions). The association built infrastructure including a special pitch suitable for blind football and started offering regular football coaching.

Project goals

The charity’s next steps as the project continues are to:

  • resurface the artificial pitch for blind football in order to improve playing conditions and enable Blind Solidarity to rent it out and therefore become more self-sufficient
  • step up educational measures on how to keep the pitch and its surroundings clean and in good condition
  • foster the long-term growth of blind football among girls
  • use social media to communicate more effectively throughout the country using social network

Project content

  • Resurface the artificial pitch for blind football
  • Hold regular discussions with the families of girls, in particular
  • Implement routine pitch-maintenance measures
  • Train the manager of the facilities


Female International Fent Esport

Location and general information

Location Spain, Region of Catalonia (Provinces of Barcelona, Tarragona, Lleida and Girona)
Start date 06/01/2024
End date 07/13/2025
Cost of the project €103,558
Foundation funding €31,558
Project identifier 2024000224
Partners Federació Esportiva Catalana de Paralítics Cerebrals
Categories Access to Sport - Children with disabilities - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Personal development


The Catalan Sports Federation for Cerebral Palsy is responsible for developing sport for people with cerebral palsy throughout Catalonia. The Fent Esport women’s programme works with schools throughout the territory, explaining to girls with brain damage and their families that they too have the possibility to play sport and organising training and competitions for them, locally and internationally.

Project goals

  • Get more girls with brain damage playing indoor football, seven-a-side football and other sports to increase their social inclusion
  • Increase the number of participants in Catalonia, including as part of a regional competition that feeds into the national team, with the possibility of big events like the European championship and the World Cup
  • Increase awareness of brain damage and the realities of people with cerebral palsy

Project content

Fent Esport creates local groups that can train together, based on the geographic proximity of participants. For the first month, the groups will be supported by the federation, which organises the technical staff, venue and logistics. The groups will train together all season, in June they will then travel to Denmark for a weekend of matches and in July their Danish counterparts will come to Barcelona.


Vilnius Social Club’s football programme – A space where diversity meets

Location and general information

Location Lithuania, Vilnius
Start date 01/01/2025
End date 12/31/2025
Cost of the project €78,502
Foundation funding €46,000
Project identifier 2024000735
Partners Vilnius Social Club
Categories Access to Sport - Conflict victims - Gender Equality - Personal development


Lithuania has faced significant challenges in recent years: as it did in many places, the stress and anxiety associated with the COVID-19 pandemic weakened the population’s mental health; the war in Ukraine has strained relations with the Russian community and led to an influx of Ukrainian migrants; and economic difficulties, including inflation and rising poverty, have amplified social disparities.

Football in Lithuania is not accessible to vulnerable children and adolescents because it is largely run as a fee-paying, results-oriented activity.

Vilnius Social Club works with particularly vulnerable groups facing any combination of the following challenges:

  • Economic challenges and social inequality
  • Religious discrimination against Middle Eastern migrants
  • Racism towards the Roma community
  • Psychological trauma from fleeing the war in Ukraine
  • Hostility towards the Russian-speaking community
  • Isolation and inadequate services in rural areas

Project goals

Overall goal

Achieve qualitative changes in participants' lives, not just sports results

Specific objectives

  • Develop children's personal and social skills: independence, teamwork, responsibility, ability to compromise
  • Ensure equal opportunities for everyone to participate, regardless of religion, race, gender, social or economic status
  • Ensure the continuity of the programme in the city of Vilnius
  • Begin implementing the programme in smaller settlements within the Vilnius district municipality

Project content

The programme is all about using football activities for social integration. Participants grow individually through the football programme, learning teamwork, emotional management, constructive problem-solving and communication with peers and adults, and reflecting on their experiences. The programme embraces diversity, welcoming children of all genders, personalities and nationalities, ensuring inclusion and equal opportunities for all. And it strengthens community awareness, fostering a sense of belonging for all members of the community.


Football versus Discrimination

Location and general information

Location Ireland
Start date 01/01/2025
End date 12/31/2026
Cost of the project €268,773,88
Foundation funding €100,000
Project identifier 2024001292
Partners Sport Against Racism Ireland (SARI)
Categories Access to Sport - Children with disabilities - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Personal development - Strengthening partnerships


Ireland has become an increasingly diverse community, with people of many ethnic backgrounds migrating and/or seeking asylum in Ireland. SARI proactively celebrates this but understands that it brings challenges. Over the past 12-16 months, Ireland has seen the rise of the far-right with an increase in anti-immigrant sentiment, protests and violent riots.
Sport can play a pivotal role in addressing these issues.

Project goals

The aim of the project is to break down barriers and further social inclusion by bringing people of different communities together through sport – and specifically football – to learn about, examine and challenge concepts such as discrimination and racism as well as learn about other cultures and Irish society. Specific goals are to:

  •  Increase mutual understanding between children & young people from diverse ethnic backgrounds
  • Help combat racism & all forms of discrimination
  • Promote the integration and inclusion of migrants & refugees into Irish schools & wider society
  • Facilitate participation of migrants in sport, volunteering and cultural activities
  • Promote gender equality in sport and society
  • Introduce children to the concept of Human Rights
  • Advocate for the inclusion of EDI education in the national curriculum

Project content

SARI coaches, both male and female from diverse ethnic backgrounds, visit schools across Ireland to deliver an Anti-discrimination workshop to students. This workshop addresses issues including racism, homophobia, sexism and disability.
