Preserving children’s well-being in displacement camps in Yemen through play and sport

Location and general information

Location Yemen
Start date 11/02/2023
End date 10/31/2024
Cost of the project €96,840
Foundation funding €50,000
Project identifier 20230339
Partners Medair
Categories Access to Sport - Children with disabilities - Conflict victims - Gender Equality - Personal development


After nine years of conflict, more than 60% of its population depends on vital humanitarian aid. People are forced to flee, sometimes far from friends and family. As many as 4.4 million people, including 1.8 million children, live in displacement camps all over the country. Life in these camps is marked by extreme distress and precariousness, which has a negative impact on well-being and mental health, especially of children who are the most vulnerable.

Project goals

Improving and preserving the well-being and mental health of children living in two displacement camps, through sport and play activities.

Project content

  • Improving playing areas for children aged 0 to 6. We run sessions focused on mother-child interactions through activities, and develop positive parenting and stress management to provide caregivers with the tools and knowledge to stimulate early child development.
  • Establishing and running sports and recreational activities for children aged 7 to 13 to promote psychosocial well-being, a sense of security, and social cohesion.
  • Handing the management of the places and activities over to trained community leaders and facilitators to enable play areas to continue after the project ends.


Campo do Sancho

Location and general information

Location Brazil, Recife, Pernambuco
Start date 04/01/2024
End date 08/31/2025
Cost of the project €114,575
Foundation funding €80,000
Project identifier 20230618
Partners love.fútbol
Categories Access to Sport - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Infrastructure and equipment - Personal development - Strengthening partnerships


In Brazil, according to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE, 2020), 47% of the public schools have no sports infrastructure and 78% (2019) of the children and 84% of teenagers do less exercise than what is recommended by WHO.

Project goals

The project will take place in Sancho, a community that represents the reality of the lack of play spaces and quality education in northeastern Brazil.

  • Use love.fútbol's award-winning methodology and 16 years of experience developing community-driven sports spaces to create a football facility in an underserved community
  • Engage the local community and enable it to build and take ownership of this space as a platform dedicated to sports, and education
  • Deliver bi-weekly ‘sports for education’ sessions to 60 children
  • Partner with the city hall and the local organisation Cores do Amanhã to keep the space safe and provide a daily schedule

Project content

love.fútbol will promote a cross-sector partnership between Recife city hall, local grassroots non-profit organisation Cores do Amanhã, and a broader range of community leaders, groups, businesses, and organisations to plan, refurbish and reactivate a historic football pitch that will serve as a sustainable platform for sports and educational sessions, a point of integration between various sectors of the community, and a reference for municipal, state and regional public policy. The ‘Campo do Sancho’ will be more than a place to play, but a local hub for education, social coexistence and peace.


Playing with Corals. Football as a gateway toward climate action and marine awareness

Location and general information

Location Republic of Maldives, Faafu Atoll
Start date 02/01/2024
End date 01/31/2026
Cost of the project €203,430
Foundation funding €101,930
Project identifier 20230488
Partners MaRHE Center, University of Milano-Bicocca
Categories Access to Sport - Environmental protection - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Personal development


The 1,200 islands of the Maldives are home to one of the most threatened animal groups in the world: corals! The archipelago depends on the reefs for the ecosystem services they provide through tourism, fisheries and coastal protection. This precious ecosystem is suffering due to sea-level rise, extreme weather events causing beach erosion and potentially population migrations.

In this scenario, it is imperative for upcoming generations, even in remote places, to become environmental ambassadors and ocean guardians and to spearhead initiatives for ocean protection.

There is an opportunity for football to be the gateway to climate action and marine awareness.

Project goals

  • Use football as a tool to motivate children to conserve the environment
  • Foster children's resilience, lowering their vulnerabilities and increasing their personal resources through football
  • Innovate communication strategies on climate change and environmental awareness
  • Link sport and practical reef restoration activities to create a new generation of coral guardians
  • Create a replicable model for the use of sport as a link between environmental conservation and a healthy lifestyle

Project content

The project combines football training with marine conservation, engaging with trainers and children through educational activities (SDG4) while teaching the principles of a healthy lifestyle (SDG3), environmental protection (SDG13), and active efforts for reef preservation and rehabilitation. Football is a way to engage with a large pool of children, build local capacity, inspire the younger generation, bridge the gap between male and female participation (SDG5), improve physical skills, and take part in active coral reef conservation (SDG14).

Environmental awareness will be promoted by combining educational activities that provide a theory background with the practice of coral restoration. Finally, the ‘train the trainers’ sessions will ensure a long-lasting replicable model to build local capacity of football trainers and restoration practitioners.

The project will be run on Faafu as a collaboration between two experts in their fields:

  • The Marine Research and Higher Education Center (MaRHE Center) of the University of Milano-Bicocca
  • Inter Campus, the international CSR department of F.C. Inter Milano

The MaRHE Center has been carrying out research and educational activities in the fields of environmental science and marine biology, tourism science, and human geography in the Maldives since 2009.

Since 1997, Inter Campus has entered into collaboration agreements with selected NGOs and institutions throughout the world. Inter Campus supports their social programmes in favour of children in need, using football as an educational tool and as an incentive towards further social objectives, such as inclusion, integration, education, dialogue in divided communities and active participation in society. It offers free technical clinics for adults, restores the right to play for children, and promotes the development of local communities, while respecting their needs and contextual characteristics.

Faafu Atoll, south-west of the country's capital, Male, comprises five islands (Feeali, Bileiydhoo, Magoodhoo, Dharanboodhoo, Nilandhoo). Here, ten local educators will be trained by MaRHE Center and Inter Campus staff in four weekly sessions over two years. Throughout the year, overseen remotely by the organising team, the local trainers will conduct weekly sessions on their own islands, engaging in both football and marine activities, which include coral reef restoration.

The direct project beneficiaries over the two years will be:

  • 5 islands
  • More than 10 trainers
  • 200 teenagers and pre-teens aged 10–14 (40 per island), 25% of which are girls


Play for equality

Location and general information

Location Ukraine
Start date 01/15/2023
End date 12/31/2024
Cost of the project €114,000
Foundation funding €80,000
Project identifier 20231123
Partners Klitschko Foundation
Categories Access to Sport - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Personal development


In many places around the world, adolescent girls show less interest in sport and physical activity than boys. Surveys in 142 countries have found that girls are generally less active than boys.

In Ukraine, the gender balance in sport and physical activities mirrors this global trend. A 2019 study found that, on average, women and girls represented only 25% of those who took part in sport. This inequality is largely attributed to the numerous stereotypes faced by girls who wish to play sport.

The situation is exacerbated by the ongoing war, which has significantly impacted children's psychological well-being, leading to a decline in motivation for both school and sport. Since the start of the war, data indicates that 75% of Ukrainian parents have observed symptoms of psychological trauma in their children. These symptoms include abrupt, unprovoked mood swings, ranging from extremely positive to extremely negative, and vice versa.

To get more women to lead active lifestyles, it is essential to communicate the value of sport to young girls and dismantle stereotypes surrounding women in sport.

Project goals

  • To challenge stereotypes about girls who play sports not typically associated with women
  • To encourage girls to play sport and lead an active lifestyle
  • To train physical education teachers to adopt gender-sensitive approaches in schools
  • To promote positive change in society through sport
  • To provide schools with sports equipment to foster a safe and nurturing environment for children

Project content

  • A 21-day online training programme for physical education teachers at 150 schools around Ukraine
  • Sports equipment for those 150 schools
  • 150 tournaments in the schools of the participating teachers
  • A five-day sports camp for 100 girls aged 13 to 16


Diepsloot Safe-Hub Empower Play programme

Location and general information

Location South-Africa, Johannesburg
Start date 02/12/2024
End date 12/31/2024
Cost of the project €97,024
Foundation funding €74,970
Project identifier 20231018
Partners Amandla KuLutsha
Categories Access to Sport - Employability - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Personal development


Diepsloot, situated in the northern part of Johannesburg, South Africa, is a densely populated area facing various socio-economic challenges: high levels of unemployment, limited educational opportunities and insufficient resources for youth development. Additionally, widespread drug abuse has emerged as a critical concern, significantly impacting the well-being and prospects particularly of the younger residents.

Project goals

  • Establish an environment within the EduFootball programme, in which participants feel secure and supported, encouraging open dialogues and creating a non-judgmental space for sharing concerns and experiences
  • Cultivate positive relationships between coaches, mentors and participants by providing role models and support structures
  • Educate participants about the dangers of drug abuse through regular workshops and expert-led sessions
  • Address the unemployment crisis by running the Playmakers programme, offering accredited learnerships and practical work experience

Project content

The Empower Play programme is designed to address the specific challenges faced by the Diepsloot community:

  • Safe and supportive environment: The project aims to create a safe and supportive space within EduFootball, providing participants with a refuge from daily challenges. Open dialogues and a non-judgmental atmosphere foster trust and encourage participants to share their concerns.
  • Positive role models: The project seeks to counter the lack of positive role models in Diepsloot by showcasing success stories and organising motivational sessions. Inspirational figures from similar backgrounds demonstrate the transformative power of education and sport.
  • Substance abuse education: The drug awareness component directly addresses the substance abuse epidemic in Diepsloot. Workshops and expert-led sessions provide participants with vital knowledge about the dangers of drug abuse, and offer resources for those seeking assistance.
  • Employability enhancement: In response to the high unemployment rates, the EduFootball programme goes beyond sport by incorporating the Playmakers programme. This initiative provides accredited skills programmes and practical work experience, empowering unemployed post-high school youth with skills to enhance their employability.
  • Monitoring and evaluation: The project acknowledges the need for ongoing assessment to track participants' progress in various aspects, such as emotional well-being, education and employability. Continuous feedback ensures that the programme responds to the evolving needs of the Diepsloot community.

In essence, the Empower Play Programme is not only a response to the immediate challenges faced by Diepsloot, but also a proactive effort to empower the community's youth, break the cycle of unemployment and substance abuse, and pave the way for a brighter and more sustainable future.

The programme includes:

  • Life-skills training session
  • Fair play football match days
  • Holiday programmes
  • Night league tournaments
  • Playmakers workplace skills training


Inclusive Goal

Location and general information

Location Argentina, Buenos Aires
Start date 02/01/2024
End date 02/01/2025
Cost of the project €126,000
Foundation funding €60,000
Project identifier 20231168
Partners Asociacion Civil Andar
Categories Access to Sport - Children with disabilities - Environmental protection - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Personal development


People with disabilities are excluded from our society and need to have access to normalised spaces. Social barriers segregate them and deprive them of the opportunity to develop in the various spheres of social life. This impacts their development and imposes limits on their opportunities to carry out a life plan freely and independently.

Project goals

  • Eliminate cultural barriers to access sports development
  • Build role models that promote gender equality and equal access regardless of gender
  • Promote empowerment by practising decision-making and its consequences through play

Project content

We at Andar FC Academy believe that one of the best ways to positively impact the lives of children is through play, thereby developing the values and life skills that enable them to cope with the challenges of their environment Our approach through sport contributes to children’s inclusion, promotes the respect of their rights and gender equality, prevents situations of violence and encourages development of life skills, which will have a positive impact on their sports and socioemotional development. No child or adolescent should be left behind, regardless of ability, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, language, culture or religion, so all of our activities are tailored to meet their specific learning and skill needs.


Fun Football in Nigeria

Location and general information

Location Anambra, Kaduna, Benue and Kano (Nigeria)
Start date 01/01/2024
End date 03/31/2025
Cost of the project €200,000
Foundation funding €100,000
Project identifier 20230056
Partners Cross Cultures Project Association
Categories Access to Sport - Conflict victims - Employability - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Personal development - Strengthening partnerships


Nigeria has a population of nearly 224 million, of which 63% are 24 years old or younger. Since gaining independence in 1960, Nigeria has faced almost constant conflict between the two major religions, between different ethnic groups and between pastoralists and farmers. This fighting has resulted in millions of deaths and unquantifiable social and material damage. In 2023, approximately 9.3 million people required emergency humanitarian assistance and nearly 3 million remained internally displaced. Women and children are particularly vulnerable: UNICEF estimates that six out of ten children in Nigeria experience some form of violence daily and nearly 20 million do not attend school, which puts them at an increased risk of violence, crime, child labour, poverty and recruitment by militias. In the northern regions, only 44% of girls receive primary education, and 48% marry before the age of 15. Moreover, unemployment among Nigerians aged 15–24 reached almost 53.4% in 2021. Nigeria is also highly susceptible to climate-change-related disasters such as floods and droughts, which exacerbate the humanitarian crises, conflict and poverty.

Project goals

Overall objective:

To promote peaceful coexistence, youth empowerment and child protection in Nigeria.

Specific goals:

  • To empower unemployed individuals with the skills and networks to promote peaceful coexistence, cooperation and social cohesion through Fun Football activities, while also enhancing their own resilience and opportunities to earn a living in grassroots sport or physical education.
  • To enhance child protection in conflict-sensitive areas with a focus on the most vulnerable, notably unschooled and internally displaced children.
  • To incorporate Fun Football into the curricula of primary schools in vulnerable communities as a means of promoting children's wellbeing and development and reducing the number of drop-outs.

Project content

Fun Football unites people across social divisions by helping them to find common ground around their passion for football and their hopes for their children's development and future. It also fosters children's social and psychological development by providing them with safe spaces to play, positive role models, new friendships, life skills and psychosocial support. Sport has been shown to play an effective role in keeping children in school since it promotes their social skills, mental well-being and self-confidence, all of which contribute to increased motivation and performance. Cross Cultures' Fun Football programme consists of three main activities:

  • Training for young leaders and coaches

Cross Cultures trains unemployed former footballers and women who are not in employment, education or training in action learning methods and the child-centred Fun Football philosophy so that they can take control of their lives and become more involved in their communities as volunteer leaders and coaches.

  • Open Fun Football Schools, Fun Festivals and other Fun Football activities

Children are given the opportunity to experience Fun Football with children from different backgrounds in a safe and peaceful environment characterised by friendship, non-violence, child protection and gender equality. The activities are led by the volunteer coaches and leaders.

  • Cross-sectoral cooperation:

The project works with 20 primary schools committed to introducing the concept of Fun Football. Cross Cultures aims to train 80 physical education teachers and coaches who will, in turn, train 5,000 participating students.


Football for all children

Location and general information

Location Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bihać
Start date 01/01/2024
End date 12/31/2024
Cost of the project €146,343
Foundation funding €39,100
Project identifier 20230933
Partners Bihać youth football club (OFK Bihać)
Categories Access to Sport - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Infrastructure and equipment - Personal development - Strengthening partnerships


Local development strategies set out the need to provide access to sport for children and teenagers, train professional staff and improve sports facilities, especially for vulnerable and marginalised social groups.

Project goals

The project aims to provide inclusive access to sport for all children in local communities, including those in marginalised population groups, facilitate social interaction and remove stigma through football, promoting team spirit and equality among peers. By improving infrastructure, the project will enhance the capacities of OFK Bihać and long-term sustainability prospects for the benefit of the entire community.

Project content

The Prekounje sports centre that the project seeks to develop is located on the right bank of the Una river that runs through Bihać, in and adjacent to communities with about 17,000 citizens, incl. about 5,400 children of all ages, including the largest Roma community.

The sports centre will significantly improve access and opportunities for all children, in their neighbourhood, at walking distance from their homes. Additionally, the upgraded infrastructure will provide opportunities to increase the diversity and number of activities by over 60%, finally allowing evening/night activities and tournaments in a modern, safe environment for all children.

  • Inclusive football school: One year of free football practice, at least twice a week, with UEFA-licensed coaches, for boys and girls in marginalised population groups, together with peers from other communities, in mixed (ethnicity, gender, etc.) teams.
  • Enhancing facilities at the Prekounje sports centre: Modernising and upgrading the existing football pitch (100mx64m) and building a new artificial pitch (40mx20m).


Miracoli FC a new vision of a football school. Together we create a community

Location and general information

Location Italy, Roma
Start date 01/01/2024
End date 03/30/2025
Cost of the project €120,700
Foundation funding €100,700
Project identifier 20230223
Partners Calciosociale
Categories Access to Sport - Gender Equality - Personal development


In Corviale (a suburb of Rome), young people are exposed to negative influences, requiring us to continuously find new ways to convince them to pursue a socio-educational path. As football is one of the world’s most beloved sports, it is the perfect catalyst, enabling us to turn the Campo dei Miracoli (our field office) into a meeting place for youngsters and their families.

Project goals

  • Facilitating access to sport
  • Fostering inclusion and fighting discrimination through football
  • Developing emotional and interpersonal skills among at-risk youngsters who face social exclusion, and encouraging prosocial attitudes
  • Promoting a new vision of football school and community through sport
  • Involving parents in the activities in order to work in synergy to increase the impact on the children and territory

Project content

The Miracoli FC project aims to set up the first male and female soccer school in the suburbs of Corviale based on the principles and values of CalcioSociale®. The football pitches become training grounds for life, places where inclusion is truly possible and participants not only learn about a healthy lifestyle through sport but also have the opportunity to spend time together, share their emotions and set out on an educational path that enables them to build a better future, different from what they currently experience.

Football practice: twice a week, coordinated by expert coaches, educators, psychologists and nutritionists. This year, we have decided to improve the competitive sector from 13 to 20 years old and involve more teenagers who are more likely to become involved in petty crime or become drug addicts.

Social football tournament: once a week, a tournament is held with Calciosociale rules. Every year, the tournament has a specific theme that inspires the team names. This year, the topic was environmental protection, so the youngsters chose the names of women and men who fought for this cause. Some off-the-pitch activities will be developed based on the topic.

Networking with the parents: To have a greater impact on the project beneficiaries, it is essential to create a ‘bond’ with their families. For this reason, the project decided this year to appoint a parent network manager who will be responsible for the network created during the first year.

Workshops for parents: In the first year, we saw that an informal approach with parents yielded a better result in terms of building trust. So, it was decided to enable parents to take part in team-building activities, parenting education and a healthy approach to sports competition: cheering on the sidelines, training to respect the children’s opponents, coaches and team mates.


Art and sport therapy to enhance psychosocial reintegration programmes for former child soldiers in Colombia

Location and general information

En cours
Location Colombia, Cali and Medellin
Start date 07/01/2023
End date 06/30/2024
Cost of the project €79,496
Foundation funding €20,087
Project identifier 20230122
Partners WAPA International
Categories Access to Sport - Conflict victims - Gender Equality - Personal development


During the five decades of armed conflict in Colombia, virtually all the armed groups recruited children as soldiers, both in villages and towns. It is estimated that nearly 18,000 children were recruited. Children joined these armed groups for a variety of reasons: challenging economic circumstances, domestic violence, lack of opportunities, desire for revenge, threats and forced recruitment.

Project goals

The Kuakumun and Arteuma programmes are designed to improve the life trajectories of former child soldiers and help them to realise their personal and social potential through art and sport. The goal is for them to develop the skills they need to reintegrate into civil society, gain employment and regain their civil rights and responsibilities.

Project content

The Arteuma programme, at a reintegration centre in Cali, and the Kuakumun programme, at a reintegration centre in Medellin, are aimed at male and female teenagers who have left armed guerrilla groups and feature two main strands:

Art therapy

This approach uses music, dance, plastic arts, theatre and embroidery sessions to help participants:

  • improve their self-awareness and self-confidence
  • discover talents other than fighting and new possibilities for the future
  • learn to control their aggression
  • develop tolerance, patience and concentration
  • heal their wounds and move forward
  • learning to build instead of destroy
  • work as part of a team, respecting differences and relating to others without rivalry
  • overcome shyness and make friends

The teenagers will be taken to museums and will attend events where they will present their artwork to other young people and meet professional artists. These exchanges will help to restore their pride and enable them to be seen as something other than ex-child soldiers.

Sport therapy

An interdisciplinary team of psychosocial workers and professional sports coaches will run weekly introductory sessions and training in football, swimming and martial arts. All the necessary equipment will be provided. The teenagers will go on educational outings, meet elite athletes and participate in a tournament.

Through sports, the teenagers will:

  • strengthen their interpersonal skills and learn how to work together
  • learn how to rebuild relationships
  • enhance their self-esteem and social skills
  • improve their mental and physical health
  • learn to recognise their limitations
  • learn to accept their bodies


This is How We Football

Location and general information

Location American Samoa, Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tahiti, Tonga, Vanuatu
Start date 03/08/2023
End date 03/31/2025
Cost of the project €1,170,904
Foundation funding €175,000
Project identifier 20230422
Partners Oceania Football Confederation (OFC)
Categories Access to Sport - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Personal development - Strengthening partnerships


In 2022 the Oceania Football Confederation (OFC) set about trying to understand and overcome the barriers to participation faced by women and girls, setting up a project that would address gender inequality and gender-based violence in the region.

The Pacific region faces some of the highest rates of violence against women and girls – twice the global average – with an estimated two out of every three women affected by gender-based violence. Discrimination extends onto the football pitch, with 70% of women insufficiently active and women and girls significantly underrepresented among players and in football leadership.

Football is unique in its ability to reach communities and bring individuals together across the Pacific. It is the most popular sport in the region and a high-impact, low-cost means of delivering social change and achieving our regional and international development goals.

Project goals


This is How We Football is designed to break down barriers to participation for women and girls and inspire a life-long engagement with the sport, supporting positive attitudes and action towards gender equality, delivering safe and supportive institutions and creating advocates for broader social change across all areas of the game.


  • 15,000 girls aged 13 to 18 participating in football and receiving messages of empowerment and resistance to gender-based violence every year across the Pacific
  • 30,000 boys and girls aged 6 to 12 participating in programmes that promote gender equality
  • 800+ coaches exhibiting enhanced understanding and positive attitudes towards girls’ in football
  • 800+ coaches, teachers and community volunteers trained in effective safeguarding for children
  • Online courses on gender equality, diversity and inclusion reaching 5,000 people annually
  • Safeguarding policy and focal point in all OFC member associations, and national action plans to achieve gender equality and address violence in and through football, including partnerships to enhance safe female participation

Project content

This is How We Football takes a holistic approach to achieving greater equality, by understanding needs and supporting change among players, coaches and organisations and in the community as a whole. The programme has been informed by extensive research and key activities outlined in the OFC Gender Equality Playbook.

It delivers programmes to children and adolescents that establish the knowledge, attitudes and practices needed to enhance gender empowerment, address gender-based violence and enable the participants themselves to become change makers in their communities. These activities are bolstered by training and capacity building, support for OFC member associations and other football organisations, and national and regional gender empowerment campaigns.


Play It Safe

Location and general information

Location Thailand, Mae Sot and Phop Phra districts
Start date 01/01/2024
End date 12/31/2024
Cost of the project €59,079
Foundation funding €45,243
Project identifier 20230667
Partners Help Without Frontiers Thailand Foundation
Categories Access to Sport - Gender Equality - Personal development


The economic impact of COVID-19 and the Myanmar military coup in 2021 amplified the vulnerabilities of the Burmese migrant population in Mae Sot. Communities face increased risks of food security, exploitation, mental health issues and unemployment. Children are particularly vulnerable, as they are exposed to risks, including mental health issues, early marriage, child labour, and limited access to sport and recreation due to security concerns.

Project goals

  • Enhance child-protection preventive and response mechanisms at the Thai–Myanmar border by providing training and resources for migrant teachers, coaches and children taking part in the football training activities
  • Challenge gender roles and social norms among migrant teachers and children at the Thai–Myanmar border through gender-sensitive child-protection and football activities
  • Strengthen mental health support for migrant children at the Thai–Myanmar border by implementing a football programme

Project content

Play it Safe addresses inequalities and risks faced by migrant communities by equipping children and adults with knowledge and skills to overcome challenges, inspire positive social change and passing these on within their communities. The project delivers integrated gender-sensitive sports activities through community-based youth coaches that promote gender equality and child protection. It also strengthens safeguarding good practices, ensuring communities have a safe and inclusive learning environment.


Futbol KY

Location and general information

Location Guatemala, Guatemala City
Start date 01/04/2024
End date 12/15/2024
Cost of the project €36,150
Foundation funding €25,000
Project identifier 20230556
Partners Asociación de Maestros de Educación Temprana Plantando Semillas
Categories Access to Sport - Healthy lifestyle - Personal development


In Zone 3 of Guatemala City, over 10,000 internally displaced families are living next to the garbage dump. The level of poverty and the lack of education and parental support creates a fertile ground for community violence and substance abuse. The prevalence of violence endangers children and teenagers, putting their future at risk.


Project goals

  • Provide at-risk children and teenagers with a way to escape violence by engaging them in healthy recreation through sport and supporting their education
  • Provide a football training programme to improve players' football skills, teamwork, and sportsmanship through structured training, while fostering friendship and discipline
  • Boost academic success, reinforce the importance of education, and support youngsters with spaces and opportunities to nurture the skills they need to succeed
  • Ensure that Futbol KY participants have access to additional services, including psychosocial care and parental support for their caregivers, through the Fathers’ Group and Motivated Women Programme

Project content

Futbol KY combines football training, academic support and parental groups to create a well-rounded development experience.

Football training programmes emphasise not only physical improvement but also discipline, friendship, and character development.

Alongside football training, the project prioritises academic success. We offer tutoring sessions, creating a comprehensive approach to physical and intellectual development.

To establish a supportive environment, the project includes two parental support groups: the Motivated Women Programme and the Fathers’ Group.

Recognising the need for psychosocial support, we provide a space to improve participants’ psychological well-being and mental health.


Girls Community League (GCL)

Location and general information

Location Philippines, Tacloban
Start date 02/01/2024
End date 01/31/2025
Cost of the project €169,950
Foundation funding €32,975
Project identifier 20230961
Partners Fundlife International Inc.
Categories Access to Sport - Employability - Gender Equality - Personal development


In the Philippines, 4.8m children drop out of school every year, mainly due to poverty as they are forced to work. The poverty rate in the Leyte region is almost 48%, the second highest in the country after the Mindanao region. The COVID-19 pandemic had a catastrophic impact because schools were closed for over 700 days, and online education opportunities were not provided for the poor. Typhoon Rai in December 2021 aggravated access to education. School restarted in late 2022, but children have struggle to go back.

Project goals

FundLife's mission is to give every child equal opportunity and support to help them succeed. The GCL objectives are:

  • Provide children forced out of school due to the COVID-19 pandemic and/or Typhoon Rai with access to safe play and learning spaces within their communities
  • Provide them with educational support during their back-to-school journey through our Play-Believe-Achieve methodology
  • Increase girls' engagement and decision-making abilities through a girls-front-and-centre approach

Project content

Girls Community League (GCL) is the continuation of FundLife’s flagship project, which is currently running in Tacloban and Cebu. GCL is designed to alleviate the negative impact that the pandemic and Typhoon Rai had on access to education. It is a girl-focused protection/education programme based on experiential play and learning that helps children 1) return to school after a 700+ day break; 2) not drop-out later on and finish their education; 3) improve their future employability or entrepreneurial skills.


Football for Equality and Education

Location and general information

Location Palestine, Tulkarem, Nablus, Ramallah and al-Bireh, Jerusalem and Bethlehem
Start date 12/01/2024
End date 07/30/2024
Cost of the project €30,000
Foundation funding €30,000
Project identifier 20231061
Partners Palestine Sports for Life (PS4L)
Categories Access to Sport - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Personal development


As a result of decades of political and economic pressure associated with conflict and oppression, Palestinian society has become increasingly fragmented, leaving many Palestinians disconnected from and unfamiliar with one another. These divides are particularly harmful for young people who are already vulnerable and in need of guidance and opportunities to develop their life skills and maintain their well-being.

Vast numbers of Palestinian children are exposed to dangers such as physical and emotional violence, sexual abuse, child marriage, child labour, political violence and conflict. Poverty, unemployment and overcrowded living conditions further exacerbate the risks to their safety and the impact of the trauma they suffer. Football-based projects are a creative approach to combating violence, abuse and neglect by strengthening institutional capacities and addressing the beneficiaries’ unique psychosocial needs.

Project goals

All children have the fundamental right to live, learn and play in a safe and stimulating environment, which has a big impact on their mental health. The project’s overall goal is to enhance the well-being of children and teenagers attending schools run by UNWRA (the UN’s relief agency in Palestine) in the Palestinian West Bank through sport and life skills activities. The programme also aims to provide an inclusive safe space where young girls, in particular, can play sports.

An additional objective is to strengthen the capacity of teachers to deliver sports-based development activities, conduct gender analyses, and ensure child protection and safeguarding in refugee camps.

Project content

PS4L works closely with UNRWA to provide essential psychosocial support and development programmes in the agency’s schools. Ten teachers will be trained in the football for development methodology, enabling them to deliver high-quality football and life skills sessions. At least 500 marginalised refugee children of different abilities, of which 70% should be girls, will be engaged and empowered through weekly football-based educational sessions on life skills and gender equality.


Sport in the Village

Location and general information

Location Zimbabwe, Harare
Start date 02/19/2024
End date 12/31/2024
Cost of the project €160,000
Foundation funding €110,000
Project identifier 20230180
Partners Fondation Khuon
Categories Access to Sport - Children with disabilities - Healthy lifestyle - Infrastructure and equipment - Personal development


For more than 20 years, St Marcellin Children’s Village in Harare has been home to 66 children aged between three months and 18 years old. The orphanage also houses a preschool and a primary school for boys and girls living in the surrounding area. The 16 classes can accommodate up to 300 pupils in total. However, the only place to play sport is an undeveloped patch of dirt. Proper sports facilities are crucial to the children’s development.

Project goals

  • To give all children access to sport at school
  • For each of the 300 pupils to attend two to three supervised sports sessions each week
  • To make the sports facilities available for children from the orphanage and the surrounding area to use outside school hours
  • To offer a space where members of the community can relax and interact

Project content

The team will build a fully equipped 30m x 15m multi-sport pitch and will develop the outside space into a grass sports field measuring 70m x 50m.

These facilities will be built in a sustainable way and will be accessible to disabled children. They will be managed and maintained jointly by the two schools.
