Location and general information

In Brazil, according to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE, 2020), 47% of the public schools have no sports infrastructure and 78% (2019) of the children and 84% of teenagers do less exercise than what is recommended by WHO.
Project goals
The project will take place in Sancho, a community that represents the reality of the lack of play spaces and quality education in northeastern Brazil.
- Use love.fútbol's award-winning methodology and 16 years of experience developing community-driven sports spaces to create a football facility in an underserved community
- Engage the local community and enable it to build and take ownership of this space as a platform dedicated to sports, and education
- Deliver bi-weekly ‘sports for education’ sessions to 60 children
- Partner with the city hall and the local organisation Cores do Amanhã to keep the space safe and provide a daily schedule
Project content
love.fútbol will promote a cross-sector partnership between Recife city hall, local grassroots non-profit organisation Cores do Amanhã, and a broader range of community leaders, groups, businesses, and organisations to plan, refurbish and reactivate a historic football pitch that will serve as a sustainable platform for sports and educational sessions, a point of integration between various sectors of the community, and a reference for municipal, state and regional public policy. The ‘Campo do Sancho’ will be more than a place to play, but a local hub for education, social coexistence and peace.