Football for all children

Location and general information

Location Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bihać
Start date 01/01/2024
End date 12/31/2024
Cost of the project €146,343
Foundation funding €39,100
Project identifier 20230933
Partners Bihać youth football club (OFK Bihać)
Categories Access to Sport - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Infrastructure and equipment - Personal development - Strengthening partnerships


Local development strategies set out the need to provide access to sport for children and teenagers, train professional staff and improve sports facilities, especially for vulnerable and marginalised social groups.

Project goals

The project aims to provide inclusive access to sport for all children in local communities, including those in marginalised population groups, facilitate social interaction and remove stigma through football, promoting team spirit and equality among peers. By improving infrastructure, the project will enhance the capacities of OFK Bihać and long-term sustainability prospects for the benefit of the entire community.

Project content

The Prekounje sports centre that the project seeks to develop is located on the right bank of the Una river that runs through Bihać, in and adjacent to communities with about 17,000 citizens, incl. about 5,400 children of all ages, including the largest Roma community.

The sports centre will significantly improve access and opportunities for all children, in their neighbourhood, at walking distance from their homes. Additionally, the upgraded infrastructure will provide opportunities to increase the diversity and number of activities by over 60%, finally allowing evening/night activities and tournaments in a modern, safe environment for all children.

  • Inclusive football school: One year of free football practice, at least twice a week, with UEFA-licensed coaches, for boys and girls in marginalised population groups, together with peers from other communities, in mixed (ethnicity, gender, etc.) teams.
  • Enhancing facilities at the Prekounje sports centre: Modernising and upgrading the existing football pitch (100mx64m) and building a new artificial pitch (40mx20m).


Miracoli FC a new vision of a football school. Together we create a community

Location and general information

Location Italy, Roma
Start date 01/01/2024
End date 03/30/2025
Cost of the project €120,700
Foundation funding €100,700
Project identifier 20230223
Partners Calciosociale
Categories Access to Sport - Gender Equality - Personal development


In Corviale (a suburb of Rome), young people are exposed to negative influences, requiring us to continuously find new ways to convince them to pursue a socio-educational path. As football is one of the world’s most beloved sports, it is the perfect catalyst, enabling us to turn the Campo dei Miracoli (our field office) into a meeting place for youngsters and their families.

Project goals

  • Facilitating access to sport
  • Fostering inclusion and fighting discrimination through football
  • Developing emotional and interpersonal skills among at-risk youngsters who face social exclusion, and encouraging prosocial attitudes
  • Promoting a new vision of football school and community through sport
  • Involving parents in the activities in order to work in synergy to increase the impact on the children and territory

Project content

The Miracoli FC project aims to set up the first male and female soccer school in the suburbs of Corviale based on the principles and values of CalcioSociale®. The football pitches become training grounds for life, places where inclusion is truly possible and participants not only learn about a healthy lifestyle through sport but also have the opportunity to spend time together, share their emotions and set out on an educational path that enables them to build a better future, different from what they currently experience.

Football practice: twice a week, coordinated by expert coaches, educators, psychologists and nutritionists. This year, we have decided to improve the competitive sector from 13 to 20 years old and involve more teenagers who are more likely to become involved in petty crime or become drug addicts.

Social football tournament: once a week, a tournament is held with Calciosociale rules. Every year, the tournament has a specific theme that inspires the team names. This year, the topic was environmental protection, so the youngsters chose the names of women and men who fought for this cause. Some off-the-pitch activities will be developed based on the topic.

Networking with the parents: To have a greater impact on the project beneficiaries, it is essential to create a ‘bond’ with their families. For this reason, the project decided this year to appoint a parent network manager who will be responsible for the network created during the first year.

Workshops for parents: In the first year, we saw that an informal approach with parents yielded a better result in terms of building trust. So, it was decided to enable parents to take part in team-building activities, parenting education and a healthy approach to sports competition: cheering on the sidelines, training to respect the children’s opponents, coaches and team mates.


Art and sport therapy to enhance psychosocial reintegration programmes for former child soldiers in Colombia

Location and general information

En cours
Location Colombia, Cali and Medellin
Start date 07/01/2023
End date 06/30/2024
Cost of the project €79,496
Foundation funding €20,087
Project identifier 20230122
Partners WAPA International
Categories Access to Sport - Conflict victims - Gender Equality - Personal development


During the five decades of armed conflict in Colombia, virtually all the armed groups recruited children as soldiers, both in villages and towns. It is estimated that nearly 18,000 children were recruited. Children joined these armed groups for a variety of reasons: challenging economic circumstances, domestic violence, lack of opportunities, desire for revenge, threats and forced recruitment.

Project goals

The Kuakumun and Arteuma programmes are designed to improve the life trajectories of former child soldiers and help them to realise their personal and social potential through art and sport. The goal is for them to develop the skills they need to reintegrate into civil society, gain employment and regain their civil rights and responsibilities.

Project content

The Arteuma programme, at a reintegration centre in Cali, and the Kuakumun programme, at a reintegration centre in Medellin, are aimed at male and female teenagers who have left armed guerrilla groups and feature two main strands:

Art therapy

This approach uses music, dance, plastic arts, theatre and embroidery sessions to help participants:

  • improve their self-awareness and self-confidence
  • discover talents other than fighting and new possibilities for the future
  • learn to control their aggression
  • develop tolerance, patience and concentration
  • heal their wounds and move forward
  • learning to build instead of destroy
  • work as part of a team, respecting differences and relating to others without rivalry
  • overcome shyness and make friends

The teenagers will be taken to museums and will attend events where they will present their artwork to other young people and meet professional artists. These exchanges will help to restore their pride and enable them to be seen as something other than ex-child soldiers.

Sport therapy

An interdisciplinary team of psychosocial workers and professional sports coaches will run weekly introductory sessions and training in football, swimming and martial arts. All the necessary equipment will be provided. The teenagers will go on educational outings, meet elite athletes and participate in a tournament.

Through sports, the teenagers will:

  • strengthen their interpersonal skills and learn how to work together
  • learn how to rebuild relationships
  • enhance their self-esteem and social skills
  • improve their mental and physical health
  • learn to recognise their limitations
  • learn to accept their bodies


This is How We Football

Location and general information

Location American Samoa, Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tahiti, Tonga, Vanuatu
Start date 03/08/2023
End date 03/31/2025
Cost of the project €1,170,904
Foundation funding €175,000
Project identifier 20230422
Partners Oceania Football Confederation (OFC)
Categories Access to Sport - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Personal development - Strengthening partnerships


In 2022 the Oceania Football Confederation (OFC) set about trying to understand and overcome the barriers to participation faced by women and girls, setting up a project that would address gender inequality and gender-based violence in the region.

The Pacific region faces some of the highest rates of violence against women and girls – twice the global average – with an estimated two out of every three women affected by gender-based violence. Discrimination extends onto the football pitch, with 70% of women insufficiently active and women and girls significantly underrepresented among players and in football leadership.

Football is unique in its ability to reach communities and bring individuals together across the Pacific. It is the most popular sport in the region and a high-impact, low-cost means of delivering social change and achieving our regional and international development goals.

Project goals


This is How We Football is designed to break down barriers to participation for women and girls and inspire a life-long engagement with the sport, supporting positive attitudes and action towards gender equality, delivering safe and supportive institutions and creating advocates for broader social change across all areas of the game.


  • 15,000 girls aged 13 to 18 participating in football and receiving messages of empowerment and resistance to gender-based violence every year across the Pacific
  • 30,000 boys and girls aged 6 to 12 participating in programmes that promote gender equality
  • 800+ coaches exhibiting enhanced understanding and positive attitudes towards girls’ in football
  • 800+ coaches, teachers and community volunteers trained in effective safeguarding for children
  • Online courses on gender equality, diversity and inclusion reaching 5,000 people annually
  • Safeguarding policy and focal point in all OFC member associations, and national action plans to achieve gender equality and address violence in and through football, including partnerships to enhance safe female participation

Project content

This is How We Football takes a holistic approach to achieving greater equality, by understanding needs and supporting change among players, coaches and organisations and in the community as a whole. The programme has been informed by extensive research and key activities outlined in the OFC Gender Equality Playbook.

It delivers programmes to children and adolescents that establish the knowledge, attitudes and practices needed to enhance gender empowerment, address gender-based violence and enable the participants themselves to become change makers in their communities. These activities are bolstered by training and capacity building, support for OFC member associations and other football organisations, and national and regional gender empowerment campaigns.


Play It Safe

Location and general information

Location Thailand, Mae Sot and Phop Phra districts
Start date 01/01/2024
End date 12/31/2024
Cost of the project €59,079
Foundation funding €45,243
Project identifier 20230667
Partners Help Without Frontiers Thailand Foundation
Categories Access to Sport - Gender Equality - Personal development


The economic impact of COVID-19 and the Myanmar military coup in 2021 amplified the vulnerabilities of the Burmese migrant population in Mae Sot. Communities face increased risks of food security, exploitation, mental health issues and unemployment. Children are particularly vulnerable, as they are exposed to risks, including mental health issues, early marriage, child labour, and limited access to sport and recreation due to security concerns.

Project goals

  • Enhance child-protection preventive and response mechanisms at the Thai–Myanmar border by providing training and resources for migrant teachers, coaches and children taking part in the football training activities
  • Challenge gender roles and social norms among migrant teachers and children at the Thai–Myanmar border through gender-sensitive child-protection and football activities
  • Strengthen mental health support for migrant children at the Thai–Myanmar border by implementing a football programme

Project content

Play it Safe addresses inequalities and risks faced by migrant communities by equipping children and adults with knowledge and skills to overcome challenges, inspire positive social change and passing these on within their communities. The project delivers integrated gender-sensitive sports activities through community-based youth coaches that promote gender equality and child protection. It also strengthens safeguarding good practices, ensuring communities have a safe and inclusive learning environment.


Girls Community League (GCL)

Location and general information

Location Philippines, Tacloban
Start date 02/01/2024
End date 01/31/2025
Cost of the project €169,950
Foundation funding €32,975
Project identifier 20230961
Partners Fundlife International Inc.
Categories Access to Sport - Employability - Gender Equality - Personal development


In the Philippines, 4.8m children drop out of school every year, mainly due to poverty as they are forced to work. The poverty rate in the Leyte region is almost 48%, the second highest in the country after the Mindanao region. The COVID-19 pandemic had a catastrophic impact because schools were closed for over 700 days, and online education opportunities were not provided for the poor. Typhoon Rai in December 2021 aggravated access to education. School restarted in late 2022, but children have struggle to go back.

Project goals

FundLife's mission is to give every child equal opportunity and support to help them succeed. The GCL objectives are:

  • Provide children forced out of school due to the COVID-19 pandemic and/or Typhoon Rai with access to safe play and learning spaces within their communities
  • Provide them with educational support during their back-to-school journey through our Play-Believe-Achieve methodology
  • Increase girls' engagement and decision-making abilities through a girls-front-and-centre approach

Project content

Girls Community League (GCL) is the continuation of FundLife’s flagship project, which is currently running in Tacloban and Cebu. GCL is designed to alleviate the negative impact that the pandemic and Typhoon Rai had on access to education. It is a girl-focused protection/education programme based on experiential play and learning that helps children 1) return to school after a 700+ day break; 2) not drop-out later on and finish their education; 3) improve their future employability or entrepreneurial skills.


Football for Equality and Education

Location and general information

Location Palestine, Tulkarem, Nablus, Ramallah and al-Bireh, Jerusalem and Bethlehem
Start date 12/01/2024
End date 07/30/2024
Cost of the project €30,000
Foundation funding €30,000
Project identifier 20231061
Partners Palestine Sports for Life (PS4L)
Categories Access to Sport - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Personal development


As a result of decades of political and economic pressure associated with conflict and oppression, Palestinian society has become increasingly fragmented, leaving many Palestinians disconnected from and unfamiliar with one another. These divides are particularly harmful for young people who are already vulnerable and in need of guidance and opportunities to develop their life skills and maintain their well-being.

Vast numbers of Palestinian children are exposed to dangers such as physical and emotional violence, sexual abuse, child marriage, child labour, political violence and conflict. Poverty, unemployment and overcrowded living conditions further exacerbate the risks to their safety and the impact of the trauma they suffer. Football-based projects are a creative approach to combating violence, abuse and neglect by strengthening institutional capacities and addressing the beneficiaries’ unique psychosocial needs.

Project goals

All children have the fundamental right to live, learn and play in a safe and stimulating environment, which has a big impact on their mental health. The project’s overall goal is to enhance the well-being of children and teenagers attending schools run by UNWRA (the UN’s relief agency in Palestine) in the Palestinian West Bank through sport and life skills activities. The programme also aims to provide an inclusive safe space where young girls, in particular, can play sports.

An additional objective is to strengthen the capacity of teachers to deliver sports-based development activities, conduct gender analyses, and ensure child protection and safeguarding in refugee camps.

Project content

PS4L works closely with UNRWA to provide essential psychosocial support and development programmes in the agency’s schools. Ten teachers will be trained in the football for development methodology, enabling them to deliver high-quality football and life skills sessions. At least 500 marginalised refugee children of different abilities, of which 70% should be girls, will be engaged and empowered through weekly football-based educational sessions on life skills and gender equality.


Diangsport (Education through sport in Wolof)

Location and general information

Location Senegal, Mbour and Saly
Start date 12/06/2023
End date 12/31/2024
Cost of the project €31,000
Foundation funding €21,000
Project identifier 20230494
Partners Association Kenskoazell Afrika (AKA)
Categories Access to Sport - Environmental protection - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Infrastructure and equipment - Personal development - Strengthening partnerships


At the inauguration of the Lycée Demba Diop (multi-sports field and multi-purpose hall in 2022), three head teachers came to ask us to help their schools as they were lacking sports facilities.

After visiting the schools in June last year, we decided to adapt the Educafoot programme used in primary schools to the needs of these high schools, offering sports and educational events along with an environmental and health-based approach, including menstrual education for the girls.

Project goals

Help the children to develop and become tomorrow’s adult citizens. To fulfil this goal, our programme covers several topics, such as gender equality, access to sport, environmental education, sporting values, a work ethic, self-improvement, social coexistence, adhering to rules, respect for opponents and health education. The aim is to enhance the children’s mental and physical well-being.

Project content

We use a toolbox comprising multiple approaches to achieve our objectives. For example, we have mixed teams in the various events, and both girls and boys are given the chance to referee in order to develop leadership and decision-making skills. We educate the children about environmental issues by showing them a film and discussing it, followed by an activity making a net out of plastic waste, and have them help clean the school before each game. We organise French and maths competitions. We set up joint captainship and address health issues, in particular menstruation for the girls.


Sport for Development

Location and general information

Location Türkiye
Start date 01/01/2024
End date 12/31/2024
Cost of the project €250,000
Foundation funding €200,000
Project identifier 20230844
Partners Bonyan Organization for Youth and Development
Categories Access to Sport - Children with disabilities - Conflict victims - Employability - Environmental protection - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Personal development - Strengthening partnerships


Syrian refugees and their host communities both face hurdles when it comes to playing sport in Türkiye. Limited resources, cultural differences and language barriers hinder access to activities, which has knock-on effects on people’s physical and mental well-being.

Project goals

Sport for Development seeks to create inclusive sports programmes that cater to refugee and host communities in Sanlıurfa and Adıyaman. By creating opportunities for refugee and local children to play sport together in a safe and supporting environment, we aim to foster mutual understanding and social integration, and promote inclusivity and gender equality. We will combine sport with specialised mental health and psychosocial support activities to empower these vulnerable children physically and mentally, equipping them with essential life skills, building resilience, and creating a sense of well-being and belonging in their communities. By doing so, we hope to be a catalyst for positive change, promoting the fundamental rights and holistic development of vulnerable children, irrespective of their background or nationality.

Project content

  • To increase girls' participation in sport
    • Girl-only programmes
    • Targeted campaigns
    • Gender-neutral sports activities
    • School partnerships
    • Involvement of parents and families
    • Accessible sports facilities
    • Collaboration with women's organisations
    • Scholarships and incentives
  • To incorporate environmental awareness in sport
    • Green sports equipment
    • Recycling bins and waste management
    • Upcycling initiatives
    • Awareness campaigns
    • Environmentally friendly sports events
    • Community clean-ups
  • To use football as a tool for mental health and psychosocial support
    • Football for stress reduction
    • Team-building activities
    • Mental health awareness sessions
    • Peer support networks
    • Therapeutic football sessions
    • Sport as a coping mechanism
    • Celebrating successes
    • Referrals for professional support
  • E-football league
    • Organisation of league matches
    • Monitoring and registration of results
    • Play-offs and finals
    • Prizes and awards
    • Feedback and evaluation


Amigos for Children – Visiting sick children in hospital

Location and general information

Location Budapest, Szombathely, Szeged, Pécs, Debrecen, Miskolc (Hungary)
Start date 01/12/2022
End date 11/01/2025
Cost of the project €19,949
Foundation funding €19,949
Project identifier 20230356
Partners Amigos for Children Foundation
Categories Children with disabilities - Gender Equality - Personal development


Children undergoing long hospital treatments are everyday heroes. We believe that visiting them, being their trustworthy partners, friends, role models and teachers is an honour and a great service that benefits all parties involved. Amigos gain the power of social responsibility, doing something worthwhile and being a part of a precious community. Children make new friends and role models, have fun and gain knowledge, while parents and healthcare professionals receive support.

Project goals

Last year, as part of our UEFA Foundation project, our volunteers developed a football-themed English learning workbook, so this year we would like to implement it to our hospital sessions.

For 2024, we set the following goals:

  • Just through hospital visits, we can reach about 1,000 children who will be motivated by sport and making new Amigos friends.
  • Reaching a child in a hospital hopefully means reaching their parents with the message (another approx. 1,500 people reached) and their families (on average, children in Hungary have 1.6 siblings, so another 1,600 children reached).
  • Our volunteer base has about 60 new volunteers.
  • We promote a healthy lifestyle and the mental well-being of our volunteers, i.e. more than 200 university students.

Project content

With our nine years of experience, our aim is to go back to fully offline activities, as that is the greatest joy for children and Amigos too. In the spring of 2024, we launched our operation in Miskolc, Hungary: a great milestone as we will reach our sixth and final children’s oncology centre in Hungary. In 2023, we reached over 1,000 children through hospital visits, and we are planning to match that target this year. We are strengthening our social base and volunteer community.


Youth Sports Games 2024

Location and general information

Location Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Slovenia
Start date 01/10/2024
End date 11/30/2024
Cost of the project €7,476,965
Foundation funding €200,000
Project identifier 20230432
Partners Association for Sport, Recreation and Education – Youth Games
Categories Access to Sport - Environmental protection - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Infrastructure and equipment


More than 2,750,000 have competed in the 27 years since they began.

In 2024, the games will be held in four countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia. Primary and secondary-school-age children compete in ten sports free of charge, and the most successful individuals and teams get to travel to Split to take part in the international finals.

In addition to the games, the association organises regular sports and recreational activities for children, to promote health, tolerance and ethical values. The association promotes a lifestyle based on understanding, friendship, solidarity and fair play as an alternative to addiction and deviant behaviour.

Project goals

  • Bring children and teenagers together to actively take part in sport and recreational activities
  • Education and development of a positive atmosphere and affirmation of children and teenagers through sport and friendship as an alternative to various forms of addiction and deviant behaviour
  • Educational content that has been promoted through all activities and has been set up as a modern and up-to-date message from young people to young people is a significant contributor to preventing of all types of addiction and ties in with health and social programmes

In 2024, we expect to involve more than 315,000 participants from all countries. One of the goals this year is to expand our presence to more than 300 cities and 19,000 female football players. The national finals in all four countries will attract 8,000 participants and the international finals will involve 1,500 participants, for whom we cover all expenses – accommodation, travel and competition fees.

Project content

Sport is used as a medium to connect with the participants aged 7–18 through tournaments held in over 300 cities in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Slovenia. The Youth Sports Games promote a healthy lifestyle and popularise all ten sports (football, street basketball, handball, volleyball, beach volleyball, tennis, table tennis, chess, dodgeball and athletics), as well as educating the participants about sustainability. A special focus is placed on the football tournaments for girls that will attract around 19,000 young female footballers in four countries.


Sport for Equal Opportunities in Armenia

Location and general information

Location Armenia, Tavush Province
Start date 01/01/2024
End date 12/31/2024
Cost of the project €166,900
Foundation funding €117,000
Project identifier 20230247
Partners Bridge of Hope NGO
Categories Access to Sport - Children with disabilities - Gender Equality - Personal development


Perceptions of and attitudes towards disabled children in Armenia significantly hinder their inclusion in communities and their ability to achieve basic goals. Negative attitudes involve stereotypes and the belief that, due to their impairments, disabled children are unable to participate in the community and in education on an equal basis with their peers. Such attitudes often lead to social distancing and exclusion from social networks.

The problem is particularly acute in remote regions such as Tavush, where communities often view disabled children as incapable, sick and a burden to their families. These negative perceptions hinder their opportunities for development and social inclusion.

Approximately 58% of disabled children in Armenia live in extreme poverty and inhospitable environments with limited access to education, sport and social and cultural interactions.

Sport for Equal Opportunities in Armenia strives to break down barriers and create opportunities for all children to enjoy their rights to participate in education and sport and to live independently in their communities, regardless of ability, disability, gender or circumstance.

Project goals

  • Establish inclusive football teams in 16 mainstream schools in Tavush to empower 240 disabled and socially disadvantaged children by fostering self-confidence, self-esteem, friendship and personal growth
  • Enhance the knowledge and skills of 32 physical education teachers and coaches, enabling them to effectively facilitate inclusive sports activities in their schools
  • Organise two large football tournaments for inclusive football teams to showcase the abilities and achievements of children with and without disabilities
  • Strengthen local collaboration and networking to promote wider awareness raising and advocate for policy change in support of inclusive sport, particularly inclusive football

Project content

  • Training for 32 teachers and football coaches in 16 schools, equipping them with the knowledge and skills necessary to facilitate inclusive football sessions, focusing on inclusive coaching techniques, adapted strategies and how to create an inclusive and supportive environment for all participants.
  • Renovating 16 school football fields to create safe and accessible spaces for inclusive football activities, upgrading infrastructure, providing equipment and ensuring the fields are accessible to disabled people.
  • Selection and training of 240 children of a mix of genders, with and without disabilities, based on individual preferences rather than sporting ability. Training sessions will focus on skills development, teamwork and fostering a sense of belonging.
  • Organisation of 48 football matches and two tournaments for inclusive football teams from different schools across Tavush. These events will not only provide opportunities for skills development and friendly competition but also promote social inclusion and challenge stereotypes associated with disabilities.
  • Advocacy and awareness raising campaigns to raise the profile of inclusive sport policies and practices, engaging with local communities, schools and other stakeholders to promote the benefits of inclusive sport, highlight success stories and advocate for policy changes that support inclusive practices in sport and education.
  • Closing national conference in Ijevan, the administrative centre of Tavush Province, bringing together key stakeholders such as the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport (MESCS) and the Football Federation of Armenia (FFA) to showcase the achievements and impact of the project, share best practices and lessons learned, and facilitate discussions on the future of inclusive sport and education in Armenia.


Peace Field Project

Location and general information

Location Belgium, Mesen
Start date 01/04/2024
End date 12/31/2024
Cost of the project €100,000
Foundation funding €100,000
Project identifier 20230280
Partners Children's Football Alliance
Categories Access to Sport - Children with disabilities - Conflict victims - Employability - Environmental protection - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Personal development - Strengthening partnerships


Young refugees, migrants, physically or developmentally disabled and poverty-stricken teenagers from war-torn communities have few opportunities to take ownership of peacebuilding projects. Low self-esteem, a lack of aspiration, mistrust and antisocial behaviour continue to fuel discord and disparity amongst cross-border communities. The situation remains hostile thanks to intergenerational relationships that often nurture resentment, making these young people easy targets for paramilitary recruitment.

Project goals

  • Help young people to develop their organisational, communication and intervention skills as well as teaching them about multiculturalism, conflict resolution and mindfulness
  • Establish annual events celebrating peace through football on ‘peace pitches’ twinned with the Flanders Peace Field.
  • Demonstrate the power of play
  • Advocate for equality, diversity and social inclusion.
  • Raise awareness of health and well-being, including mental health
  • Foster empathy and compassion among the participants
  • Nurture the peacemakers of tomorrow

Project content

The Peace Field Project (PFP) is a pedagogical programme designed to foster peace through play. The open online educational resources, toolkits and webinars prepare all participants for the week-long Global Peace Games, which feature mixed-gender and mixed-ability sports, excursions, art and music activities as well as workshops on conflict resolution, multiculturalism, deradicalisation and humanities. Peace education through play will harness the power of sport to create the peacemakers of the future.


Flexible Education and Sports for Children out of Education System in Afghanistan

Location and general information

Location Kabul, Charikar and Bagram, Afghanistan
Start date 01/01/2024
End date 12/31/2024
Cost of the project €258,558
Foundation funding €75,000
Project identifier 20231088
Partners Action for Development
Categories Access to Sport - Conflict victims - Employability - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Infrastructure and equipment - Personal development


Extreme poverty and food insecurity have increased in Afghanistan since the Taliban took over and banned education for girls. Poverty due to the failing economy has caused an increase in vulnerable children seeking survival on the streets doing small jobs or selling items to support themselves and their families. These children come from vulnerable families, some of which have migrated to the cities in search of better living conditions, security and food. They are employed in dangerous jobs, exposing them to abuse, illness, injury or even death.

Project goals

AfD supports street-working children (6–13 years old) by providing semi-formal education (basic literacy, numeracy, sport) and food, psychosocial support, football training, etc. We also have a class of 49 children who receive vocational training (English and computer classes). Since the education ban, AfD has set up home-based schools to provide girls over 13 years old with an education. The organisation is committed to empowering children to build their resilience.

The main objective is to provide children with quality education so that they can support themselves when they become adults. Our aim is to reduce poverty and child labour. With a rise in street-working children, AfD’s objective is to open more classes. The goals are as follows:

  • Provide access to quality education and food for 750 children (through centres for street working children and home-based schools)
  • Improve gender parity
  • Enhance opportunities for girls to gain an education through a digital learning platform
  • Increase the capacity of the vocational education and training programme to 50 students

Project content

The various activities and programmes organised to achieve the above goals are as follows:

  • Introduce a digital platform to increase access of girls above 13 years old to quality education.
  • Establish 6 education centres to facilitate enrolment of girls and street-working children.
  • Provide one daily meal, football lessons, health checks and vaccinations to street working children.
  • Conduct awareness sessions on the importance of education and sport for girls.
  • Increase the participation of teachers in teacher training sessions.
  • Ensure a safe learning environment for social inclusion and networking.


Mpira Fursa: Football for Primary School Girls and Child

Location and general information

Location Tanzania
Start date 01/01/2022
End date 12/31/2024
Cost of the project €30,698
Foundation funding €25,275
Project identifier 20230862
Partners Karibu Tanzania Organization (KTO)
Categories Access to Sport - Gender Equality - Personal development


In Tanzania, countless talented girls yearn for the chance to shine on the football field, but cultural barriers, societal norms and a lack of infrastructure hinder their dreams. Furthermore, instances of child violence and abuse are increasing nationwide.

Women’s football defies stereotypes by challenging the notion that girls are weak or incapable, helping to create a society where girls can pursue their dreams without limitations.

Most sports teachers in Tanzania have no training in grassroots football coaching. The Karibu Tanzania Organization has launched a groundbreaking capacity-building initiative in collaboration with the government and the Tanzania Football Federation to develop women and girls’ football and nurture skilled female footballers from the grassroots level up.

Project goals

The Mpira Fursa grassroots football programme aims to challenge stereotypes, promote gender equality and empower girls through football, equipping them both with the football skills and knowledge that they need to become confident players and with insights into economic opportunities relating to sports. It is also designed to foster the participants’ self-esteem, self-confidence and understanding of their rights. Because the football training is seamlessly integrated into the academic journey, it helps to encourage girls to stay enrolled and engaged in their education, thereby reducing the primary school dropout rate. Finally, the programme raises awareness in the community about children’s rights and the importance of child protection.

Project content

The Mpira Fursa programme offers technical development opportunities, training for coaches and crucial life skills education. In 2023, the programme helped 110 primary schools to set up girls’ football teams and offered them training and sports equipment.

Through girls’ football, the Karibu Tanzania Organization leverages partnerships to combat gender-based violence, sextortion and child abuse.

The activities for 2024 include:

  • A meeting of all key stakeholders
  • Grassroots football coaching training for primary school sports teachers and Folk Development College coordinators, with a focus on child protection on and off the field
  • Communication and media engagement to increase the programme’s visibility


Fostering Youth Leadership

Location and general information

Location Kenya and Uganda
Start date 02/01/2024
End date 01/31/2025
Cost of the project €32,734
Foundation funding €15,900
Project identifier 20231140
Partners Power for the People
Categories Access to Sport - Children with disabilities - Conflict victims - Employability - Environmental protection - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Infrastructure and equipment - Personal development - Strengthening partnerships


In a world where education is increasingly accessible, it's crucial to look beyond mere enrolment numbers and focus on the quality of experiences within schools.

While strides have been made in getting more girls into classrooms worldwide, there's still work to be done to ensure that education reaches beyond attendance to personal growth and empowerment.

Gender norms often limit girls’ opportunities for socialisation and personal development, leaving them with less leisure time and fewer chances to explore their potential. Boys, too, can be left behind by aid initiatives that primarily target girls' education.

PFP believes in creating inclusive spaces where all children can thrive. It has created the PFP Boys and Girls Clubs initiative, a convenient and effective way of supplementing traditional education. The clubs offer a holistic approach to education, encompassing everything from sports and physical health to digital literacy and environmental stewardship.

Project goals

  • Set up 15 PFP Clubs in three schools, leading to improved pupil attendance and attainment.
  • Engage school staff as teacher ambassadors who will offer mentorship and encouragement, increasing teacher and pupil engagement.
  • Recruit and train 30 student ambassadors (ten in each school) who will improve their leadership skills.
  • Enable 900+ pupils across the three schools to participate in an extra-curricular club offering them informal learning opportunities, peer support, personal development and improved physical and mental health.
  • Connect the participating schools to foster shared learning opportunities.

Project content

PFP Clubs will be set up in three schools to provide opportunities for boys and girls to develop personal leadership skills and learn essential life skills, like decision-making and communication. The clubs will provide safe and supportive spaces for young people to discuss issues they say are important to them: menstrual and sexual reproductive health, mental health, sports and physical health, environmental stewardship and digital literacy. They will learn to challenge gender norms and advocate for equality.

Each club will have two student ambassadors who will have access to a leadership and personal development programme. They will be tasked with developing and implementing a year-long programme to engage other pupils in activities. They will be given a small budget to manage, creating opportunities to take responsibility and be accountable to their school and their peers.

Regular online calls will connect pupils and teachers in the three participating schools so that they can learn together. The programme will culminate in an annual innovation prize to foster student-led solutions to the challenges they have identified.
