Location and general information

Location Argentina, Buenos Aires
Start date 03/01/2022
End date 03/01/2023
Cost of the project €97,027
Foundation funding €60,298
Project identifier 20210595
Partners Fundación River Plate
Categories Access to Sport - Gender Equality - Personal development


The socioeconomic situation in Argentina is critical: 54.3% (INDEC) of children live in poverty, only 50% of young people finish high school on time (UNICEF) and literacy and numeracy skills are dropping steadily (UNESCO). The COVID-19 pandemic has only increased these inequalities. This has made it very complicated to continue the projects. Football's popularity in Argentine provides a great opportunity to bring these excluded children back into society. We support four running projects, two located in the less developed areas of Buenos Aires Province, one in Santiago del Estero, the poorest province in Argentina, and the fourth, in an indigenous community in Selva Misionera.

Project content

The Valores a la Cancha programme provides a multi-sports facility that promotes social and personal values with the aim of developing healthy and strong young people whose moral behaviour can help them integrate into society.

We develop our ‘education through sport’ projects in the most socially vulnerable areas of Argentina. We provide an opportunity to foster values such as perseverance, responsibility and respect and develop fundamental socio-emotional skills for their future. We help strengthen local communities, grassroots organisations and beneficiary families since they are all involved in our projects. We promote social cohesion, with a particular focus on the integration of women and indigenous communities. Our mission is to improve the quality of life of children and their families by providing them with tools and skills that prepare them for future challenges.


  • Provide a space for social support and healthy relationships through sport.
  • Promote values to boost the comprehensive development of participants.
  • Strengthen and support participants’ families.
  • Improve participants’ sporting ability, specifically football, in a fun environment.
  • Strengthen territorial institutions.
  • Promote the integration of women into football through mixed-gender sport.
  • Promote the integration of indigenous peoples through sport.

Project activities

  • The football schools provide training sessions twice a week for each group of participants along with a monthly.
  • The workshops reinforce values through sport, with all families invited to adopt a holistic approach.
  • Other activities include workshops for parents to strengthen the participants’ educational process, healthy eating classes, planting vegetable gardens and recreational sports events.
  • Two inter-school football tournaments a year.
  • Assessment of the initial situation.
  • Interviews with beneficiary families.
  • Emotional-support workshops.

Expected results

  • 20% increase in the total number of participants.
  • Increasing female participation from 31% to 50%.
  • 140 workshops on social values (one monthly workshop per group).
  • 3,000 training sessions (two training sessions per group per week).
  • 30 workshops for parents.
  • Maintaining 2 community vegetable gardens.


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