Location and general information

Many schools in Albania are not able to implement the official physical education curriculum due to a lack of facilities and materials. Only 8% of girls and 22% of boys aged 15 are involved in daily physical activities. Gender norms prevent girls from participating in sport. Furthermore, bullying, harassment and abuse are outstanding challenges. Together with the foundation, Save the Children is tackling these issues by scaling up the Score for Education project.
Project goals
The overall goal is for schools and communities to promote healthy lifestyles and holistic development through sports activities, leaving no child behind. The approaches to achieving this goal include:
- Providing quality sports facilities and activities for the children of five schools
- Encouraging teachers to use sport to promote respect, equality and inclusion
- Supporting children, parents and communities to show increased awareness of inclusion, social acceptance and equality
Project content
Score for Education phase 2 contributes to better school environments, in this way promoting healthy lifestyles and allowing children to achieve their full potential. While continuing its activities in the three urban schools supported in phase 1, the project will be extended to two rural schools. This second phase integrates the lessons learned from previous projects, such as introducing activities that tackle bullying. It will also add other sports (e.g. volleyball) based on feedback received from girls. In total, 1,104 children will be reached directly. Activities will include:
- Establishing and supporting mini sports clubs for girls and boys offering a variety of sports activities
- Organising a football championship
- Renovating and improving the sports facilities at two rural schools
- Building the capacity of PE teachers with regard to techniques to nurture life skills through sport
Workshops with parents and children on the benefits of sport for a healthy lifestyle.