Location and general information

According to the 2016 United Nations Development Programme’s Human Development Report, the Republic of the Congo is ranked 135th out of 188 countries, while the Central African Republic is bottom of the list (2016). The humanitarian crisis in the Central African Republic and the endemic poverty in the Republic of the Congo are affecting highly vulnerable young children, including those living on the streets of Bangui and Brazzaville. These children can end up sleeping rough for many reasons. Whether it is a result of a forced marriage, economic pressure or fear of a ‘child witch’, these children are demonised and left to look after themselves on a day-to-day basis.
Project Content
Triangle Génération Humanitaire is an international solidarity organisation that helps to fight poverty in the world. In Brazzaville and Bangui, it hopes to develop prevention tools aimed at protecting vulnerable children. To this end, mobile teams of social workers and nurses go out into the streets of the capital cities of the Republic of the Congo and the Central African Republic on a daily basis. By offering them a listening ear and psychosocial and medical assistance, the multidisciplinary teams guide the children towards suitable support structures. They also organise sports, games and other leisure activities using sports equipment made available to the children.
- To provide psychological, social and medical assistance to street children in Brazzaville and Bangui
- To promote the social reintegration of vulnerable children:
- by providing them with support and access to suitable services such as foster families or reception centres, which will all receive financial compensation
- by offering them education provided by specialist local institutions
- by offering them vocational training (in baking, weaving or repairing) provided by local instructors
- To reunite broken families by providing support and mediation between children and their families
- To help juvenile offenders in Brazzaville by offering them:
- sports activities to help them learn values such as discipline, respect and hard work in order to prepare them for their release from prison
- education sessions on high-risk activities such as prostitution, drug abuse and crime. These will be organised by the ‘Network of NGOs working with street children in the CAR’ (RFERC) and the ‘Network of NGOs working with children experiencing social disruption in the Republic of the Congo’ (REIPER)
- To raise awareness of and educate politicians and the public sector concerning children’s issues
- To help the project’s partners and child protection organisations, in particular by strengthening the organisational and operational capabilities of the RFERC and REIPER
Expected results
- 1,000 patrols carried out by mobile teams
- Assistance given to 2,000 children
- 23 places in foster families and 20 places in reception centres offered every month
- 200 children placed in mainstream schools
- 100 children reunited with their families
- 550 visits to imprisoned minors
- 60 education sessions for imprisoned young people
- A three-day seminar on the protection of vulnerable children in Brazzaville