One Goal for <b> Education </b> Closed
Location Five UEFA member countries (Belgium, England, Israel, the Netherlands and Scotland)
Start date 01/01/2016
End date 06/30/2017
Cost of the project €347,500
Foundation funding €279,000
Project identifier EUR – 0103
Partners The main partners are Hapoel Tel-Aviv FC, Montrose FC, Greenock Morton FC, Manchester United Foundation, KAA Gent in the Community, Tottenham Hotspur Foundation, Feyenoord Foundation, NEC Doelbewust
Categories Personal development


The UEFA Foundation for Children will support the ‘One Goal for Education’ project, which aims to use football to empower and engage with young people between the ages of 8 and 15 who have low self-esteem and/or self-confidence and are struggling within formal education. All project partners have a long record of providing learning opportunities to young people in their cities and regions. By establishing links with football clubs across Europe, the project has created an e-learning platform allowing organisers to engage with and influence young people at European level.


Football against isolation and disengagement

Using football to help motivate and engage with young people

By the end of the project, participants should:

  • have greater self-esteem and self-confidence;
  • be more aware of how to live healthy lives;
  • be more tolerant of people from different cultures and countries and think in less stereotypical terms;
  • have an enhanced sense of compassion and community;
  • foster creative ways of communicating with young people from different countries;
  • know how to deal with feelings of achievement and frustration (i.e. both winning and losing).

Expected impact and results

The project is expected to have a major impact on the way in which football clubs work with young people in their local areas and enhance the learning opportunities offered to young people – particularly vulnerable young people. The working relationships established as part of the project will not end when the project ends, instead continuing after the project has ceased to be funded.

The project is expected to have the following impact on participants:

  • Greater self-confidence and self-esteem (i.e. personal development)
  • Increased participation in sport, physical activity and voluntary activities
  • Greater awareness of how to live a healthier life and improve well-being (tackling obesity, etc.)
  • More international social contacts and relationships
  • Greater awareness of other European nations



good-mifalot-logo---Copy    Feyenoord-Foundation---Copy    ReadyCrest    RCF-high-res    One-Goal-(big)    NEC-logo    Morton-Logo-HR    Montrosebadge-May-2002a    LPCT-Logo    Logo-Voetbal-in-de-Stad Logo-KAA-Gent-2    Tottenham-Hotspur-Foundation    Fulham-FC-logo---Copy    foundation_logo_full_colour_tonal_crest-Copy    EFDN_logo_RGB    Doelbewust-logo-fc   israel

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