Location and general information

In Romania, 1 in 4 children has weight problems. That is why it is imperative to continue the UEFA Foundation project and increase its reach by adding 1 new community, 850 disadvantaged children and 100 parents, reducing part of costs by reusing previously purchased equipment.
By 2030, almost 500,000 children aged 5-19 will suffer from obesity, because of unhealthy diets and reduced sport activity (estimated by The World Obesity Federation), in the absence of prevention and treatment measures.
Project goals
To promote and support a healthy lifestyle for children in three disadvantaged communities, one urban and two in rural areas of Bucharest:
- Inform, educate about the importance of a balanced nutrition, sports and anti-bullying
- Promote the importance of sport by practicing soccer, basketball, volleyball, badminton, table tennis
- Ensure healthy snack during activities
- Organize Sports Days, sports events and info sessions on the importance of nutrition, sports for a healthy life and anti-bullying
Project content
Sports and education sessions on the importance of healthy life to foster improved long-term wellbeing for children and parents from disadvantaged communities.
Parents from target group are not even aware of their children's weight and health problems. More than this children often witness inappropriate behaviours of adults, verbal aggression and often physical. Involving them in project activities, we teach them what fair-play means and to develop positive behaviours with parents, teachers.