Location and general information

The average percentage of young people aged 15–24 not in education, employment or training (NEET) in Vienna in 2006–16 was 10.9%, or 21,800 young people.
The Goals for my Future V project follows on from four previous projects and aims to support young NEETs using football to encourage social participation and integration.
The target group is young NEETs, aged between 14–21 (possibly up to 25) who:
- have not or have not yet completed compulsory schooling;
- need a daily structure;
- are threatened with immediate exclusion;
- grew up in homes with parents with unstable employment histories;
- come from families with low cultural capital;
- belong to ethnic minorities or do not have EU27 citizenship;
- have had negative experiences in the school system (truancy, suspensions, etc.);
- have behavioural problems.
Project content
The average percentage of young people aged 15–24 not in education, employment or training (NEET) in Vienna in 2006–16 was 10.9%, or 21,800 young people.
The Goals for my Future V project follows on from four previous projects and aims to support young NEETs using football to encourage social participation and integration.
The target group is young NEETs, aged between 14–21 (possibly up to 25) who:
- have not or have not yet completed compulsory schooling;
- need a daily structure;
- are threatened with immediate exclusion;
- grew up in homes with parents with unstable employment histories;
- come from families with low cultural capital;
- belong to ethnic minorities or do not have EU27 citizenship;
- have had negative experiences in the school system (truancy, suspensions, etc.);
- have behavioural problems.
- Preparing young people for reintegration into education or training by resolving language deficits, reducing school-specific deficits and promoting social skills and appropriate behaviour
- Activating young people’s self-help potential
- Providing educational and professional guidance
- Creating a stable, sustainable network
- Creating a connection with a football club
- Bringing participants in contact with NEBA, the Austrian vocational assistance service, if nothing else – school, education or work – is possible
Project activities
- Highly professional football training twice a week, in three-hour sessions.
- Three hours a week of a variety of sports: swimming, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, climbing, bowling, mini-golf, frisbee and much more.
- Joint tournaments, friendly games and training with friendly clubs.
- Participation in the Kleinfeld-Liga football league.
- Joint activities with the team: cinema trips, excursions, visits to companies, workshops, juggling training, etc.
- Provision of training equipment and jerseys, boots and shin pads.
- Supervision, remedial tuition and lesson support to help with compulsory schooling.
- Psychological and social support.
- Individual coaching and work assistance.
- German language training.
- Support for parents.
Expected results
It is expected that 90% of the young people participating in the programme (35 boys and 20 girls) will:
- begin/continue a qualification or job, or transfer to an organisation under NEBA;
- improve their social skills;
- develop a realistic career plan and be able to match their abilities with a suitable qualification or job;
- experience greater motivation;
- enjoy sports and exercise more;
- better understand interpersonal interactions.