Location and general information
Access to Sport -
Personal development

The average proportion of not in education, employment or training (NEET) youngsters aged 15–24 in Vienna for 2006–2016 was 10.9%, or 21,800 young people.
The Goals for my Future III (" Tore für meine Zukunft") project is a follow-up to two previous projects and aims to support NEETs using football to motivate social participation and integration.
Target group: young NEETs, between 14 and 18 (possibly up to 23), who
- have not or have not yet completed compulsory schooling;
- need a daily structure;
- are threatened with immediate exclusion;
- grew up in parents' homes with uncertain, difficult employment histories;
- come from families with low cultural capital;
- ethnic minorities or young people without EU27 citizenship;
- Show multiple problem situations that have led to segregation;
- have had negative experiences in the school system (truancy, suspensions, etc.);
- have behavioral problems.
Project content
The project is multidimensional:
- Football training sessions twice a week, including competitions and football tournaments
- Multiple sports activities twice a week: climbing, juggling, swimming
- Individual coaching (once a week) and psychological support
- Educational and professional guidance as well as remedial teaching
- Training advice and workshops, with the support of the ÖFB
The youngsters receive intensive individual attention. Our team is available to the boys and girls almost round the clock, creating a very close-knit network where none of the participants can fail.
- Preparation for returning to school: resolving language deficits, reducing school-specific deficits, reintegrating young people in education or training; promoting social skills
- Activating self-help potential
- Educational and professional guidance
- Creating a stable, sustainable network
- Connection in a football club
Project activities
- Highly professional football training twice a week, in three-hour sessions
- Variety of sports: swimming, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, climbing, bowling, mini-golf, frisbee, and much more; 3 hours a week
- Joint tournaments, friendly games and training with friendly clubs
- Participation in the Kleinfeld-Liga football league
- Joint activities with the team: cinema, excursions, visits to companies, workshops, juggling training, etc.
- Provision of training equipment
- Jerseys, football boots and shin pads
- Supervision and tuition, lesson support
- Social support and social work
- Psychological support
- Coaching and work assistance
- Remedial work for compulsory schooling
- Individual coaching
- German language
- Parent support and social support
Expected results
- Increase participation: today 166 people (129 boys + 37 girls)
- Target achievement rate (education, school): 90.96%