Location and general information

Young people faced with inequalities are held back in their personal development and access to community sport and broader opportunities, all of which have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite this, there is a lack of tailored, suitable support to help them overcome these challenges, putting them at risk of exclusion from education and community sports services.
Project content
Providing young people at risk of exclusion who face inequalities with tailored development opportunities in a 12-week alternative education programme. This programme will not only use football to develop their personal and life skills, such as confidence, aspirations and resilience but also provide them with leadership skills and accredited qualifications that will help them progress onto volunteering and young leader roles.
Deliver three 12-week alternative education programmes, incorporating six weeks of life skills through football and a six-week leadership course.
Tailored provision will utilise sport to stimulate personal development and inspire engagement. Each session will include football activities and workshops that cover teamwork, confidence, resilience and self-esteem, and each participant will complete ASDAN and/or PlayMakers qualifications and be provided with young-leader and volunteer opportunities.
Project activities
- Alternative education – 12-week programme engaging young people at risk of exclusion from education (six-week leadership course and six-week life skills workshops)
- Social action – young people have the opportunity to improve issues that are important to them and their community
- Football tournaments – young people have the opportunity to organise a local football tournament to positively engage their peers
- Young leader and volunteer roles – young people have the opportunity to take ownership of the project by taking on young leader and volunteer roles, helping them to further their development and broaden their opportunities
Expected results
- 50% of participants rate improvements in their confidence
- 80% of participants complete at least one formal qualification
- At least 10 young people progress to young leader and volunteer roles