Location and general information

Location Tanzania
Start date 07/01/2020
End date 04/30/2021
Cost of the project €447,646
Foundation funding €48,739
Project identifier 20200526
Partners Right to Play
Categories Access to Sport - Employability - Gender Equality - Infrastructure and equipment


In Tanzania, nearly one third of the population live below the poverty line and the country has one of the highest birth rates in the world.

Tanzanian girls do not have the same educational and life opportunities as boys. Despite girls enrolling in primary education at the same rate as boys, only 73% complete it and less than 26% progress to secondary education. Literacy and numeracy skills in Tanzania are poor, with 19% of children finishing primary school classified as illiterate, and the situation is worse for girls with national primary pass rates of 49% compared to 56% for boys. For women and girls, improvements in the quality of education will have direct and long-lasting benefits to health, such as a huge reduction in under-five mortality.


Mara and Morogoro are two of the most marginalised regions of Tanzania, with household income below the national average. Mara has the lowest Kiswahili literacy pass rates in the country, the fourth lowest primary school leavers pass rates, and the third worst ratio of school toilets to girls, at only one per 192 girls. Morogoro has one of the highest numbers of out-of-school children, the majority of whom are girls. High number of girls in these regions drop out of school due to socio-cultural practices, negative attitudes toward girls’ education, early marriage, high levels of gender-based violence, and the stigma attached to teenage pregnancy. This is exacerbated by poor gender responsive education and a lack of conducive learning environments for girls.

Project content

The project will improve the quality of education for children, especially girls, in Tanzania. Better education and life skills will empower girls to transition to womanhood, become better parents in the future and break the cycle of poverty endemic in the target regions. Investing in quality education will also pay dividends in health and gender equality.


  • Improve children’s life skills to support their educational attainment.
  • Promote gender-sensitive and safe learning environments in primary schools to improve the engagement and performance of girls.
  • Enhance local community support for girls’ education to reduce barriers and tackle negative gender norms.

Project activities

  • Supporting teachers to develop gender-sensitive, play-based learning through training, mentoring and support, and the provision of learning aids and sports equipment.
  • Facilitating peer exchange among teachers and government education staff to help integrate gender-sensitive, play-based learning into teaching practices.
  • Organising community play days and sports tournaments to raise awareness of gender equality.
  • Rehabilitating sanitation facilities in schools to reduce barriers to girls attending school.
  • Engaging community groups in dialogue on gender equality and the value of education for girls and boys.

Expected results

  • 60% of girls in target locations demonstrating an increase in leadership, confidence, communication, decision-making, and problem-solving abilities.
  • 60% increase in the number of girls with improved knowledge of sexual and reproductive health and rights.
  • 80% of teachers applying a gender-sensitive, play-based approach to curriculum subjects and life skills development.
  • 6% increase in school attendance rates.
  • 2% increase in girls’ transition rates to secondary school.
  • 50% of parents/caregivers regularly participating in community awareness campaigns on the value of education for girls.


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