Location and general information

Location Armenia
Start date 01/01/2020
End date 12/31/2020
Cost of the project € 37,096
Foundation funding € 32,077
Project identifier 2019483
Partners Armenian Fund for Sustainable Development (AF4SD)
Categories Access to Sport - Personal development


Since 2018, Armenia has begun a process of enormous economic and social change, with a particular focus on the education of children and young people.

For many years, physical education has been neglected in Armenian schools, even though it is important for young people’s physical and psychological development. As a consequence, many schools are severely lacking in sports infrastructure and equipment. Existing sports halls have fallen into disrepair over the years and many are now in a terrible condition.

Teaching methods have also become obsolete. Overall, the conditions are not conducive to sport in Armenian schools.

Project content

Since it was established, the Armenian Fund for Sustainable Development has been closely involved in education and, by implementing this project, it is hoping to find some solutions to the aforementioned problems.

Regular participation in sport helps young people learn values such as respect, team spirit, regular attendance, politeness and personal investment, which are all indispensable for young people’s social and professional integration.


The general objective of the project is to promote participation in sport among Armenian young people.

Specific objective: to motivate children and help them fulfil their potential through the two parts of the project described below.

1) Equipping of sports halls for 15 schools with at least 350 pupils each. Priority will be given to schools in rural areas and schools with disabled pupils

2) Organisation of an annual national sports competition

Project activities

This is a national project composed of two parts.

In the first part, schools will be invited to produce a short amateur video about their school, school life and pupils’ involvement in the community and in protecting the environment. They will need to demonstrate how motivated they are, such as by showing their sporting achievements. The AF4SD, with support from the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, will draw up an initial shortlist of schools and visit them in order to assess the condition of their sports halls and equipment.

A panel of at least five people, comprising members of the AF4SD board and the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, will select the 15 schools that will receive sports equipment in accordance with a set of pre-defined criteria.

The second part of the project involves creating an annual ‘month of sport’, during which schools will be encouraged to organise different sports events and demonstrate their involvement in the community and in protecting the environment.

A sports competition open to all the country’s schools will be organised as part of the project. This will comprise several stages and schools will be required to register in advance. The list of events will be approved by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport.

The eight best schools will compete for the top three places in the main competition, which will be held at the end of the month.

Prizes will be awarded to the winners (sports equipment, cups, certificates).

In order to encourage schools to participate in the competition, sports personalities will be invited to share their experiences, emphasise sport’s importance in life and explain to the pupils how they be drivers of social change.

Expected results

  • Fifteen schools, with rural schools taking priority, will receive sports equipment.
  • An annual sports competition will be established.
  • Direct beneficiaries of the first part: 5,250 (15 x 350) schoolchildren.
  • Direct beneficiaries of the second part: 30,000 schoolchildren.


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