Location and general information

Location Yunnan Province, China
Start date 03/01/2024
End date 03/31/2025
Cost of the project €100,000
Foundation funding €100,000
Project identifier 20230441
Partners Plan International Hong Kong
Categories Access to Sport - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Personal development


Nearly 70% of middle school students in Jinping County, Yunnan Province, China are classified as ‘left-behind children’. These children are disproportionately vulnerable to emotional disturbances, psychological distress and other related challenges that have an impact on their physical and mental well-being and their academic performance. Girls are particularly disadvantaged thanks to ingrained gender stereotypes.

Project goals

The main objectives of this project are to help middle school students to develop their social-emotional learning (SEL) skills, to challenge gender stereotypes in sports and to bring about transformative change among girls and boys as well as their families, schools and communities.

Project content

To achieve the objectives, the following activities are planned in ten schools:

  • Conduct capacity-building training with SEL modules for school sports teachers
  • Train peer educators to build SEL skills through sports activities
  • Help and guide peer educators to organise club-based sports activities for school students with a focus on building SEL skills
  • Organise events raising awareness of gender issues among teachers, students and parents
  • Conduct girls’ football tournaments among schools, with SEL integration


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