Location and general information
Access to Sport -
Gender Equality -
Infrastructure and equipment -
Personal development

Velsen-Noord is a community of just over 5,000 people, 30% of whom are under the age of 25. About 40% of the community are of non-Dutch heritage and the overall educational level is low. Velsen-Noord is also one of the poorest and most vulnerable in the region. Boredom causes antisocial behaviour and there has been a rise in crime over the past three years amid growing polarisation. There are few safe spaces to play sport.
Project content
A Cruyff Court will be built as a safe space for young people to play sports.
- Building a safe place for youngsters to come together and play sports, in particular football
- Creating a group of local stakeholders that use sport as a way to help local youngsters develop, increasing the impact that sport has on them
- Educate local coaches with the philosophy and vision of the Cruyff Foundation
- Engage and develop young people in the community through organised activities
Project activities
- Create a social agreement with local stakeholders, defining goals, allocating tasks and committing stakeholders to the project for the long term, over a ten-year period
- Stichting SportSupport Kennemerland will organise various activities on the pitch per week for 6–12 year-olds .Welzijn Velsen will organise activities and programmes for boys and girls 13–23 years old
- Heroes of the Cruyff Courts act as role models and organise at least one major event per year, teaching the youngsters all the skills they need
- Train two local coaches
Expected results
- Over 300 active children a week take part in sports and cultural activities on the court
- 2 new Cruyff Foundation coaches in the municipality who will run projects in their neighbourhood and on the Cruyff Court
- Increase liveability through better sports facilities in the community
- Develop youngsters’ personal and sports skills through sports programmes
- Increase the number of children that play sports and increase the amount of sport they play
- Reduce polarisation by connecting youth from different cultural backgrounds