Location and general information

Location The Netherlands
Start date 09/01/2020
End date 10/31/2020
Cost of the project € 50,000
Foundation funding € 25,000
Project identifier 2019027
Partners Edwin van der Sar Foundation
Categories Access to Sport - Children with disabilities - Personal development


The Child and Parent Day is an annual event for families with children 5–12 years old with brain injuries, including their parents and siblings. When it comes to regular education and sport, these children often fall behind. On the outside, most of these children look like any other; however, their brain injuries cause delays in learning and social-emotional development. This leads to exclusion, bullying and isolation. Many of these children have no suitable school or education programme. And they simply have no friends. Ultimately, they don’t go to school or sports club at all and many of them just stay at home with their parents. Which has a huge impact on their development and their day-to-day family life.

Project content

The purpose of the Child and Parent Day is to help these children make a connection, to encourage social interaction among children with the same background and help them make friends through sport. In addition, it encourages knowledge sharing and recognition for the parents. They can take part in workshops and lectures about education, rehabilitation, family support, legislation and regulations.


  • Improve self-confidence, self-reliance and social contacts

Project activities

The Child and Parent Day comprises a variety of sports activities, adapted to the limitations of the children. The games are supervised by expert sports coaches. There are some traditional sports such as football, basketball and hockey, but also boxing lessons, climbing walls and a cycle cross track. In addition, there are all kinds of cognitive games and challenges to stimulate their brains.

Expected results

Tailor-made education, rehabilitation and leisure activities for children with brain damage.


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