UEFA EURO 2024: Cooperation between SOS-Kinderdorf e.V. and the UEFA Foundation for Children

United for the Children

Munich, 10 June 2024. SOS-Kinderdorf e.V. and the UEFA Foundation for Children are working together during UEFA EURO 2024, which is being held in Germany from 14 June to 14 July 2024. The aim of their joint initiative – United for the Children – is to highlight the needs of underprivileged children and to raise awareness of children’s rights. “We are delighted and proud to be working with the UEFA foundation. We are both committed to improving the lives of socially disadvantaged youngsters. Together, we want to use UEFA EURO 2024 not only to celebrate football but to promote children’s rights, equality and integration,” says Georg Falterbaum, member of the board of SOS-Kinderdorf e.V.

“Football brings people together, regardless of where they come from. It promotes a shared sense of belonging and has the potential to break down social barriers,” says Carine Nkoue, General Secretary of the UEFA Foundation for Children, which was founded by UEFA in 2015 and has since provided assistance to more than 2 million children living in difficult circumstances. “Every child should have the opportunity to reach their full potential, every child should have the same rights and every child should have the chance of a secure future. These are the aims that unite SOS-Kinderdorf e.V. and the UEFA foundation and that we will champion at UEFA EURO 2024,” adds SOS board member Georg Falterbaum.

During the tournament, SOS-Kinderdorf and the UEFA foundation will promote the joint initiative 'United for the Children: Empowering children together. Get involved!'. In so, they doing will launch various campaigns highlighting the needs of underprivileged children, encouraging fans to get involved and providing tangible help. UEFA EURO 2024 in Germany will not only bear witness to some outstanding and emotional sporting moments, it will also be a unique platform for promoting solidarity and a shared responsibility for ensuring the well-being of every child. Visitors to the SOS-Kinderdorf information stands in selected host cities and the fan zones in Düsseldorf, Hamburg and Stuttgart will be able to pit their table football skills against those of other fans while learning more about the work of SOS-Kinderdorf. A football that has been specially designed for EURO 2024 underlines the cooperation and symbolises football’s commitment to community, diversity, respect, solidarity and fairness.

Follow this link to watch a short video about the cooperation between SOS-Kinderdorf and the UEFA Foundation for Children: https://youtu.be/rr0YXcebCsA

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SOS-Kinderdorf e.V.

Project partner

SOS-Kinderdorf offers a home to children in need and in so doing helps to improve the social situations of disadvantaged young people and families. SOS children’s villages provide children whose biological parents are unable to care for them for whatever reason with the opportunity to grow up in a family environment. They are given protection and security and thus the foundations on which to build a successful life. SOS-Kinderdorf provides assistance to mothers, fathers and families with children from the very outset in mother and family centres. It also provides early support in its day care and meeting facilities. The organisation helps young people with public services and offers them a home in shared apartments for young people as well as good prospects in vocational training institutions. SOS-Kinderdorf also operates village communities for people with mental health problems and intellectual impairments. Some 5,000 employees provide help in 38 institutions across Germany. With 800 different services, the organisation reaches out to and supports approximately 107,000 people living in difficult circumstances in Germany. Furthermore, the German organisation finances around 90 programmes in 20 priority countries and has active sponsorship programmes in 109 countrie

Further information is available (in German) at www.sos-kinderdorf.de

Media contact: christa.manta@sos-kinderdof.de