42 new UEFA Foundation for Children projects
The foundation is expanding its activities in support of vulnerable children around the world
On Wednesday 20 November, the UEFA Foundation for Children’s board of trustees, chaired by the UEFA president, Aleksander Čeferin, met at the House of European Football in Nyon.
One of top items on the agenda was the approval of new projects to be supported by the foundation. The portfolio of projects supported by the UEFA Foundation for Children has grown steadily since it was established in 2015.
On the basis of both the foundation’s basic mandate and overarching strategy and the demands and realities of the world around us, the foundation reinforce its actions in promoting employment through sport, support victims of conflict, and support general development programmes through access to sport, in particular football, in the areas of health, education, personal development and the integration of minorities.
The board of trustees decided at their November meeting how to allocate the foundation’s 2019/20 budget of €4,764,608, with a view to strengthening the foundation’s capacity to act across the globe.
Bearing in mind that half of the foundation’s budget is earmarked for projects in Europe and the other half for projects in other continents, the board allocated the 2019/20 budget to:
- 42 new projects;
- foundation projects associated with UEFA EURO 2020;
- five new pitch constructions, in partnership with Lay’s.
The following 42 new projects will benefit from financial support from the foundation:
Partners | Project name | Continent/country |
Asociata Luncsoara Bihorului | Sportfield for children and youngsters | Romania |
Associacao de Futebol de Bragança | Street football move | Portugal |
Bel endroit pour une rencontre | Raconte moi un match | France |
Edwin van der Sar Foundation | Child and parent day | Netherlands |
European Football for Development Network | Welcome through football | UK, Ukraine, Cyprus, Germany, Portugal, Netherland |
FC Barcelona Foundation | Sport based employability for unaccompanied minors | Southern Spain, Greece (Athens, Lesbos), Italy (Sicily) |
Fondation arménienne pour le développement durable | Génération Sport | Armenia |
Fundacion Real Madrid | Real Madrid foundation social sports schools in Europe | UK, Portugal, Bulgaria, Romania |
Hawar help e.V | Scoring girls | Germany |
INEX | Football for development in Czech Republic | Czech Republic |
Katamon Moadon Ohadim | Neighborhood League HKJFC | Israel |
Kicken ohne grenzen | Kicken ohne grenzen | Austria |
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine | Health Goals Liverpool | UK |
Mentor Management-Entwicklung-Organisation GmbH & Co | Goals for future | Austria |
National Paralympic committee of Kazakhstan | Blind football pitch construction | Kazakhstan |
Newcastle United Foundation | Active Lives | UK |
Save the Children | Score for education | Albania |
Streetfootballworld | Play Proud | Europe mainly + worldwide |
The Scottish Football Partnership Trust | GoFitba project | Scotland |
World at Play | Sport and Play for social integration of refugee children within local communities | Bulgaria |
Klitschko Foundation | Success Package | Ukraine |
CCPA | Open fun football school - playing for peace | South Sudan |
Busajo Onlus | Sport as education and promotion of equal opportunities for street girls in Sodo | Ethiopia |
Inter Futura srl | African Black'n Blue: kids resiliencydevelopment through education and football | Angola, Cameroon, Congo, Uganda |
Street Child | Excercising change in Palabek refugee settlement | Uganda |
Georges Malaika Foundation | Future leaders of Kalebuka | Democratic Republique of Congo (DRC) |
Power for the People | Remba Island education health and nutrition project | Kenya |
Samusocial International | Carton rouge à l'exclusion | Burkina Faso |
International organisation for migration | Sport for inclusion: football against racism | Tunisia and Maghreb |
International Trade Centre | Kick for trade | Guinea, Gambia |
ASIA | ||
Jesuit Refugee Service Iraq | A safe space for displaced Yazidi youth | Iraq |
Blue Dragon Children's Foundation | New Futures through sport | Vietnam |
Spirit of Soccer | Mine risk education in Cambodia | Cambodia |
CIELO - Cooperation Internationale pour les équilibres locaux | Le jeu en vaut la chandelle | Sri Lanka |
The Arsenal Foundation | Coaching for life | India |
AFDP Global | Kick for hope | Jordan |
Just Play | Just Play Programme | Cook Island, Fiji, French Polynesia, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Island, Tonga, Vanuatu, New Zealand, American Samoa, Kiribati, Samoa, Tuvalu |
Starfinder foundation | Senior leaders | USA |
Women Win | La Nuestra Football Club | Argentina |
Plan International Belgique | A goal for gender equality | Bolivia |
Fabretto children's foundation | Play to learn 2 | Nicaragua |
Fundacion del Empresariado Chihuahuense A.C | Afterschool program for underserved communities in Chihuahua border state | Mexico |
Once again, the number and range of project proposals received by the UEFA Foundation –to foster education, development, inclusion and empowerment – proves how much football inspires and offers hope. The foundation is proud to support these associations and to see how much the beautiful game brings us together, carries us, saves us sometimes and, above all, unites us, ever expanding our horizons.
- Nathalie Iannetta, Board of trustee member