Location and general information
In 2019, UEFA funded Fight for Peace (FFP) in Jamaica, providing access to sport in six volatile urban communities. The UN Office on Drugs and Crime included this work in a consultation on global best practices in using sport to reduce violence. Locally, FFP was recognised by the National Commission on Violence Prevention. FFP now has the unique opportunity to contribute evidence on the use of sport to reduce violence to the Commission’s ten-year plan on violence prevention. With the UEFA Foundation’s support, FFP will fund sports, training federations and sports NGOs and codify best practices.
There will be three types of beneficiaries, categorised by risk level:
- Primary risk level: young people aged 7–24, drawn from the six communities, who will be referred to the programme by community members, the police and other concerned parties and will access the programme at their schools and community centres
- Secondary risk level: young people aged 15–24 involved in state-led interventions, e.g. probation, child drug treatment court
- Tertiary risk level: where possible, COVID-19 and other restrictions permitting, young people aged 15–24 in juvenile correctional facilities and young people aged 15–24 identified by the Peace Management Initiative as gang-affiliated
Project content
The project will enable stakeholders in sport, community development and violence prevention to improve their understanding of the use of sport for violence prevention through increased access to sport in volatile communities. It will also strengthen the capacity of organisations delivering sports and promote the codification and sharing of best practices.
- Provide access to sport in volatile communities for cohorts of youth at different risk levels so that their progress can be tracked and reported on.
- Train sports federations and NGOs in using sport to reduce violence.
- Codify best practices for sharing with sports and violence prevention communities and promotion by social media.
- Present best practices for integration into the ten-year plan for violence prevention.
Project activities
- Sport sessions.
- Sport tournaments.
- Sports federation training.
- Development of print and multimedia resources.
Expected results
- 1,000 young people served by sports programmes (50% female and 60% under the age of 18).
- 60,000 indirect beneficiaries (total Fight for Peace community footprint).