Location and general information

Location Czech Republic, Pilsen, Usti nad Labem, Liberec, Karlovy Vary and Olomouc
Start date 01/01/2025
End date 12/31/2026
Cost of the project €219,198
Foundation funding €57,500
Project identifier 2024001076
Partners Fair Play Point
Categories Access to Sport - Gender Equality - Strengthening partnerships


An estimated 250,000 Roma live in the Czech Republic and they are in majority excluded from Czech society. Many Romani communities live in segregated neighbourhoods which are far from facilities, or even safe environments, where they could participate in sport or physical activities. Precarious financial situations mean that things like bus fare, sports clothing and after school classes are out of reach. This is hindered further by educational inequality due to segregated schools. In this context a majority of the young people from those communities end up in the same vicious circle as their parents and face discrimination in their active lives.

Project goals

We strive to increase social cohesion among isolated youth and boost their sense of belonging and achievement by organising a space for positive encounter and self-realisation. Additionally, we address educational disparities in disadvantaged regions of the Czech Republic, ensuring a more equal future and development for all.

The projects aims at:

  • Offering 360 fair-play encounters between youth from different social backgrounds
  • Empowering 300 children yearly by cultivating fair-play values and benefiting from a safe platform for self-development through football after school.
  • Offering 30 youth leaders further education.
  • Connecting 50 youth clubs, social centers and other educational institutions in creating a holisitc after-school intervention.

Project content

  • 6 active regional fair-play 'living labs' which serves 300 children monthly from September to July through an interdisciplinary intervention that combines sport, social work and education.
  • 2 national day of sport and fair-play is organised in July for all the participating children, youth workers and partners for a cohesive celebration and experience of fair-play.
  • 2 national weekend fair-play camps in September for 60 children and youth workers to deepen the fair-play culture and mind-set among representative children.
  • 1 youth leadership pedagogical cycle of advanced learning to further the leadership and organisational skills of advanced youth leaders.


Other projects in Europe

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