Location and general information

<b>Talent Group</b> Closed
Location Netherlands
Start date 09/01/2017
End date 07/31/2018
Cost of the project €128,763
Foundation funding €42,492
Project identifier EUR - 0144
Partners Ruud van Nistelrooy Foundation
Categories Personal development


Self-esteem and self-confidence play a fundamental role in a child’s personal development. A healthy level of self-esteem will help a child to make and articulate choices in a composed and confident manner, while fostering creativity in his/her everyday life. Unfortunately, many children do not enjoy such advantages.

Project content and objectives

The Talent Group project – the brainchild of former Dutch international Ruud van Nistelrooy – revolves around children’s personal development, drawing on the former player’s personal experience in order to encourage children to fulfil their dreams. Van Nistelrooy explains that his success in seizing all of the various opportunities that led to his career in football was down to the continuous encouragement of all the people around him. This project seeks to pass on the baton by producing coaches who will encourage children to discover their talents and develop them with confidence and assurance. Talents may vary from sport to learning, drawing, dancing or making music.

Expected results

The project’s organisers are currently working with 60 primary school pupils between the ages of 9 and 12. They are also providing training to 80 coaches, and workshops (4 times a year) for teachers and other people working with children, in line with the philosophy of the Ruud van Nistelrooy Foundation.


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