Our aim
Samusocial Burkina Faso (SSBF) is a Burkinabe association that was created 13 years ago with the support of Samusocial International. Its mission is to contribute to the fight against social exclusion of street children in Ouagadougou. Since it was created, the SSBF has developed various services, including mobile teams carrying out street rounds, an emergency shelter and a day care center. It also supports its partners in order to build and strengthen a continuum of care, including assisting street children and young people in their plans to leave the street.

Continuous assistance for street children in Burkina Faso
The objective of this programme is to fight against social exclusion in Burkina Faso by improving the situation of children and young people at risk living on the streets of Ouagadougou and supporting their projects to leave the street.
Specific objectives:
- To give them access to professional emergency services tailored to their specific needs, 7/7;
- To detect, prevent and respond to physical and psychological abuse they suffer;
- To provide them with support for their ‘off the street’ projects, through family tracing and/or directing them towards reintegration programmes managed by public services or partner associations;
- To inform and mobilise civil society and public authorities on the phenomenon of street children so that great attention is given to this problem in their actions.

Samusocial activities at the centre
The centre’s work is organised around several activities:
- Reaching out towards street children and offering them medical, psychological and social services in the street. Street rounds are organised every night on the streets of Ouagadougou, in specific areas where street children live, in order to offer them medical care and to listen to them, allowing them to reconnect with society, regain their self-confidence and consider their future.
- Offering immediate protection measures to the most vulnerable of street children by giving them access to the SSBF emergency shelter and/or day care services.
- Offering street children access to basic hygiene services and professional consultations (with doctors, social workers and psychologists) at the SSBF day care centre or through referral to partners’ services.
- Supporting street children in their projects to leave the street and/or to get back with their families. For children who are considering the possibility of reconnecting with their families and potentially returning home, Samusocial offers support and family mediation. For children who are willing to leave the street in other ways, Samusocial refers them to partners who are specialised in medium or long-term programmes (schooling, vocational training, etc.).
- Informing mobilising and including municipality services in activities for street children.
- Organising awareness activities for the general public.
Expected results

To protect and take care of street children and young people, each year giving:
- 900 children and young people access to medical, psychological and social care;
- 150 new children and young people contact with the mobile team;
- 150 children and young people access to the emergency shelter.
To support street children and young people in their projects to leave the street and/or to get back with their families, each year supporting:
- 70 children and young people in their projects to leave the street;
- 50 children and young people in their family tracing projects.
To inform and mobilise the general public about social exclusion of street children and young people, with each year:
- around 15 public and private stakeholders taking part in a cooperative and consultative group about street children and young people.

samusocial International http://www.samu-social-international.com/fr/
samusocial Burkina Faso http://samusocialburkinafaso.org/