Location and general information

Location Ukraine
Start date 01/31/2020
End date 12/31/2020
Cost of the project € 150,000
Foundation funding € 100,00
Project identifier 2019021
Partners Klitschko Foundation
Categories Access to Sport - Personal development


Many young people in Ukraine live in economically disadvantaged communities. Schools cannot always afford to supply their pupils with adequate equipment. As a result, children are not motivated to practise sport, which is so important to a child’s health and character. This is not only due to the lack of new and good-quality equipment, but also outdated types of games and teaching methods. PE teachers are unable to improve their skills through new innovative teaching methods and so cannot provide the children with the best education.

To meet these needs, in 2013 the Klitschko Foundation created a project called Success Packages, whose mission it is to provide all children in Ukraine with access to sport and turn their PE teachers into role models and mentors. Thanks to the project, children and teachers should realise that they can be the driving force in their communities.

Project content

The project comprises three days of training for PE teachers in the form of lectures by famous and experienced speakers that share their knowledge in the fields of:

  1. Self-identification and self-esteem through sport
  2. Learning values and applying them throughout life
  3. Nutrition and hygiene
  4. Active and healthy lifestyle choices
  5. Understanding human rights through sport
  6. Civic and moral education
  7. Supporting the delicate transition to the independence of adulthood
  8. Excursions to sports museums and sports complexes
  9. Reflections about the day – participants have a chance to share their emotions, impressions and ideas about the project

Since the project participants work in sport and education, this experience will be useful not only because of the opportunity to gain new knowledge, but also because they will be able to communicate with colleagues and like-minded people, share their own experiences, discuss innovative learning approaches and suggest new techniques.


  • Motivate pupils to practise sport
  • Present opportunities that exist regardless of socioeconomic status
  • Break down old stereotypes about sport at school and create a new vision
  • Help PE teachers develop and promote different sports
  • Inspire teachers to be a coach and mentor for pupils
  • Motivate PE teachers to believe that they can create social change
  • Enhance the image of PE teachers as a profession

Project activities

Stage 1 Application and selection

The sports teachers and their pupils are asked to get creative and shoot a three-minute video about their usual sporting activities in school and the conditions surrounding them. The selection criteria are clear motivation, readiness to implement changes in their local community and compliance of the team with the project requirements.

Stage 2 Training programme

The PE teachers take part in a three-day workshop designed to teach them innovative methodology and educational tools as well as raise important topics for young people.

Stage 3 Local projects

When the teachers return to their communities, they share the skills and knowledge they have acquired by implementing the local project for pupils at their school, encompassing the educational and sports aspects. Teachers try themselves out in the new roles as managers of the local projects. They communicate with potential sponsors, media, and the school administration. In this way, they become an active part of the local community.

Stage 4 Delivering the success packages

After the successful execution of the local projects, 360 schools receive the success packages comprising sports equipment for various physical exercises that will make lessons exciting and diverse.

Expected results

  • 360 PE teachers from all over Ukraine will attend, in six cycles each consisting of 60 people in order to develop teamwork and effective communication among themselves.
  • The participants will receive lectures from professional coaches and workers in the field of sports and physical culture.
  • The participants will have the opportunity to gain new knowledge, communicate with colleagues and like-minded people, share their own experiences, discuss innovative learning approaches and proposed methods.
  • Participants will learn about proper nutrition, hygiene and healthy, active lifestyles.
  • Participants will understand how sport helps to boost self-esteem, overcome conflicts and problematic situations and promote self-determination for young people.
  • Participants will hold 360 training sessions involving more than 25,000 children and teenagers.


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