Location and general information

Location Yoto, Togo
Start date 12/01/2022
End date 11/30/2024
Cost of the project €80,000
Foundation funding €35,000
Project identifier 20220058
Partners C.I.E.LO – Coopération Internationale pour les Equilibres Locaux
Categories Access to Sport - Infrastructure and equipment - Personal development


Togo is one of the poorest 25 countries in the world according to the UN ranking, yet parents in a rural area managed to set up the AMOUSSIMÉ 2 general school in 2019. The state recognised the establishment in 2021. The school welcomed 107 new students from several villages for the start of the 2022-2023 school year, 48% of whom are girls. However, the school’s four classes (first to fourth years of secondary school) gather in straw huts with roofs that leak in the rainy season. There are not enough desks, the blackboards are in poor condition, none of the seven teachers has a table or chair and there are no toilets or sports facilities; all of this hinders learning.

Project goals

  • Improve the infrastructure of secondary schools in Togo.
  • Improve conditions for teachers and optimise learning for students.
  • Upgrade the sanitation facilities
  • Strengthen teaching activities and sport in particular
  • Improve the local economy by employing the services of local businesses
  • Expand and promote the activities of the Togolese association APMRPD, a CIELO partner

Project content

The project will support the AMOUSSIMÉ 2 school by building four new classrooms. Each of these will be equipped with 20 double desks, a teacher’s table and two blackboards. A sand sports pitch will be constructed, with football goals and volleyball posts. Equipment for 30 educational games and 10 sports games will be supplied as well as 20 musical instruments. Teachers will be given additional training by four specialised support workers. A toilet block will be constructed.


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