<b>Start Again</b> Project Closed
Location -
Start date 06/15/2016
End date 06/14/2017
Cost of the project -
Foundation funding € 45,000
Project identifier EUR - 0108
Partners streetfootballworld and Start Again Project
Categories Conflict victims


Start Again’s mission is to help young people to increase their personal, spiritual and social development, enabling them to be part of their communities and providing them with a range of opportunities and skills. Start Again:

  • builds young people’s confidence so they can broaden their horizons,
  • helps them to socialise and have fun,
  • inspires them to set their own goals,
  • provides them with relevant and appropriate opportunities,
  • promotes healthy living, and
  • provides them with safe homes and stability.
  • Start Again works with young people, their parents or carers and professionals to help develop the young people’s aspirations and goals. The young people’s views will be the focal point of the support that is given to them and their community. By providing a tailored package of support, Start Again believes that a young person will be able to achieve their set goals.


To provide support for young refugees and asylum seekers aged 16 and over – especially those who arrive in the UK unaccompanied by their parents, by offering:

  • competitive football leagues that serve as platforms for community cohesion,
  • counselling for participants affected by mental health problems (e.g. depression or trauma),
  • support with accommodation and legal aspects of immigration/asylum,
  • courses in personal development and employability.


200 children and young adults aged 16 and over




Logo start again project
Logo street football world

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