
Sport <b>Against Racism</b> Ireland Terminé
Location Republic of Ireland
Start date 06/15/2016
End date 06/14/2017
Cost of the project -
Foundation funding €45,000
Project identifier EUR - 0107
Partners streetfootballworld and Sport Against Racism Ireland
Categories Access to Sport - Conflict victims - Personal development

Sport Against Racism Ireland (SARI) was founded in 1997 as a direct response to the growth of racist attacks from a small but vocal section of people in Ireland. This was a result of a dramatic increase in the number of foreign nationals living in Ireland. SARI’s mission is to support cultural integration and social inclusion in Ireland by using sport, particularly football, as a medium to combat racism, sectarianism, homophobia and other forms of discrimination. SARI organises regular football programmes, annual sporting events, school sports and educational programmes and cultural activities to tackle discrimination and to promote and support cultural integration and social inclusion.

Aid plans

The support of young people from migrant or refugee backgrounds is at the heart of all of SARI’s programmes. Funding is being requested for:

  • football education sessions at refugee centres,
  • a football programme targeted at young Muslim girls, and
  • two football integration festivals, including one on World Refugee Day in cooperation with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.


8,500 children and young adults aged ten and over


Logo Sari Logo street football world



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