The Scort <b>Foundation</b> and FC <b>Basel 1893</b> Closed
Location Dnipropetrovsk, Kharkiv and Zaporizhia, Ukraine
Start date 06/15/2016
End date 06/14/2017
Cost of the project -
Foundation funding €90,000
Project identifier EUR - 0117
Partners streetfootballworld, the Scort Foundation and FC Basel 1893
Categories Access to Sport - Conflict victims - Personal development


The Football Club Social Alliance, established and managed by the Scort Foundation, is a network of European professional football clubs united for social responsibility. Together with local partners, the Alliance clubs train young men and women to become football coaches and social role models. These young coaches are encouraged to apply their newly developed social and sporting skills by getting actively involved in their communities and regularly organising football activities for disadvantaged children. The Football Club Social Alliance’s goal is for these young men and women to act as multipliers, using football as a sustainable tool to promote health and inclusion, convey core values and foster children’s development.

The vision of the Scort Foundation is a world in which all children living in difficult circumstances are able to play sport and are inspired to subsequently develop positive social skills and aspirations. The Football Club Social Alliance inspires and empowers young leaders to act as role models for people in their local communities.


Young Coach Education Programme for coaches of young internally displaced persons in deprived areas.

  • Well-designed and holistic methodology.
  • Intensive engagement through a year-long programme, fostering a positive relationship between young internally displaced persons and young people from host communities.
  • Reducing tensions in affected communities.
  • Strengthening local structures to create a peaceful society.
  • Additional indirect young beneficiaries through activities led by graduates of the programme.


40 young adults.


www.scort.ch/scort/ and www.scort.ch/


Logo street football worldLogo Scort Social Alliance

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