Location and general information

Location Germany
Start date 03/01/2020
End date 02/28/2021
Cost of the project € 195,456
Foundation funding € 15,000
Project identifier 2019822
Partners HAWAR.help e.V.
Categories Access to Sport - Conflict victims - Personal development


Girls with migration backgrounds in Germany face additional challenges in navigating the path to adulthood and becoming productive and engaged citizens. Many are caught between cultures, where they must forge a new identity in order to find their way in their social environments. This path can be especially difficult to navigate for girls, many of whom come from patriarchal societies with strict family structures.

Education, contact with peers, and play are the basis of physical well-being and the positive social development of children. Sport not only enables girls to be healthy but also develop important life skills, such as leadership, communication, conflict resolution, confidence and teamwork. Girls from migrant, refugee, and socially disadvantaged backgrounds are often excluded from taking part in organised sports activities because of financial and cultural constraints. SCORING GIRLS Bildung uses the world’s most popular sport, football, as a springboard for integration and empowerment of disadvantaged and refugee girls in Germany.

Project content

Christian, Muslim, Jewish and Yazidi girls playing football together? That is integration. That is SCORING GIRLS Bildung. Implemented in Cologne and Berlin, SCORING GIRLS Bildung uses football as a tool to empower refugee, migrant, and underprivileged girls. The project fosters healthy personal and social development by nurturing the girls’ self- confidence, intercultural awareness, and sense of independence and responsibility towards their teammates – skills that are essential in life and in becoming a responsible citizen. To watch a project video on SCORING GIRLS Bildung, please click here:

Founded in 2016 by former Bundesliga player Tuğba Tekkal, SCORING GIRLS Bildung safeguards the fundamental rights of its participants, regardless of their country of origin or how they came to Germany. Since 2016, SCORING GIRLS Bildung has gained accolades from across Germany, highlighted by the CIVIS Medien Preis in 2019 and a visit to the programme by Chancellor Angela Merkel in 2017, when she highlighted the integrative power of the project and the effective use of sport as a informal education tool.


  • Empower girls with life skills such as self-confidence, teamwork, conflict resolution, fairness, reliability and intercultural understanding.
  • Guide girls to find their talents and strengths, so that they can successfully take the next step into either the labour market or furthering their education.
  • Strengthen the girls’ leadership qualities, so that they are able to play an active role society and be fully engaged citizens.
  • Media coverage: 1,000,000 people become aware of the project through newspaper articles and social media.

Project activities

SCORING GIRLS Bildung is a holistic sport-based integration and empowerment programme for 120 refugee, migrant and German girls in Cologne and Berlin. Each week throughout the year, the participants take part in football training sessions, educational support, and soft-skill development.

Activity 1: Participant outreach and relationship building

Trusting relationships with the girls and their families are a prerequisite for engaging girls who would otherwise not take part in athletic activities. The project begins with HAWAR.help social workers entering refugee and underprivileged communities to build relationships with the girls’ parents. Over multiple visits and conversations, families are convinced of the benefits of their daughters’ participating in SCORING GIRLS Bildung. Once the girls start the programme, relationships with family members continue to be an important aspect, with the trainers giving the families periodic updates on the girls’ well-being.

Activity 2: Weekly football-based educational programme

Bi-weekly training sessions are held for 120 girls between the ages of 12 and 25 in Berlin and Cologne. A typical session opens with a group discussion in which the girls share important events in their lives and talk about what is going on at school. This gives the trainer and project manager the opportunity to see whether any of the girls need additional support and to identify themes that can be used for future training sessions. The girls then take part in football drills where they learn to follow instructions and to communicate with one another. Drills that incorporate the learning of German and school subjects such as maths are also used. Each training session concludes with a short practice game and a review of the session.

Activity 3: Educational support
After the football-based activity, individual support is provided to the girls as need. The participants receive help with their homework and school projects. The girls’ families can also ask for help with booking appointments with a doctor, a legal advisor or at the visa office.

Activity 4: Community building and integration activities

To strengthen the bonds between the girls and to expose them to different aspects of German society, excursions and workshops are carried out. Each excursion includes an educational element and gives the girls the opportunity to have fun as a group in a new environment.

Activity 5: Annual SCORING GIRLS Bildung tournament

Each year, the SCORING GIRLS Bildung tournament brings the group together with more than 300 community members, for a day of inter-cultural exchange, activities and fun. Prominent personalities have attended the event in the past, including German TV moderator Anne Will.

Expected results

  • Beneficiaries received training in various topics: self-confidence, teamwork, conflict resolution, fairness, reliability and intercultural understanding (activities 1, 2, 4)
  • Beneficiaries received meaningful educational support (activity 3)
  • Beneficiaries’ leadership qualities are strengthened (activity 2)
  • 1,000,000 people become aware of the project


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