Location and general information
Access to Sport -
Children with disabilities -
Conflict victims -
Healthy lifestyle -
Personal development

Children, affected by war, experienced fear, are withdrawn, and psychologically stressed. And sport is one of the tools that can provide psychosocial support to such children.
Project goals
- Create a network of professional volunteers (managers, coaches, medical and psychological volunteers) in 15 regions of Ukraine.
- Conduct training for the teams of specialists: briefings by instructors, child protection courses.
- Conduct psychosocial sessions for children and youth.
Project content
The main purpose of the project is provision of targeted psychosocial support to children and teenagers, affected by war. This support will be provided through sport activities. A network of trained teams of specialists (managers, sport coaches, medical volunteers, psychologists) will work with children, involve them in sport activities. Such form of work with children will help the direct beneficiaries to overcome fear and to return to normal life.