Location and general information

In the northern Nicaraguan municipalities of Las Sabanas, San José de Cusmapa, Ocotal and Esteli, many children are vulnerable, at risk of poverty and boredom, drop out of school early and lack access to high-quality education and recreational activities. The project aims to empower these children and their families to reach their full potential and improve their livelihoods.
Project content
By reaching out to around 600 of these communities’ most vulnerable children aged between 11 and 15 through education and sport, the project hopes to promote the children’s fundamental rights to education, play, development and recreational activities. Through after-school activities, the children will also learn to develop their social, personal and intrapersonal skills.
UEFA Foundation for Children funding will reinforce the sporting aspect of the project and finance sports equipment, training of our educators in sports coaching, as well as the organisation of local leagues and competitions.
- Educational enrichment for primary school pupils. The project will enrich the children’s education by providing classes aimed at developing their reading, writing and maths skills, as well as promoting play through sport, art and dance.
- Sports activities for primary school students, increasing the use of sports and recreational activities to support learning; reduction of gender and social inequality through the integration of girls and children at risk of social exclusion.
Project activities
Educational enrichment
- Educational enrichment classes from February to November, four days a week for two to three hours per day, implementing the aforementioned objectives and activities.
- Training workshops for educators and coaches with a focus on innovative and learning-by-doing methodologies.
- Supply of proper learning materials such as textbooks, pencils and art supplies for the classroom.
- Three workshops for parents in each community to help them understand their role and impact on their children’s development.
Sports activities
- Acquisition of equipment and materials, and provision of safe environments for sport.
- Training of educators as sports/football coaches, in sports supervision and engagement of young people in physical activities.
- Creation of 32 sports teams across the four municipalities and a weekly football practice session in each school or education centre.
- A biannual football tournament between the teams in each community to promote continuous learning, positive values, healthy habits, gender equality and non-discrimination.
Expected results
- The Fabretto Children’s Foundation will provide 600 children with educational and recreational activities.
- The project aims to promote gender equality by increasing the participation of girls in sport and combating traditional gender role assumptions and stereotypes.
- Teachers and sports coaches will be trained to play the important role of leading activities and guiding the pupils through the learning process.
- A parents’ workshop will raise awareness of the importance of education and physical activities.
- Children will be better educated and become more confident, integrated members of society, with a greater chance of a positive socio-economic future.