Location and general information

Location Ukraine
Start date 01/15/2023
End date 12/31/2024
Cost of the project €114,000
Foundation funding €80,000
Project identifier 20231123
Partners Klitschko Foundation
Categories Access to Sport - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Personal development


In many places around the world, adolescent girls show less interest in sport and physical activity than boys. Surveys in 142 countries have found that girls are generally less active than boys.

In Ukraine, the gender balance in sport and physical activities mirrors this global trend. A 2019 study found that, on average, women and girls represented only 25% of those who took part in sport. This inequality is largely attributed to the numerous stereotypes faced by girls who wish to play sport.

The situation is exacerbated by the ongoing war, which has significantly impacted children's psychological well-being, leading to a decline in motivation for both school and sport. Since the start of the war, data indicates that 75% of Ukrainian parents have observed symptoms of psychological trauma in their children. These symptoms include abrupt, unprovoked mood swings, ranging from extremely positive to extremely negative, and vice versa.

To get more women to lead active lifestyles, it is essential to communicate the value of sport to young girls and dismantle stereotypes surrounding women in sport.

Project goals

  • To challenge stereotypes about girls who play sports not typically associated with women
  • To encourage girls to play sport and lead an active lifestyle
  • To train physical education teachers to adopt gender-sensitive approaches in schools
  • To promote positive change in society through sport
  • To provide schools with sports equipment to foster a safe and nurturing environment for children

Project content

  • A 21-day online training programme for physical education teachers at 150 schools around Ukraine
  • Sports equipment for those 150 schools
  • 150 tournaments in the schools of the participating teachers
  • A five-day sports camp for 100 girls aged 13 to 16


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