<b>Play</b> away, Play <b>everywhere</b> Closed
Location Ukraine
Start date 04/01/2016
End date Ongoing
Cost of the project €500,000
Foundation funding €250,000
Project identifier EUR - 0106
Partners Football Federation of Ukraine (FFU)
Categories Access to Sport - Conflict victims

The UEFA Foundation for Children is supporting a social responsibility project for internally displaced persons, in particular children, from areas affected by the conflict in Ukraine. This project aims to promote the social integration of internally displaced children through football; encourage internally displaced children to adopt healthy lifestyles by doing sport, in particular football; provide access to safe sports facilities; foster personal development through education and training; and raise the local communities’ awareness of the project and the problems affecting internally displaced children.

Football as a social integration tool

  • The following key activities will be organised to achieve the objectives of this project:
  • Four football tournaments in cities located near to the conflict zone and in the regions containing the most displaced children;
  • Three UEFA Grassroots Leader courses for a total of 75 internally displaced physical education teachers
  • A special course for 50 regional project leaders in 25 regions of Ukraine, teaching them how to interact with internally displaced children;
  • One year’s free access to football training for 1,000 internally displaced children all over Ukraine;
  • Excursions for 1,000 internally displaced children, to visit football museums, stadiums and autograph signings with national team players;
  • Free tickets to national team and club matches for 2,000 internally displaced children (home matches in the period covered by this project );
  • Participation of 200 internally displaced children in the pre-match line-up ceremonies at national team and club matches
  • Fundraising and promotions among organisational and individual benefactors and sponsors for the benefit of internally displaced children




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