Female International Fent Esport

Location and general information

Location Spain, Region of Catalonia (Provinces of Barcelona, Tarragona, Lleida and Girona)
Start date 06/01/2024
End date 07/13/2025
Cost of the project €103,558
Foundation funding €31,558
Project identifier 2024000224
Partners Federació Esportiva Catalana de Paralítics Cerebrals
Categories Access to Sport - Children with disabilities - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Personal development


The Catalan Sports Federation for Cerebral Palsy is responsible for developing sport for people with cerebral palsy throughout Catalonia. The Fent Esport women’s programme works with schools throughout the territory, explaining to girls with brain damage and their families that they too have the possibility to play sport and organising training and competitions for them, locally and internationally.

Project goals

  • Get more girls with brain damage playing indoor football, seven-a-side football and other sports to increase their social inclusion
  • Increase the number of participants in Catalonia, including as part of a regional competition that feeds into the national team, with the possibility of big events like the European championship and the World Cup
  • Increase awareness of brain damage and the realities of people with cerebral palsy

Project content

Fent Esport creates local groups that can train together, based on the geographic proximity of participants. For the first month, the groups will be supported by the federation, which organises the technical staff, venue and logistics. The groups will train together all season, in June they will then travel to Denmark for a weekend of matches and in July their Danish counterparts will come to Barcelona.


Vilnius Social Club’s football programme – A space where diversity meets

Location and general information

Location Lithuania, Vilnius
Start date 01/01/2025
End date 12/31/2025
Cost of the project €78,502
Foundation funding €46,000
Project identifier 2024000735
Partners Vilnius Social Club
Categories Access to Sport - Conflict victims - Gender Equality - Personal development


Lithuania has faced significant challenges in recent years: as it did in many places, the stress and anxiety associated with the COVID-19 pandemic weakened the population’s mental health; the war in Ukraine has strained relations with the Russian community and led to an influx of Ukrainian migrants; and economic difficulties, including inflation and rising poverty, have amplified social disparities.

Football in Lithuania is not accessible to vulnerable children and adolescents because it is largely run as a fee-paying, results-oriented activity.

Vilnius Social Club works with particularly vulnerable groups facing any combination of the following challenges:

  • Economic challenges and social inequality
  • Religious discrimination against Middle Eastern migrants
  • Racism towards the Roma community
  • Psychological trauma from fleeing the war in Ukraine
  • Hostility towards the Russian-speaking community
  • Isolation and inadequate services in rural areas

Project goals

Overall goal

Achieve qualitative changes in participants' lives, not just sports results

Specific objectives

  • Develop children's personal and social skills: independence, teamwork, responsibility, ability to compromise
  • Ensure equal opportunities for everyone to participate, regardless of religion, race, gender, social or economic status
  • Ensure the continuity of the programme in the city of Vilnius
  • Begin implementing the programme in smaller settlements within the Vilnius district municipality

Project content

The programme is all about using football activities for social integration. Participants grow individually through the football programme, learning teamwork, emotional management, constructive problem-solving and communication with peers and adults, and reflecting on their experiences. The programme embraces diversity, welcoming children of all genders, personalities and nationalities, ensuring inclusion and equal opportunities for all. And it strengthens community awareness, fostering a sense of belonging for all members of the community.


Football versus Discrimination

Location and general information

Location Ireland
Start date 01/01/2025
End date 12/31/2026
Cost of the project €268,773,88
Foundation funding €100,000
Project identifier 2024001292
Partners Sport Against Racism Ireland (SARI)
Categories Access to Sport - Children with disabilities - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Personal development - Strengthening partnerships


Ireland has become an increasingly diverse community, with people of many ethnic backgrounds migrating and/or seeking asylum in Ireland. SARI proactively celebrates this but understands that it brings challenges. Over the past 12-16 months, Ireland has seen the rise of the far-right with an increase in anti-immigrant sentiment, protests and violent riots.
Sport can play a pivotal role in addressing these issues.

Project goals

The aim of the project is to break down barriers and further social inclusion by bringing people of different communities together through sport – and specifically football – to learn about, examine and challenge concepts such as discrimination and racism as well as learn about other cultures and Irish society. Specific goals are to:

  •  Increase mutual understanding between children & young people from diverse ethnic backgrounds
  • Help combat racism & all forms of discrimination
  • Promote the integration and inclusion of migrants & refugees into Irish schools & wider society
  • Facilitate participation of migrants in sport, volunteering and cultural activities
  • Promote gender equality in sport and society
  • Introduce children to the concept of Human Rights
  • Advocate for the inclusion of EDI education in the national curriculum

Project content

SARI coaches, both male and female from diverse ethnic backgrounds, visit schools across Ireland to deliver an Anti-discrimination workshop to students. This workshop addresses issues including racism, homophobia, sexism and disability.


The Fair Play Accelerator – bridging the social gap through Fair Play

Location and general information

Location Czech Republic, Pilsen, Usti nad Labem, Liberec, Karlovy Vary and Olomouc
Start date 01/01/2025
End date 12/31/2026
Cost of the project €219,198
Foundation funding €57,500
Project identifier 2024001076
Partners Fair Play Point
Categories Access to Sport - Gender Equality - Strengthening partnerships


An estimated 250,000 Roma live in the Czech Republic and they are in majority excluded from Czech society. Many Romani communities live in segregated neighbourhoods which are far from facilities, or even safe environments, where they could participate in sport or physical activities. Precarious financial situations mean that things like bus fare, sports clothing and after school classes are out of reach. This is hindered further by educational inequality due to segregated schools. In this context a majority of the young people from those communities end up in the same vicious circle as their parents and face discrimination in their active lives.

Project goals

We strive to increase social cohesion among isolated youth and boost their sense of belonging and achievement by organising a space for positive encounter and self-realisation. Additionally, we address educational disparities in disadvantaged regions of the Czech Republic, ensuring a more equal future and development for all.

The projects aims at:

  • Offering 360 fair-play encounters between youth from different social backgrounds
  • Empowering 300 children yearly by cultivating fair-play values and benefiting from a safe platform for self-development through football after school.
  • Offering 30 youth leaders further education.
  • Connecting 50 youth clubs, social centers and other educational institutions in creating a holisitc after-school intervention.

Project content

  • 6 active regional fair-play 'living labs' which serves 300 children monthly from September to July through an interdisciplinary intervention that combines sport, social work and education.
  • 2 national day of sport and fair-play is organised in July for all the participating children, youth workers and partners for a cohesive celebration and experience of fair-play.
  • 2 national weekend fair-play camps in September for 60 children and youth workers to deepen the fair-play culture and mind-set among representative children.
  • 1 youth leadership pedagogical cycle of advanced learning to further the leadership and organisational skills of advanced youth leaders.


Game with Mum & Dad

Location and general information

Location Europe, Latin America and Caribbean
Start date 01/01/2025
End date 12/31/2025
Cost of the project €599,000
Foundation funding €100,000
Project identifier 2024001152
Partners Children of Prisoners Europe (COPE)
Categories Gender Equality - Personal development - Strengthening partnerships


More than 20 million children worldwide (2.1 million in Europe; 3.5 million in Latin America and Caribbean) are separated from an imprisoned parent, an experience that often causes children overwhelming sadness, grief and anxiety, in addition to the pains of stigmatisation and shame. There are few programmes structurally embedded within prisons that support children with imprisoned parents. Their rights and best interests deserve much greater attention from governments and society at large.

Project goals

GWMD uses football as an instrument for awareness-raising and societal progress with three main objectives:

  • To defend the rights and best interests of a particularly vulnerable population representing more than 1% of the world child population.
  • To support children's wellbeing by strengthening the child-parent bond imperilled by a parent’s detention.
  • To foster inclusion and empower children, despite the existence of prison walls and by working with prison authorities.


Project content

GWMD supports the all-important child-parent bond by bringing families together for a day of play, hugs and laughs. It builds on a model first developed in Italy and recently broadened in 2023 and 2024 to 10 other European nations as well as India. In 2025 we plan to expand to Argentina, Chile, Guatemala and the Dominican Republic, for a total of 21 countries. We apply the same methodology everywhere to ensure that child rights, child participation and child safeguarding remain paramount.


Empowering Mchinji Youth Through Sports

Location and general information

Location Malawi, Mchinji district
Start date 02/01/2025
End date 07/31/2026
Cost of the project €92,347
Foundation funding €36,938
Project identifier 2024001465
Partners Our Aim Foundation
Categories Access to Sport - Employability - Gender Equality - Infrastructure and equipment - Personal development


The health and community centre in Tongozala, built in April 2019, includes a playground for younger children and a volleyball pitch for older ones. Our next ambition is to construct a multipurpose sports field and provide equipment for popular local sports like football and netball, as well as traditional dances and games, making it possible to organise training sessions, form teams and leagues, and host tournaments and friendly matches.

Project goals

  • Physical activity: Increase physical activity among 40,000 participants in 18 months (100,000 over the next three years)
  • Young sports leaders: Train at least 25 young leaders in sports-related skills and mentorship (50 in three years)
  • Community sports events: Organise four community-wide sports events a year (one every quarter), involving as much of the community as possible, as players and spectators
  • Coaching for brilliant athletes: Identify and provide specialised training (mentoring and coaching) to 25 particularly promising young athletes (at least 50 over the next three years)
  • Gender-equal participation: Ensure equal participation of girls and boys

Project content

  • Renovation of the existing playground and volleyball pitch by levelling the ground, marking boundaries and installing durable goalposts and netball poles, high-quality nets, perimeter fencing, benches for players and spectators, and proper drainage to enable year-round use
  • Cost-effective procurement of equipment for football, netball and selected traditional games and dances, including goalposts, nets, balls and kit
  • Weekly training sessions led by local coaches for children and adolescents grouped by age and skill level (at least 40% girls and young women), to develop skills, fitness and teamwork
  • Four community sports events hosted during the 18-month funding period, including friendly matches, cultural dance performances and traditional competitions to encourage broad community participation, foster social interaction and provide a platform for showcasing local talent
  • Simple logs and feedback forms to track attendance at training sessions and events, collect participant feedback, evaluate the programme and make adjustments where necessary to ensure the activities align with the project goals and community needs


Environmental Youth Ball Games and Community Competitions

Location and general information

Location Zimbabwe, Southeast Lowveld
Start date 02/01/2025
End date 11/30/2025
Cost of the project €20,848
Foundation funding €20,000
Project identifier 2024001386
Partners African Wildlife Conservation Fund (UK)
Categories Environmental protection - Healthy lifestyle - Personal development


Zimbabwe’s young people have borne the brunt of years of economic and political instability. Rural communities, in particular, are marginalised and deprived of educational and extracurricular activities. This disadvantage is compounded by conflicts between human populations and the surrounding wildlife and a lack of appreciation for the value of the ecosystem.

These challenges make young people susceptible to unsustainable, environmentally detrimental behaviour such as poaching, deforestation and over-consumption of natural resources.

Project goals

Overall goal

Engage thousands of people each year in Environmental Youth Ball Games and Community Competition Days to bring whole communities together, from children to village elders, in celebration of the environment and to share critical wildlife messages

Specific objectives

  • Engage an at-risk, young demographic in environmentalism and inspire a change of attitude towards wildlife and the conservation sector
  • Provide a rare opportunity for children and young adults to access sport and the arts
  • Share proven human-wildlife coexistence strategies with rural communities to support the management of conflict
  • Share important messaging on the sustainable use of natural resources and build rural resilience to climate challenges

We expect to engage at least 5,000 rural Zimbabweans in 10 Environmental Youth Ball Games and 10 Community Competitions over the course of 10 months, including:

  • 1,200 footballers
  • 700 netball players
  • 800 schoolchildren
  • 240 teachers/headteachers
  • >2,000 community spectators

Project content

  • Ten netball and football tournaments (Environmental Youth Ball Games)
    Each tournament lasts six to eight weeks. The four teams that make the finals (netball and football) compete in front of a large crowd on the morning of the local Community Competition Day.
  • Ten environmental challenges (Community Competitions)
    Teams from local schools compete in drama, poetry, model-making and poster-making, presenting their messages to the community about locally relevant and urgent environmental, climate or wildlife needs



Location and general information

Location Liberia, Monrovia, Logan Town
Start date 01/06/2025
End date 02/07/2026
Cost of the project €32,437
Foundation funding €29,864
Project identifier 2024000327
Partners Aletha’s Legacy
Categories Access to Sport - Employability - Infrastructure and equipment - Personal development


Logan Town is an extremely poor community where over 100,000 people live in extreme poverty, and access to education is limited. Children in the community face challenges such as child labour, harsh punishments, low primary education completion rates and disparities in education.

Project goals

Aletha's Legacy aims to improve access to education and thereby increase school attendance and completion rates in Logan Town, with a view to enabling the community’s underprivileged children to learn and hope for a better future

Project content

  • Organise sports and educational sessions for children in the community
  • Provide training for local coaches to enhance their skills
  • Implement peace-building workshops and empowerment initiatives aimed at young people
  • Provide resources and equipment for sports and educational activities
  • Collaborate with schools and community organisations to promote the programme
  • Monitor and evaluate the impact of the project on school attendance and academic performance


Kick the Ball, Save our Wildlife

Location and general information

Location Kenya, Narok County, Lemek Wildlife Conservancy
Start date 01/01/2025
End date 12/31/2025
Cost of the project €38,214
Foundation funding €30,000
Project identifier 2024000239
Partners Water4Wildlife Maasai Mara
Categories Access to Sport - Environmental protection - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Infrastructure and equipment - Personal development


Home to diverse wildlife species, the Maasai Mara ecosystem is a vital part of Kenya’s natural heritage, tourism industry and conservation efforts. It is also home to marginalised communities in which girls in particular face barriers to personal development and recreation. They are often overprotected, restricted to household chores and denied opportunities for outdoor activities like football, limiting their growth and potential.

Project goals

  • Promote gender equality and empowerment: Break down cultural barriers and challenge gender norms by creating opportunities for girls to engage in football and community activities
  • Foster wildlife conservation awareness: Educate and inspire the next generation of conservationists by connecting girls with female wildlife game rangers and teaching them about the importance of preserving the Maasai Mara ecosystem
  • Enhance life skills and education: Provide mentorship and workshops to improve girls' life skills, mental health, reproductive health awareness and leadership abilities, empowering them for personal and professional growth
  • Strengthen community support for girls' development: Build community engagement and support for girls' participation in recreational and educational activities, promoting an inclusive environment
  • Develop sustainable infrastructure for recreation and learning: Construct a football pitch and a girls' community social hall to offer a safe, inclusive and supportive environment for girls to engage in football and mentorship programmes

Project content

  • Site preparation: Site clearance and environmental surveys to prepare the area for the construction of a football pitch and a girls' community social hall
  • Infrastructure development: Construction of a mini football pitch and a girls' community social hall
  • Football activities: Provision of football kits and monthly football sessions for girls, encouraging active participation and teamwork
  • Mentorship: Mentorship sessions with female wildlife game rangers invited to talk about their careers and inspire girls to pursue opportunities in conservation and leadership
  • Educational workshops: Monthly workshops focusing on life skills, mental health, reproductive health, gender-based violence, sexually transmitted diseases and leadership
  • Community engagement: Work with the local community to support girls’ participation in football and education, promoting acceptance and encouragement
  • Project launch: A launch event featuring a football session and a conservation talk to introduce the project and engage stakeholders
  • Project monitoring: Tracking of participation rates, participant feedback and community responses to ensure the activities are effective and aligned with the objectives


We live together, learn and play

Location and general information

Location Spain, Madrid
Start date 01/01/2025
End date 12/31/2025
Cost of the project €197,113
Foundation funding €20,000
Project identifier 2024000241
Partners Asociación Alacrán 1997
Categories Access to Sport - Children with disabilities - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Personal development


Children and adolescents are increasingly vulnerable to anxiety, stress and isolation, which all have detrimental effects on their mental and physical health. Common symptoms include unhealthy eating, sleep and smartphone habits and a higher risk of abuse of tobacco, alcohol and other drugs.

Project goals

  • Support the personal and social development of vulnerable children and adolescents through the acquisition of life skills and values
  • Create a protective and caring space for children and adolescents in a community environment where their rights are sure to be respected
  • Help the children and adolescents take a leading role in replicating the project and activities in their communities

Project content

Convivimos, Aprendemos y Jugamos is designed to lessen the vulnerability of children and adolescents in Madrid, promoting their personal and social development in a safe and caring space. Through football and other socio-educational activities, it promotes the acquisition of life skills and values and fosters improvements in coexistence within the surrounding community.


Life Champions 3.0: Every child has a right to be a life champion!

Location and general information

Location Serbia, Belgrade and other cities in the region
Start date 12/01/2024
End date 11/30/2025
Cost of the project €268,500
Foundation funding €120,000
Project identifier 2024000105
Partners Development Center for Youth
Categories Access to Sport - Environmental protection - Healthy lifestyle - Personal development - Strengthening partnerships


Knowing that every child is a champion, we have directly communicated the Life Champions concept and values to more than 5,000 children and young adults throughout the Belgrade region, with priority given to sensitive target groups such as children from deprived areas and girls in sport. However, we are aware that many children are not addressed directly and therefore do not get the message, in particular children in the social welfare system (children without parental care). There are 32 institutions for such children in Serbia alone, housing 145,000 children, all of whom deserve the opportunity to become life champions.

Project goals

Overall goal: to better integrate children in the social welfare system in the Life Champions sporting and educational activities.

Specific targets

  • Adjust the training already developed to the needs and realities of this particular target group to equip 30 coaches from the Life Champions network to work with children in social welfare institutions
  • Pilot the adjusted training through four months of Life Champions activities with at least 300 children from six different institutions (48 sessions)
  • Organise sporting and educational camps for at least 720 children from social welfare institutions to support their social and personal development
  • Reach 3,000,000 people with a media campaign
  • Formulate recommendations on the further use of sport in work with children living in institutions, and empower institutions themselves to use sport and a collaborative approach to multiply the opportunities available to the children in their care

Project content

Life Champions 3.0 is envisaged as a 12-month partnership between the Development Center for Youth (project coordinator), the DEKI 5 football camp and AP Brera Strumica, a Macedonian football club based in Strumica. The initiative aims to break down barriers and foster an inclusive environment where all children can enjoy and learn from sport.

The basic Life Champions concept remains the same: using sport to support children’s upbringing and education. Tailored training will give Life Champions coaches the information, knowledge and skills they need to properly support and engage children in the social welfare system in sporting and educational activities.

The project will include different types of activity – open football days, training and mentoring, and sporting and educational camps – all with the aim of better including children living in institutional settings in the Life Champions concept, giving them additional knowledge and skills and supporting their social and personal development.

To achieve sustainable results will require partnerships with football clubs and other non-governmental organisations involved in education through sport, and resources to ensure that both the children themselves and the coaches working with them can thrive and achieve mutual growth and development.


A Ball for All AFRICA

Location and general information

Location Greece, Thessaloniki
Start date 02/01/2025
End date 03/31/2026
Cost of the project €100,000
Foundation funding €95,000
Project identifier 2024000311
Partners Orama Neon Youthorama
Categories Access to Sport - Children with disabilities - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Personal development


Youthorama was founded in Greece in 2003 as a meeting place for young people aged 13 to 30. Elias Mastoras, founder of Youthorama and International Blind Sports Federation (IBSA) blind football chairman, created the world’s first mini football for blind children. It is available for donation only, not for sale. Youthorama believes that every blind or visually impaired child should have access to quality education and the right to play. With A Ball for All, the organisation set out to distribute these special balls to schools in all corners of the world, accompanied by an education programme approved by the Hellenic ministry of education.

Project goals

Overall goal

A Ball for All AFRICA aims to establish a network of schools in Africa and Greece that promote inclusive football values in support of SDG 10: Reduced inequalities.

Specific targets

  • A Ball for All education programme implemented in 50 inclusive schools and sports clubs in Africa and Greece
  • 1,000 pupils with and without visual impairments involved (mixed classes) in Africa and Greece
  • Feedback questionnaires completed by all 1,000 participants for quality control and research purposes
  • 50 sports teachers and volunteers using the online tools
  • 10,000 participants in featuring a mixed delegation at the open fan festival at the Club World Cup
  • 500 mini footballs donated in Greece and in areas of Africa where the UEFA foundation is not yet active


Project content

  • 50 football workshops in mainstream primary schools and inclusive sports clubs, focusing on personal development, empathy and inclusion
  • Donation of educational package featuring special mini footballs in Africa and to all African clubs involved in the Club World Cup
  • Educational experiential event at the Club World Cup
  • First-ever quality research measuring the change in inclusion achieved by the programme


Football for inclusion and equity for every child

Location and general information

Location Armenia, Dilijan, Ijevan, Berd and Noyemberyan, Tavush province
Start date 01/01/2025
End date 12/31/2025
Cost of the project €133,900
Foundation funding €100,000
Project identifier 2024000377
Partners Bridge of Hope
Categories Access to Sport - Children with disabilities - Conflict victims - Gender Equality - Infrastructure and equipment


In Armenia’s Tavush province, in the northeast of the country, disabled children are excluded from sport, particularly from physical education at school and team sports like football, denying them opportunities for physical development, social interaction and confidence building. Football is often perceived as unsuitable for disabled children and many schools lack the infrastructure and trained educators needed to organise inclusive sports activities.

Girls face particular challenges. Societal norms and stereotypes discourage their participation in traditionally male-dominated sports such as football, and mixed-gender teams are rarely encouraged as a result of deeply rooted cultural prejudices.

These systemic barriers are compounded by a lack of awareness and advocacy about the transformative potential of inclusive sport, at individual, community and policy levels.

Project goals

Main goal

Foster a culture of equality and inclusion in Tavush province using football to ensure that every child – regardless of ability, gender or circumstance – can participate and thrive

Specific objectives

  • Upskill physical education teachers and equip them to effectively support and coach children of diverse abilities and backgrounds
  • Consolidate and expand inclusive football opportunities in 32 rural communities by strengthening existing teams, establishing new ones and making sports facilities more accessible to ensure equal opportunities for disabled and non-disabled children
  • Bring about systemic change by advocating for inclusive sports policies and legislation, engaging key stakeholders, media outlets and government bodies to promote a supportive legal framework and raise public awareness of inclusive football’s transformative impact

Project content

  • Teacher training: Weekly training sessions from January to May and September to November to equip educators with the skills to facilitate inclusive and safe physical education classes
  • Individual education plans: Collaboration with teachers to integrate inclusive practices into children’s individual education plans, ensuring tailored physical activities for all students
  • Infrastructure improvements: From January to March, 16 school football fields will be equipped to meet accessibility standards and provide a safe environment for inclusive sport
  • Football training sessions: Starting in April, fortnightly training sessions for 480 children will focus on fundamental skills, teamwork and physical fitness
  • Regional and provincial tournaments: Inclusive tournaments in April/May and October/November promoting teamwork and social inclusion
  • Advocacy: Workshops and meetings with policymakers from March to November to support legislative reforms for inclusive sport
  • Social media campaigns: Monthly campaigns bringing positive impact stories and project achievements to a wider audience and promoting inclusive values


Youth Sports Games 2025

Location and general information

Location Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia
Start date 01/13/2025
End date 09/30/2025
Cost of the project €7,823,513
Foundation funding €200,000
Project identifier 2024000728
Partners Association for Sport, Recreation and Education
Categories Access to Sport - Environmental protection - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle


The Youth Sports Games are the largest amateur sports event for children and young people in Europe, and more than 3 million children have competed in them since they were launched 28 years ago in Croatia. The 2025 Youth Games will be held in four countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia.

Project goals

  • Bring children and young people together and give them the chance to participate in sport and recreational activities completely free of charge
  • Provide a positive atmosphere and support the education and development of children and young people, encouraging sport, friendship, understanding, solidarity and fair play as alternatives to addiction and deviant behaviour
  • Deliver a modern and up-to-date educational message, from young people to young people, with the goal of preventing all types of addiction and supporting health and social projects and programmes

In 2025, more than 340,000 participants are expected to take part. One of this year’s goals is to expand to more than 400 towns and cities and engage 25,000 female football players. National finals in all four countries should attract 8,000 participants, while 2,000 young people will participate in the international finals.

Project content

Children aged 6 to 18 participate in tournaments held in over 400 towns and cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia. They compete in ten events (football, street basketball, handball, volleyball, beach volleyball, tennis, table tennis, chess, dodgeball and athletics), and the most successful individuals and teams then go on to take part in national and international finals. The association covers all expenses (accommodation, travel and entry fees) for the international finals. A special focus is placed on organising football tournaments for girls. In addition to the games, the association organises regular sports and recreational activities for children to promote health, tolerance and ethical values, and educates participants about sustainability.


Life Goals – Future Skills through Football

Location and general information

Location Austria
Start date 01/01/2025
End date 12/31/2026
Cost of the project €1,104,000
Foundation funding €108,000
Project identifier 2024000299
Partners Breaking Grounds - Social Change through Sport
Categories Employability - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Personal development


Every fifth child in Austria is at risk of poverty and exclusion. They are at a distinct disadvantage when it comes to developing the psychosocial skills needed to face a dynamic future full of uncertainties. The consequences are negative effects on mental and physical well-being, lack of social participation and belonging, and a lack of preparation for the challenges of a changing world.

Project goals

Overall goals

  • Participants learn to believe in themselves, no matter what others think. They recognise and use their feelings and persevere when things get difficult. They courageously pursue their goals and know that they can make a difference.
  • Participants develop stronger personalities and better life prospects. Their socio-economic situation improves, promoting long-term and equal participation in society.

Specific targets

  • 2,000 pupils accompanied throughout Austria in 2024: 90% see improvements in their self-confidence, 85% achieve greater self-efficacy and 85% see improvements in skills such as perseverance, frustration tolerance and willingness to learn
  • 50 schools accompanied using the Life Goals method in 2024
  • 500 teachers/multiplicators trained to use the Life Goals method, which 120 teachers then use on a regular basis

Project content

Life Goals is an extensively tried and tested approach to teach future skills through football. In specially developed sports units, situations are simulated that require and train specific competences. After each unit, a guide is used to reflect on what was experienced on the pitch and to transfer what was learned to the children's everyday lives.

Since 2021, more than 2,700 children have demonstrably increased their self-efficacy with the Life Goals method.


Promoting Inclusive Education through Accessible Sports

Location and general information

Location Kosovo, Prizren, Pejë and Mitrovicë
Start date 02/17/2025
End date 02/16/2026
Cost of the project €158,761
Foundation funding €100,000
Project identifier 2024000431
Partners Save the Children
Categories Access to Sport - Children with disabilities - Environmental protection - Gender Equality - Personal development


Kosovo is the poorest country in the western Balkans, according to the World Bank. Around 100,000 people are disabled, including 38,000 children who are not in school.

Educational disparities are particularly severe among Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities, 45% of whose children do not attend school.

There is a significant lack of investment in inclusive school infrastructure, especially sports halls. Most schools lack accessible facilities and adaptive equipment, further marginalising disabled children and limiting their opportunities.

Project goals

Main goal

Create inclusive physical education environments in three schools.

Specific objectives

  • Give access to inclusive education and accessible sport facilities to the children most impacted by inequality and discrimination
  • Support teaching staff with inclusive tools and a guide to inclusive sports activities, to provide personalised instruction that is tailored to each child’s abilities and needs
  • Organise awareness-raising campaigns and peer-to-peer engagement as a result of which children and communities experience increased inclusion and reduced stigma

Project content

  • Adaptive devices and equipment for three schools to create accessible education and sports activities
  • A guide and training on inclusive sports practices, education and participation for up to 100 teachers
  • Child-friendly awareness raising campaigns, including a promotional video and social media content, and recreational initiatives to promote inclusion and reduce stigma for the children most impacted by inequalities and discrimination
