Location and general information

Location Hungary
Start date 01/01/2021
End date 12/31/2021
Cost of the project €62,920
Foundation funding €50,000
Project identifier 20200820
Partners Oltalom Sport Association
Categories Access to Sport - Conflict victims - Employability - Personal development


In 2020, the world changed in many ways due to COVID-19. Although the virus affects everyone, the most vulnerable groups have suffered the most. Social distancing and isolation have exacerbated existing problems and the social gap between different groups in society has widened. In areas where children have not been able to thrive through digital education, their opportunities have dwindled.

Oltalom Sport Association (OSA) helps vulnerable children in Hungary at risk of exclusion. Some children have had to act as parents to their siblings, meaning that they have lacked the time and energy to focus on their studies. Their physiological, mental and academic development is severely affected, restricting their opportunities in further education and the job market. The children from refugee and migrant backgrounds lack social contact with the host society and feel isolated, and sometimes lack primary carers. In extreme cases, children have been exposed to distressing events at an early age, resulting in acute and posttraumatic stress disorders.

Project content

As a reaction to the deepening social and educational gap, the OSA aims to help children who have lacked parenting and education develop the skills they are missing to lead successful lives. The OSA does not intend to take over the schools’ role in formal education, rather to contribute to the invisible curriculum that is oftentimes missing from the children’s lives.


  • Enhance physical and mental well-being.
  • Reduce school dropout.
  • Foster social skills development.
  • Encourage entry and re-entry to primary education.
  • Encourage continuation to secondary education, vocational training or higher education.
  • Promote social inclusion of at-risk groups (e.g. Roma minority, unaccompanied migrants and refugees).

Project activities

  • Regular football training.
  • Active social work.
  • Fair Play Football Roadshows.
  • Youth leader and football3 mediator training.
  • Participation in international tournaments.
  • English and Hungarian language clubs.
  • Female workshops.
  • Employability services.
  • Appreciative inquiry workshop.
  • Scholarship programmes for young leaders and street soccer coaches.
  • Study visit to Slum Soccer India.

Expected results

  • 450 regular football training sessions.
  • Ten female workshops and ten employability workshops.
  • Three football3 mediator training sessions and four young leader training sessions.
  • 150 English classes and 50 Hungarian classes.
  • Scholarship programme for three young leaders.
  • Summer camp.
  • Study visit for three OSA coaches.
  • Scholarship for two coaches from the Slum Soccer India organisation.
  • 500 direct beneficiaries and 660 indirect beneficiaries.


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