Location and general information

Location Kazakhstan
Start date 01/01/2020
End date 12/31/2020
Cost of the project €To be announced
Foundation funding € 45,000
Project identifier 2019294
Partners National Paralympic Committee of Kazakhstan
Categories Children with disabilities


According to statistics from Kazakhstan’s Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, the number of people with disabilities has increased by 20.7% over the past 7 years. Approximately 4% of these 680,000 people have a visual impairment. Visual impairment has a negative effect on children’s physical development, including height, body weight, lung capacity and chest volume. Most visually impaired children have poor posture, curvature of the spine, and flat feet, as well as reduced motor abilities, strength, speed, endurance, coordination, and static and dynamic balance. In addition, complete or partial loss of vision leads to psychological pathologies in some cases. Limited contact with others can lead to isolation, lack of communication and introversion, making it difficult to form business and personal relationships with the outside world.

Project content

The Paralympic Committee plans to provide a football pitch for people with disabilities to offer all citizens equal development opportunities and advance societal development.



The aim of the project is to run blind football training sessions to allow visually impaired children to:

  • develop their physical strength;
  • improve their motor abilities and posture;
  • combat their isolation and limit psychological pathologies.

Project activities

  • Building of the football pitch
  • Provision of blind football sessions
  • Hiring of coaches from football teams
  • Further improvement of the pitch in the future

Expected results

  • Football facilities with easy access for people with disabilities
  • Specific training for football coaches to support people with disabilities
  • Football sessions for visually impaired children
  • Enhanced mobility and social integration of people with disabilities in society
  • Increased self-esteem in people with disabilities



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