Location and general information

Location France
Start date 01/01/2020
End date 12/31/2020
Cost of the project € 79,700
Foundation funding € 10,700
Project identifier 2019144
Partners Bel endroit pour une rencontre
Categories Personal development


The ‘Bel endroit pour une rencontre’ association promotes an inclusive, fairer society where everyone belongs. In an effort to combat exclusion, the association provides young people of all ages with the opportunity to develop their full potential through various socio-cultural, educational and civic programmes, while respecting themselves, others and their environment.

The Live sport commentaries training to develop verbal and soft skills (“Raconte moi un match”) was a result of the following observations in young people from disadvantaged neighbourhoods:

  • Poor verbal communication skills leading to difficulties interacting with friends, acquaintances, teachers and their social environment
  • Verbal or even physical aggression resulting from the frustration associated with difficulties in making themselves understood, understanding others and expressing their thoughts
  • Some young people limited to a language built around a divisive identity and the use of combative, violent speech
  • A lack of self-esteem and confidence in those at risk of dropping out of school
  • Higher exclusion and dropout rates

This was coupled with the following observations in relation to journalism:

  • A lack of (ethnic and gender) diversity in the media and in sports journalism in particular
  • Poor understanding of the principles of freedom of expression, freedom of the press and ethics in some young people

After three years setting up and testing the programme in Lyon, in 2018/2019 the association decided to see whether it could be replicated. It was rolled out in Lyon (five locations), Grenoble (three locations) and Marseille (one location). The results were resoundingly positive in terms of both the programme’s set-up and its impact on the beneficiaries.

All the beneficiaries are young people aged between 11 and 18 years in difficult circumstances:

  • living in disadvantaged urban areas and/or at risk of dropping out;
  • under court-ordered supervision and living in a juvenile detention centre; or
  • in a workforce integration or job seeking programme.

Project content

The association uses initiation to the commentary of men and women’s football as an educational tool to improve speaking skills. The participants learn to commentate men’s and women’s football matches like on radio. Their love of sports is used to engage them in the challenging task of improvised oral expression and sophisticated collaboration, which helps them develop their public speaking and life skills.


The ‘Bel endroit pour une rencontre’ association aims to:

  • continue to roll out the project, increasing the number of beneficiaries from 57 in 2018/2019 to 110 in 2019/2020;
  • work on two of the main components to ensure the longevity of the project:
    • reduce the hourly cost by training volunteers to deliver some of the sessions and develop skills-based sponsorship,
    • develop profitable activities sponsored by companies;
  • expand its activity throughout France, including Grenoble, Marseille, Toulouse, Nantes and Saint-Étienne;
  • adapt the programme to sports other than football, such as and basketball;
  • establish its presence in schools in disadvantaged neighbourhoods through academic achievement programmes and develop sports news-related programmes;
  • set up new partnerships or sponsorships and strengthen existing partnerships;
  • develop volunteering.

Project activities

  • Radio match commentaries in tandem
  • 14-hour workshops for up to eight children, delivered by professional journalists and actors
  • Public performances in front of juries and mentors, with prizes awarded


Expected results

In addition to expanding (from 57 to 110 beneficiaries), the project hopes to support its beneficiaries in a variety of ways, to improve their chances of social success.

  • Oral expression: vocabulary, precision of expression, syntax, elocution, public speaking, selecting and prioritising information, analysis and synthesis
  • Social skills: concentration, assertiveness, self-confidence, overcoming personal limits, listening, posture, body language and self-awareness
  • Living together and citizenship: cooperation, respect, mutual support, commitment, knowledge of the media, critical analysis and ethics in journalism and sports
  • Equal opportunities and inclusion: developing young people with educational difficulties, bringing neighbourhoods together, social and intellectual openness and breaking down barriers to professions


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