Location and general information

Location Austria: Vienna, Graz and Lustenau
Start date 12/01/2023
End date 11/30/2024
Cost of the project €302,000
Foundation funding €40,000
Project identifier 20230453
Partners Breaking Grounds
Categories Access to Sport - Employability - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Personal development


Every fifth child in Austria is at risk of poverty and exclusion. These children are at a distinct disadvantage in the development of the psychosocial competencies needed to face a dynamic future full of crises. As a result, they suffer negative effects on their mental and physical well-being, low social participation, a sense of not belonging, and a lack of preparation for the challenges of a changing world.

Project goals

Young people who are normally difficult to reach are motivated by football to take part in educational offers and increase their commitment. Participants develop and strengthen social, mental and emotional competencies that are central for everyday life, for school and for applications and vocational success. Participants have stronger personalities and their life prospects have improved. Their socio-economic situation improves, promoting long-term and equal participation in society.

Project content

Life Goals is an extensively tested and evaluated approach to teaching future skills through football. In specially developed sports modules, situations are simulated that require and train specific competencies. After each sports module, a reflection guide is used to reflect on what was experienced on the sports field and to transfer what was learned to the children's everyday lives. Since 2021, more than 2000 underprivileged kids have taken part and have demonstrably increased their self-efficacy.


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