Location and general information

Location Chadyr-Lunga, Moldova
Start date 01/01/2021
End date 12/01/2021
Cost of the project €58,352
Foundation funding €47,000
Project identifier 20201372
Partners Football Association of Moldova
Categories Infrastructure and equipment


The target area in Chadyr-Lunga has a population of 4,000 (a quarter of the town’s population), but no modern sports facilities. The existing facilities are run down and the only large open space is the sports ground in the school yard that was created in 1985. The secondary school (Lyceum N2) has pupils with special educational needs and some of the pupils are orphans.

Project content

This project will create a football field at the Lyceum N2. In a survey, the local community, represented by parents, pupils and local residents, determined that the development of football facilities was a priority need to create a healthy next generation.


The main objective is to provide young people with an alternative to computer games, television, alcohol and tobacco abuse and unhealthy relationships. The project hopes to help the young generation to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Project activities

  • Constructing a mini-football field for children to allow them to play sports and improve their quality of life
  • Organising extracurricular activities for children

Expected results

  • Access to sports for 700 children from the Lyceum N2 and two nearby kindergartens
  • Extracurricular activities for the children
  • Football tournaments for the children
  • Football training sessions for the children


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