Location and general information

Moldova is one of Europe's poorest countries and has been politically unstable since 2006. Even then, it had one of the highest numbers of orphanages in Europe, though most of the institutionalised children were not orphans but had been given up by parents who could not afford to raise them. Unemployment in Moldova is high and young adults often move abroad to find work, leaving their children behind to be looked after by the state. They believe that what they are doing is in their children’s best interests.
Project content
The project involves a number of development programmes aimed at children living in orphanages all over the country, including facilitating access to football activities.
- National football championship between orphanages
- Friendly match between a national ‘dream team’ comprising children from Moldovan orphanages and a team of children from orphanages abroad
- Scenario Smart Camp, a sports and entertainment camp for 50 children from 15 orphanages who have previously demonstrated motivation for educational activities, competitions and cultural and sports programmes run by our NGO
- In-person maths tutoring to bring struggling children up to school standard
- In-person English classes to help orphans living in rural institutions to improve their speaking skills
- Christmas/New Year’s Eve sports party – an opportunity for children to have fun and make friends from other orphanages
- Remote IT school, giving children skills that are essential in the 21st century, including the use of IT tools such as MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, search engines, etc.
- Remote good manners school to give institutionalised children the social and cultural education that is normally provided by the family
- Provide access to sports activities, leading to better health and personal achievements among children living in orphanages
- Provide high-quality education, motivating the children to continue through secondary and higher education
- Help children living in orphanages to become the best version of themselves
- Protect the children’s rights and integrate them into society so that they are no longer vulnerable and are valued as full citizens
Project activities
- Organise a championship among orphanages
- Provide language courses and other tutoring for 300 institutionalised children
- Organise a Christmas and New Year’s Eve party for all children living in 15 orphanages in Moldova
- Give children gifts
- Provide all orphanages with supplies
- Provide participating children with free football equipment
Expected results
For children:
- Improved academic performance
- Access to sport
- Increased aspirations and self-confidence
- Improved communication and interpersonal relationships based on respect and tolerance
- Enriched cultural development
For retired persons and teachers:
- Opportunities for additional earnings
- Expansion of their social environment
- Satisfaction of playing an important social role
- Opportunity to put their experience to good use