Location and general information

Location Montenegro
Start date 01/01/2024
End date 06/10/2024
Cost of the project €77,308
Foundation funding €56,308
Project identifier 20230543
Partners NGO Parents
Categories Access to Sport - Children with disabilities - Gender Equality - Personal development


Alarmingly, every third child in Montenegro (33.7%) is facing poverty, according to UNICEF research “Multidimensional Child Poverty in Montenegro”. Parents Association is supporting children living in extreme poverty –often in non-formal houses, without electricity, regular meals, discriminated and socially isolated. They are struggling with learning at school and often drop of in early age. Non of them never have access to any sport. Without education and social inclusion, they have no chance for better life.

Project goals

General objective:

  • Support education, sport and social inclusion of 1560 children who live in poverty in north Montenegro.

Specific objectives:

  • Provide access to sport -  free football trainings for 1080 children who live in poverty
  • Provide free lessons for 480 children to acquire basic school curriculum–reading and writing.
  • Increase self-esteem, motivation and social skills of the children
  • Promote equal opportunities for all children among main stakeholders.

Project content

Equal educational and sport opportunities for all children! The mission of this project is to improve chances for children age 6 – 10 who live in poverty in suburban and rural areas in undeveloped north part of Montenegro, by supporting their education and social inclusion through football. The project will consist of regular football trainings, mentorship (teaching classes of reading and writing) and a final event – sports tournament. LEARN&PLAY will help them to finish the school, include in social life, and spin the wheel of change!


Organization of football training in 12 small municipalities in north Montenegro

  • Selection and coordination with chosen schools and townhall football centers
  • Developing Training program for licensed coaches.
  • Providing sport equipment for children and football centers
  • Recruiting volunteers who will help coaches delivering the trainings
  • Coordinating football trainings, twice a week for 90 children per municipalities
  • Organizing visits of famous Montenegrin football players

Organization of free classes for school curriculum

  • Developing reading and writing workshop program for learning coordinators
  • Recruiting volunteers who will help children in learning
  • Training for learning supervisors and volunteers

Organization of football tournament for 24 football  teams (2 per municipalities)


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