Location and general information

The education system in Ghana is mainly theory, with little attention paid to practice. Many pupils are therefore unable to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Project content
This programme harnesses the unique appeal of football for community development by creating learning opportunities for children between the ages of 5 and 15 to improve their life skills, health and playing ability. Besides applying the football3 philosophy, the programme collects used plastic bags that are knitted into goal nets. The project will be run in 11 satellite communities in six regions for 12 months, reaching a total of 880 beneficiaries.
Children will gain additional learning opportunities through ‘play for fun’ and ‘learn for life’ (PFFLFL) sessions to learn more about good health, develop life skills and apply the knowledge they acquire to real-world problem-solving.
The children will sort plastic bags used in their homes and schools which will then be knitted into goal nets.
The football3 philosophy will be used to teach fair play, equality and participation of girls in soccer.
Project activities
- Coaches will be trained to use the PFFLFL curriculum to educate the children in life skills, health and football;
- Beneficiaries will take part in weekly PFFLFL sessions;
- Youngsters will be trained how to re-use plastic bags to produce goal nets and promote clean cities;
- football3 matches will teach children about fair play and avoiding discrimination.
Expected results
- 33 coaches will learn how to use football activities to promote learning;
- 880 children in six regions throughout Ghana will benefit from PFFLFL activity sessions to improve their life skills, health and football;
- 200 households will sort their plastic waste and plastic bags will be knitted into goal nets;
- football3 matches will teach children about the need for inclusion, fair play and gender equality.