Location and general information

En cours
Location Chad, N'Djamena
Start date 03/01/2025
End date 02/28/2027
Cost of the project €159,592
Foundation funding €120,000
Project identifier 2024001047
Categories Access to Sport - Environmental protection - Gender Equality - Personal development


There is a serious lack of sports infrastructure in N'Djamena, the capital of Chad. There are few existing facilities and many government-planned projects from 2008 remain incomplete or unusable. Access to sport is therefore limited, particularly for young people in working-class neighbourhoods. Despite recent progress, including the construction of a new sports complex and ongoing stadium renovations, current initiatives fail to meet the growing needs.

Project goals

Improve the lives of thousands of children in N’Djamena by expanding access to safe, inclusive sports spaces that foster physical, personal and social development, while promoting inclusion, respect and solidarity.

Project content

Development of sports infrastructure

The project will improve the sports facilities at Habbena recreation centre by installing a natural grass football field and a running track. Children and community leaders will actively plant and maintain the grass, promoting both environmental awareness and skills development. Additionally, drainage systems will be constructed to prevent flooding, ensuring year-round accessibility and reducing the health risks associated with stagnant water and waterborne diseases.

Environmental awareness and personal hygiene

Children will take part in educational sessions on hygiene and cleanliness to teach them the importance of a clean and safe environment. Waste management initiatives will be introduced, including the installation of bins, handwashing stations and toilets and a maintenance schedule for the common areas will be drawn up. Community leaders and youth club members will be trained to lead environmental awareness activities, encouraging long-term engagement. Special environmental days will be organised, with children taking part in activities that foster responsibility and sustainability.

Child protection and psychosocial support

The project will establish child-friendly spaces within the centre, offering recreational and life skills activities to support children’s well-being and social cohesion. These spaces will be run by trained members of the community and will be inclusive for people of all genders and any disabilities. A listening centre will provide psychosocial support, with skilled social workers identifying and referring cases of psychological distress. Around 150 children will receive psychosocial support through individual and group sessions. Service mapping will be conducted to ensure cases are properly referred to existing health and social services in N’Djamena.

School reintegration and gender-based violence referrals

The project encourages out-of-school children to resume their education by bringing them together with children attending school. A cohort of 60 children (60% girls) will receive support reintegrating into school over two years, with the project covering school fees and essential supplies. For those past school age, referral pathways will be established for informal education opportunities or vocational training. Additionally, children and adolescents identified as survivors of gender-based violence will be referred to specialised service providers, including the one-stop centres managed by the government and supported by several United Nations agencies and offices.


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