Location and general information

Improvement of living conditions of street <b> children in Luanda </b> Closed
Location Luanda, Angola
Start date 01/01/2016
End date 08/31/2018
Cost of the project €EUR 368 677
Foundation funding €EUR 122 996,13
Project identifier AFR -0103
Partners Samusocial International, Foyer pour enfants Arnold Janssen (CACAJ), Fédération de football d'Angola, Subsea7 et l'Union européenne
Categories Access to Sport - Personal development


Samusocial International in Angola helps promote an inclusive society by reinforcing actions and partnerships between civil society organisations and local authorities involved in caring for the most excluded children and adolescents.

Samusocial International has been present in Angola since 2010 and works with street children in partnership with the Angolan Association CACAJ (Arnold Janssen Children’s Centre). Since Samusocial International started its work there, over 300 street children have received specific medico-psychosocial support.



According to UNICEF, 5,000 children live on the streets of Luanda 

The programme acts at three different levels:

  • Improving access to basic services and quality of care provided to street children in Luanda, by assisting the Arnold Janssen Centre with technical means;
  • Strengthening cooperation and networking between non-governmental actors and public institutions/local authorities involved in care and support to street children;
  • Promoting street children’s rights by raising awareness of the living conditions of street children, spreading information and experiences between all entities involved in children’s care.

Samusocial International’s activities

To ensure that access to basic social services are improved for street children in Luanda, the following actions are envisaged:

  • Medico-psychosocial support to vulnerable children by the mobile outreach team and by the Arnold Janssen Centre;
  • Strengthening of Arnold Janssen Centre management with logistical, human resources and financial support;
  • Supporting of the family reinsertion process in partnership with relevant local and national institutions.

Cooperation between professionals from different social entities for street children with local authorities will be strengthened through the following activities:

  • Organising ongoing training sessions for the Arnold Janssen Centre teams;
  • Organising ongoing training sessions for partner teams;
  • Facilitating the exchange of best practices and cooperation between shelter facilities working with street children in Luanda and with local authorities. Organising and developing a network of state and non-state actors working in the social and family reintegration of children and young people.

Information and documentation about the status and rights of vulnerable children will be made available to public and civil society child protection actors through the following activities:

  • Ensuring continual updating of documentation and data about street children;
  • Developing technical guidance documents for the network professionals and organising information and knowledge sharing;
  • Developing advocacy tools for the rights of the most excluded children.

Expected results

Access to basic social services are improved for street children in Luanda through improved technical capacities and means of the Arnold Janssen Centre:

  • 400 street children benefit from medico-psychosocial support support during the two years of the project;
  • 800 children a year receive individual care and social support;
  • 20 street chidren benefit from family tracing each year;
  • 120 children living at the Arnold Janssen Centre participate in educational, vocational and leisure activities.

Sharing and cooperation between professionals from different social facilities for street children along with local authorities will be implemented through training and experience-sharing sessions:

  • 30 professional staff from the Arnold Janssen Centre and partners participate in training sessions, professional exchanges and networking.

Information and documentation about the status and rights of vulnerable children will be made available to public and civil society child protection actors:

  • 40 professionals, decision-makers and public/private stakeholders working with steet children and/or vulnerable children get access to documentation about the situation of street children ad receive technical documentation and guidelines produced during the project;
  • They participate in advocacy events involving street children organised at least once a year in Luanda.


Samu Social International http://www.samu-social-international.com/en/

Samu Social International – Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ssiangola/timeline

Centro de Acolhimento de Crianças http://cacajluanda.org/


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