Location and general information

Red Deporte has been working in Zambia since 1999, in schools and sports spaces, as they are the meeting points for children and teenagers. Health 360 makes use of the popularity of football as a platform to promote health among the most vulnerable population in Zambia, one of the countries with the worst health and inequality indices in Africa. For example, the HIV/AIDS infection rate among women is 16%, double that among men (UNAIDS, 2019). The target group for this project is children and teenagers, with a special focus on empowering young women. The project also promotes support actions in Spain, such as recruiting health volunteers and educators, and generating support for sustainability among football entities.
Project content
Health 360 aims to open a community sports centre that promotes and coordinates the football for health programme among 16 community schools in Lusaka and Mansa. Health promotion is viewed in three dimensions, each with its corresponding curriculum:
- Basic hygiene and prevention of infectious diseases such as COVID-19, HIV/AIDS and malaria
- Prevention of abuse of substances such as alcohol and drugs
- Life skills: raise awareness of the importance of good health for school success and future working life
Overall goal: Guarantee the right to health of children and young teenagers in vulnerable situations
Specific objective: Create a football programme to promote community health that empowers, provides healthcare, reduces the risk of disease and prevents harmful habits in 4,500 children and young people.
Project activities
- Construction of the sports centre
- In Zambia, training of monitors and trainers; in Spain, recruiting and training volunteer health personnel to work in Zambia
- Weekly programme of sport and educational activities and regular festivals; coordination with 16 educational centres in the network.
- Healthcare in community health centres and medical check-ups in schools
- Dissemination of results of football for development among public-private entities
Expected results
- Strengthened self-efficacy against infectious diseases such as COVID-19, HIV/AIDS and malaria, basic hygiene and prevention of substance abuse
- Consolidated network of 30 educator-coaches and 24 school teachers who work in educational and youth centres in Lusaka and Mansa with football as a health promotion tool
- Increased coordination, participation, content and organisation of the football programme for community health in the 16 educational centres
- Improved health care for 800 children and young people in four community health centres